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        골반벽을 침윤한 재발성 자궁경부암 환자에 대한 시술 1 예보고

        박상윤(SY Park),이경화(KH Lee),김종훈(JH Kim),김병기(BG Kim),이의돈(ED Rhee),이경희(KH Lee),박기복(KB Park),황대용(DY Hwang),이강현(KH Lee),김미숙(MS Kim),조철구(CG Cho) 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.11

        The search for new treatment modalities for patients with recurrent gynecologic tumors infiltrating the pelvic wall appears to be of high priority in gynecologic oncology since the prognosis of these patients treated by conventional methods is very poor, although a significant number of patients might be cured if local control could be achieved. Recently, a combined operative and radiotherapeutic treatment(CORT) was developed for the treatment of pelvic wall recurrence based on considerations of tumor and radiation biology. We have experienced one case of CORT with good result. This case is presented with a brief review of the literatures.


        Induction of apoptosis by the ginsenoside Rh2 by internalization of lipid rafts and caveolae and inactivation of Akt : Rh2 affects raft internalization and Akt

        Park, E-K,Lee, EJ,Lee, S-H,Koo, KH,Sung, JY,Hwang, EH,Park, JH,Kim, C-W,Jeong, K-C,Park, B-K,Kim, Y-N Wiley (Blackwell Publishing) 2010 British journal of pharmacology Vol.160 No.5

        <P>Background and purpose: Lipid rafts and caveolae are membrane microdomains with important roles in cell survival signalling involving the Akt pathway. Cholesterol is important for the structure and function of these microdomains. The ginsenoside Rh2 exhibits anti-tumour activity. Because Rh2 is structurally similar to cholesterol, we investigated the possibility that Rh2 exerted its anti-tumour effect by modulating rafts and caveolae. Experimental approach: A431 cells (human epidermoid carcinoma cell line) were treated with Rh2 and the effects on cell apoptosis, raft localization and Akt activation measured. We also examined the effects of over-expression of Akt and active-Akt on Rh2-induced cell death. Key results: Rh2 induced apoptosis concentration- and time-dependently. Rh2 reduced the levels of rafts and caveolae in the plasma membrane and increased their internalization. Furthermore, Akt activity was decreased and consequently, Akt-dependent phosphorylation of Bad, a pro-survival protein, was decreased whereas the pro-apoptotic proteins, Bim and Bax, were increased upon Rh2 treatment. Unlike microdomain internalization induce by cholesterol depletion, Rh2-mediated internalization of rafts and caveolae was not reversed by cholesterol addition. Also, cholesterol addition did not restore Akt activation or rescue cells from Rh2-induced cell death. Rh2-induced cell death was attenuated in MDA-MB-231 cells over-expressing either wild-type or dominant-active Akt. Conclusions and implications: Rh2 induced internalization of rafts and caveolae, leading to Akt inactivation, and ultimately apoptosis. Because elevated levels of membrane rafts and caveolae, and Akt activation have been correlated with cancer development, internalization of these microdomains by Rh2 could potentially be used as an anti-cancer therapy.</P>

      • KCI등재

        X선 골반계측에 관한 산과학적 고찰

        박기홍(KH Park),박은정(EJ Park),김원희(WW Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.1

