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        Financial support for women under Islamic family law in Bangladesh and Malaysia

        Raihanah ABDULLAH,Taslima MONSOOR,Fuadah JOHARI,Wirdati MOHD RADZI 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2015 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.21 No.4

        This article looks at the application of Islamic Family Law through decisions of the courts on matters of financial support for Muslim women after divorce in Bangladesh and Malaysia. The selection of the two countries was deliberate in that both are former British colonies with Muslim majority populations. In addition, both have ratified the United Nation’s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination on Women (CEDAW), with reservations. Comparative generalization is made, wherein selected cases of alimony in both countries are analysed. Although Bangladesh and Malaysia are both Muslim countries, there are differences and similarities in how the courts in both countries construe legal provisions in making rulings. The differences, as reflected in their decisions, are influenced by various factors, most notably relating to socio-cultural aspects. Artikel ini meninjau aplikasi Undang-undang Keluarga Islam melalui analisis keputusan mahkamah di dalam perkara berkenaan nafkah untuk wanita Islam selepas perceraian di Bangladesh dan Malaysia. Pemilihan dua negara ini adalah khusus memandangkan keduanya adalah negara bekas jajahan British dengan populasi yang majoritinya adalah orang Islam. Tambahan pula, kedua negara ini juga telah menandatangani perjanjian United Nation’s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination on Women (CEDAW), dengan beberapa pengecualian (reservasi). Perbandingan umum digunakan, di mana kes-kes terpilih dalam perkara nafkah di keduadua negara telah dianalisa, Walaupun Bangladesh dan Malaysia keduanya adalah negara majoriti Muslim, terdapat persamaan dan perbezaan di dalam prosedur di mahkamah terutama bagaimana mahkamah di kedua-dua negara mentafsirkan peruntukan undang-undang dalam membuat keputusan. Perbezaan ini, dapat dilihat di dalam keputusan-keputusan mahkamah yang banyak dipengaruhi pelbagai faktor. Antara faktor utama adalah berkaitan aspek sosio-budaya.


        The Malaysian Sharī‘ah Courts : Polygamy, Divorce and the Administration of Justice

        Raihanah Abdullah,Soraya Khairuddin 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2009 Asian Women Vol.25 No.1

        The Malaysian Shar?‘ah Courts are integral to the administration of justice for Muslims.1 This can be seen especially in matters pertaining to personal laws as provided under the Malaysian Federal Constitution. However, women in particular, face various problems at the Shar?‘ah Courts when seeking to secure their rights as provided for under the Islamic Family Law Enactments. Do the provisions in the Enactments cause this situation or is it their implementation? The Shari‘ah Courts, on the other hand, have made significant improvements in their administration, and the lingering perceptions of their inefficiency and biases may be simply an overhang from when they were struggling to remake themselves. This article attempts to clarify the situation. The analyses are based on the judgments and orders of selected Shari’ah Courts in order to gain an insight into how Shari’ah judges interpret written provisions and implement the law.


        The Islamic Legal Provisions for Women’s Share in the Inheritance System: A Reflection on Malaysian Society

        Raihanah Abdullah,Wirdati Mohd Radzi,Fuadah Johari,Golam Dastagir 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2014 Asian Women Vol.30 No.1

        Characterized as divinely ordained, the Islamic law of inheritance defines women’s rights to property of the deceased with specific roles and responsibilities for each individual. Obviously, the Islamic law of inheritance is a major contribution to the legal system of the world, compared to the customary laws in the pre?Islamic Arab society that denied any proprietary right by way of inheritance to female relatives including daughters. However, the jurisprudential inquiry into the legal nature of inheritance rights of women entails a close analysis of various factors, including the contemporary socio?economic conditions of Muslim women. This paper revisits the historical and social aspects of the Islamic legal provisions with regard to inheritance rights in an effort to determine if the legal provision has merits to be implemented in light of the changing socio?economic conditions of women in Muslim majority states. It argues that a much clearer position that reflects the changing role of women needs to be postulated, though the challenge is to determine whether the Islamic epistemological position allows any room for restructuring the Islamic legal provision from the perspective of the current situation of Muslim nations such as Malaysia. An examination of the position of Muslim women’s rights to property on the basis of the ontological, epistemological, and methodological aspects of legal rulings in Islam prompts us to call for a novel method of thinking, understanding, and implementing the Islamic inheritance provisions against the backdrop of the present globalized but stereotyped Muslim world. To that end, it concludes with the suggestion of enacting what can be called in modern terms “by?laws” within the Islamic framework in juxtaposition with the existing law of Islamic society in general, and that of Malaysia in particular.


