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        Peter Woods(피터 우즈) 서울행정학회 2005 서울행정학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.- No.-

        It takes a disaster like a tsunami for people to recognise our common humanity and to act. The true nature of globalisation can only be found in how we choose to use the good things that globalisation offers, and alleviate the bad. Our experience of globalisation of economic, social and environmental questions exposes us to both positive and negative influences, but presents us with opportunities to work together for the common good. Local globalisation can help us maintain our common humanity at other times, by thinking globally and acting locally. The energy for acting locally is being focused through local government because unlike national and state governments, local government is part of its community. By their very nature, local councils can take the principles enshrined in globalisation and translate them into local action, whether economic, social or environmental. All cities must come to see themselves as players in the global partnership envisaged by Millennium Development Goal Eight which embodies local globalisation. Local giobalisation is about having a shared vision to alleviate poverty and improve human development. It is a tonic for the economic, social and environmental challenges which often look insurmountable when viewed globally. Having a shared vision brings us together as one global community, where we stand or fall on our ability to work together. Local globalisation gives us the perspective to measure our progress, our wins and losses, to guide the way we allocate funds and effort, know when we are on the right track or need to change the way we do things.

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