        1977년 1월 1일부터 1979년 6월 30일까지 만 2년 6개월간 부산대학병원 산부인과에 내원하여 Colcher-Sussman X선 골반게측의 적응이 되었던 149례에 대하여 그당시에 측정하였던 골반의 각경선과 분만직후에 측정하였던 신생아체중 및 측두경을 이용하여 아두골반불균형과의 관계를 고찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 임신 37주 이후에 분만한 산모중 X선골반계측의 적응의 빈도는 17.7%였다. 2. 119레의 X선 골반게측을 요한 두위난산례에 있어 정상질식분만이 19.3%, 흡입 및 감자분만이 41.2% 제절율은 39.5%였다. 3. 골반입구의 전후경이 10.0 cm 이하일 때 제절율은 66.7%로서 10.0-10.4 cm군의 44.8%, 10.5 cm이상군의 32.0%와 현저한 차이가 있었다. 4. 골반입구의 횡경의 크기에 따른 분만방식의 차이는 현저하지 않았다. 5. 골반입구의 전후경과 신생아측두경의 차가 1.0cm이하군에서는 제절율이 51.8%이었고, 특히 신생아체중이 3,500 gm이상인 군에서는 60%로 나타났으며 1.0-1.9 cm군에서 제절율은 23.1%, 그리고 2.0 cm이상군에서는 11.8%를 나타내었다. 6. 중위골반의 횡경이 8.5 cm이하군 및 8.5-8.9 cm군에서는 제절율이 각각 100%, 75.0%로 현저히 높았고, 흡입 및 감자분만은 9.0-9.4 cm군과 9.5 cm이상군에서 각각 43.5%로 빈도가 높았다. 7. 중위골반의 횡경과 신생아의 측두경의 차이는 분만결과와 별관계가 없었다. 8. 골반입구부의 형태학적 분류는 남성형이 51.3%로 가장 빈도가 높았고, 태아두위는 좌측이 71.4%로 빈번하였다. 9. 유도분만목적으로 X선골반계측을 한 18레중 제절율은 11.1%였다. 10. X선골반계측에 의한 골반판정의 분만결과는 골반게측치가 질식분만에 적절하다고 판정된 65례 중 2례(3.1%)에서 제절술이 시행되었고, 경계부의 아두골반불균형으로 판정된 48레 중 23례(47.9%)에서 제절술이 시행되었다. This study was carried out retrospectively based on the clinical charts of 149 obstetrical patients who had X-ray pelvimetry for various indications from Jan. 1, 1977 to Jun. 30, 1979. Number of total deliveries at the Dept. of Ob.& Gyn., BNUH during that period was 841. The various diameters of the pelvis were measured by the Colcher-Sussman technique and the biparietal diameter and weight of baby were checked immediately after delivery. X-ray pelvimetry has been widely used over the years and has been generally accepted as oneof the clinical tools in evaluating cephalopelvic disproportion but since labor and its outcome are a very delicate and dynamic process, the author mainly concerned to relationships between pelvic diameter and fetal weight-size factors in this study. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Incidence of X-ray pelvimetry on pregnant woman after 37 gestational weeks was 17.7% 2. 119 patients had X-ray pelvimetry because of prolonged labor with vertex presentation, among these patients, 23(19.3) were delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery, 49 (41.2%) were by vacuum of forceps delivery, and the ramaining 47(39.5%) by c-section. 3. When the A-P diameter of the inlet was less than 10.0 cm, the c-section rate was 66.7%, while 10.0cm to 10.4 group and 10.5 cm or more group showed rates of 44.8% and 39.5% respectively. 4. Measurements of the transverse diameter of the inlet did effect little to the outcome of delivery. 5. When the difference of A-P diameter of the inlet and the biparietal diameter of the neonates head was less than 1.0cm, the c-section rate was 51.3%, however, when the difference was between 1.0cm and 1.9cm, the c-section rate was 23.1%, and 2.0cm or more, the rate was 11.8%. 6. When the transverse diameter of the midepelvis was less than 8.5 cm, all babies were delivered abdominally, but in the group in which the diameter was between 8.5 cm and 8.9 cm, c-section rate was 75%. In 9.0cm-9.4 as well as 9.5cm or more, vacuum or forceps deliveries were more frequent. 7. the difference between the transverse diameter of midepelvis and the newborn biparieta diameter was not significant to the outcome of delivery. 8. In the classification of pelvic shapes, android type was the most frequent and in the position of fetal head, left occiput was more frequent than right. 9. When the X-ray pelvimetry was indicated for electivey induction, the subsequent c-section rate was 11.1%). 10. Among 65 patients who was considered to have adequate pelvis according to X-ray pelvimetry, only 2(3.1%) ended up with c-section and among 48 patients who had possible borderline cephalopelvic disproportion, the c-section was done in 23 cases(47.8%).

      • KCI등재

        Behcet 증후

        박기현(KH Park),문영기(YK Moon) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.9

        최근 Behcet씨병에 완전한 이해와 관심을 갖고 외음부궤양을 주소로 한 환자를 조사하여 우리 나라에도 많은 환자가 있음을 발견하였고 이를 위하여 피부과, 안과 및 신경과의 협력 이 요망된다. 앞으로 더욱 임상적 연구를 하여 원인을 찾고 진단치료면에서 더욱 발전하여 야 할 것으로 사료된다. Frequent finding of Behcet´s syndrome among Korean women has received increasing attention. With the recognition of Behcet`s syndrome and interdepartmental cooperation of gynecologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist and neurologist, more Behcet`s syndrome can be found. The pathogenesis and principal method of treatment, however, have not been carified. General review and 2 cases of Behcet`s syndrome were briefly summarized.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        조기분만진통 산모에서 양수내 감염 및 백혈구수와 태반의 염증성 병변과의 관련성에 관한 연구

        박교훈(KH Park),윤보현(BH Yoon),문신용(SY Moon) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.8

        Background: Acute inflammatory lesions in the placenta is one of the most common histopathologic lesions of that obtained from women with preterm labor and intact membrane. However there is a paucity of scientific evidence to support the association between amniotic fluid known to be the gold standard in diagnosing intraamniotic infection, amniotic fluid white blood cell count and pathologic placental examination. objective: Our objective was to determine the relationship between amniotic fluid culture, amniotic fluid shite blood cell counts and the presence and severity of acute inflammatory lesions in the placenta delivered after preterm labor with intact membrane. Study design: Placental histologic examination and amniotic fluid cultrue, amniotic fluid white blood cell counts were performed in 74 patients admitted with preterm labor and intact membranes and delivered within 72 hours after amniocentesis. Results: The prevalence of a positive amniotic fluid culture was 24.3%(18/74) and that of acute inflammatory lesions in placenta was 58.1%(43/74). Positive amniotic fluid culture had a sensitivity of 39.5%(17/43) and a specificity of 96.8%(30/31)in the identification of acute histologic chorioamnionitis(p

      • KCI등재

        사춘기의 생리적 변화

        박기현(KH Park) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.12

        사춘기개시에 있어서 신체적 및 성적발육은 비교적 질서있게 나타나며 예상이 비교적 가능한 시기에 나타난다. 그러나 개개인에 따라 많은 변화가 있다. 최근 수년간에 정밀한 홀몬측정법에 힘입어 사춘기시에 내분비변화와 신체적변화의 상관성을 연구하는데 많은 도움이 되었다. 사춘기에 있어서 신체적, 성적 및 내분비계의 상호관계를 정확히 이해함은 사춘기 또는 청년기에 있어서 성장과 발육에 있어서 발생되는 문제점을 처치하는데 큰 도움을 줄 것이다.

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