        Scheherazad’s Daughters : Views From A Muslim Diasporic Woman Writer

        RUZY SULIZA, Hashim,RAIHANAH, M.M,NORAINI, Md. Yusof 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2013 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.19 No.3

        In this paper, we discuss the works of Mohja Kahf, specifically her anthology of poetry Emails from Scheherazad and her novel, The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf, to show the challenges facing a Muslim practising Islam within the context of post 9/11. Mohja Kahf, of Syrian origin and now a creative writer and educator of literature residing in America, describes the experiences of the diasporic Muslim community as it adapts to its new home and foreign American customs, behaviour, and people. We will show the ways in which she comprehends her situation of being a hyphenated identity and what stereotypes of Muslims she debunks, rejects, or affirms. How she resolves the conflict of being a minority in a community where Islam is perceived with suspicion and sometimes derision will also be explored in our analysis of her works. There will undoubtedly be clashes, misunderstandings, and conflicts of opinions, but the learning curve of the diasporic resident will gradually become less precipitous, the slopes more gentle as she begins to negotiate the terrain. Kahf's works show a resolution of East-West conflicts as she comes to terms with the realities of being a hyphenated identity in America, and how she negotiates old ways with practices of the new host land. Dalam makalah ini, kami membincangkan karya-karya Mohja Kahfi, khususnya antologi puisi beliau bertajuk Emails from Scheherazad dan novel, The Girl in Tangerine Scarf, untuk menunjukkan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh seorang wanita Islam yang mengamalkan agama Islam dalam konteks pasca 9/11. Mohja Kahfi yang berasal dari Syria dan kini seorang penulis kreatif dan pendidik sastera yang tinggal di Amerika, menggambarkan pengalaman masyarakat diaspora Islam yang telah berhijrah ke tempat baru dan cuba menyesuaikan diri dengan suasana baru dan adat serta amalan Amerika yang asing. Kami menunjukkan bagaimana Kahf menangani identiti bersengkang sebagai seorang Syria-Amerika dan apakah yang dilakukan di dalam penulisannya untuk mengesahkan atau menyanggah stereotaip pencitraan penganut Islam di Amerika. Kahf memberi penekanan kepada isu minoriti dalam masyarakat Amerika di mana Islam dilihat dengan syak wasangka dan kadang-kadang diejek. Kahf menggambarkan perselisihan dan percanggahan pendapat, tetapi keluk pembelajaran pemastautin warga diaspora di Amerika secara beransur-ansur menjadi lebih harmonis. Penulisan Kahfi menunjukkan penyelesaian konflik Timur-Barat kerana dia sedar bahawa identiti barunya dan penhijrahan wajar memanfaatkan dua budaya yakni amalan Islam dan budaya Amerika.

      • KCI등재

        The Legal Recognition of a Wife’s Rights of Harta Sepencharian in Malaysia

        Mohd Norhusairi Mat Hussin,Raihanah Abdullah,Nahid Ferdousi,Wirdati Mohd Radzi 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2023 Asian Women Vol.39 No.1

        The distribution of Harta Sepencharian (classical Malay language for “matrimonial property”) is a complex area within Islamic jurisprudence. The primary reason for the division of Harta Sepencharian is to acknowledge the ownership of each spouse (husband and wife), either directly or indirectly, to the property/ies acquired during their marriage and the means to divide the property/ies accordingly in the event of divorce or death. In Malaysia, the Shari’ah Court plays a vital role in ensuring fair and equitable protection of Muslim Malay women’s rights to matrimonial property. The issue arises when there is a dispute as to the quantum of property distribution, especially if there is a divorce or when one spouse is deceased without leaving any will or clear instructions regarding property distribution. This study analyzes the Harta Sepencharian distribution practices and the governing statutes that dictate proper guidelines on how property is divided, whether jointly or solely acquired in Malaysia. This will include a discussion on the jurisdiction of the Shari’ah Court in recognizing women’s rights and contributions for a fair distribution of the Harta Sepencharian, vis-à-vis the relevant provisions and decided cases.

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