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        Gender Construction in Five Japanese Serial Dramas : Fantasy and the Real Lives of Japanese Youth

        POERWANDARI, Elizabeth Kristi,THOUARS DE, Tara,HIRANO, Keiko 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2014 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.20 No.2

        本研究の目的は, 日本の連続ドラマにおけるジェンダーの構造を捉え, ドラマが新たなそして異なる役割や価値観を提示しているか検討することにある。本稿では5つの日本のドラマ,「アネゴ(Anego)」,「女帝(Jotei)」, 「曲げられない女(Magerarenai Onna)」「おひとりさま(Ohitorisama)」「フリーター, 家を買う(Freeter Ie O Kau)」, を分析対象としている。分析結果は幾つかの主要なテーマに分類された。ドラマの中で多くの女性はいまだステレオタイプの女性役割にとらわれており, 自立を試みるときには幾つかの障害や苦難に直面する。しかしながら, 数少ないながらも(ドラマの主役である)女性が女性の複数のアイデンティティを生きるためにたたかっている。これらの連続ドラマは新たなジェンダーイデオロギーとジェンダー関係の構築を示しており, それによって女性と男性はより平等なパートナーシップを進展させ, より自由な, ステレオタイプにとらわれない性的関係を構築することが可能である。本稿で選定したドラマは, 現代日本の複雑な日常生活を反映したもので, 日本が直面している経済的困難の文脈を踏まえたものである。ここで表象されているのは, 新たな生活であり, これまでとは異なるジェンダー関係に関する夢想でありファンタジーである。メディアは人々に影響を与え, 新たな生活様式を構築するにあたって非常に重要な役割を担っている。ジェンダーイデオロギー, ジェンダー関係を変容させるにあたり, ポップカルチャー, 特に連続ドラマは, 現代日本の若年層の実生活を漸進的に構築しているのである。ドラマはまた, インドネシアでも人気を博しており, インドネシア人若年層にも同様に影響を与えているというデータを得た。 This study aims to capture how gender is constructed in Japanese serial dramas and to see whether they provide new or different roles and values. This study looks at five Japanese serial dramas which include: “Anego,” “Jotei,” “Magerarenai Onna,” “Ohitorisama” and “Freeter Ie O Kau.” The research results can be grouped under a few dominant themes. It was observed that the majority of women in these dramas are still trapped in stereotypical feminine roles who may try to struggle for independence but still face several obstacles and misery. However, a small number of women (the main protagonists of these dramas) fight to embrace different female identities. These serials also suggest a new construction of gender ideology and relations, whereby women and men can develop more equal partnerships and more liberated non-stereotypical sexual relations. The dramas selected in this study reflect the complex lives of people in contemporary Japan, the challenges they face in the context of economic hardship, and the dreams or fantasies about different and possible new lives. Essentially, media plays quite a significant role in influencing people and in the construction of new ways of life. With changing gender ideology and relations, serial dramas are gradually constructing new norms in real lives for the young generation in contemporary Japan. Because these dramas are also popular in Indonesia, we present some data on their influence in the lives of Indonesian youth as well. Penelitian ini bermaksud menelaah konstruksi gender dalam drama seri Jepang, dan mencoba melihat apakah drama-drama tersebut menampilkan peran dan nilai baru atau berbeda. Yang diteliti adalah lima drama Jepang, yaitu: “Anego,” “Jotei,” “Magerarenai Onna,” “Ohitorisama” dan “Freeter Ie O Kau”, dan temuan dapat dikelompokkan pada beberapa tema dominan. Dapat dilihat bahwa mayoritas perempuan masih terjebak dalam peran-peran feminine yang stereotip, dan ketika mereka berupaya membebaskan diri, mereka menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan penderitaan. Meski demikian, sejumlah kecil perempuan (tokoh utama protagonis dari drama) menunjukkan perjuangan untuk dapat merangkul identitas perempuan yang berbeda. Drama-drama yang diteliti menawarkan konstruksi dari ideologi dan relasi gender yang berbeda, dimana perempuan dan laki-laki dapat mengembangkan kemitraan yang lebih setara, serta relasi seksual yang lebih bebas tanpa stereotip. Drama yang diteliti merefleksikan kehidupan kompleks dari masyarakat Jepang, termasuk tantangan-tantangan yang mereka hadapi dalam konteks ekonomi Negara yang sulit. Mimpi dan fantasi mengenai karakteristik hidup dan relasi yang berbeda juga ditampilkan di sini. Media berperan sangat besar dalam mempengaruhi masyarakat dan mengkonstruksi cara hidup yang berbeda. Dengan ideologi dan relasi gender yang berubah, budaya popular, khususnya drama seri, secara pelahan mengkonstruksi kenyataan hidup baru yang berbeda bagi generasi muda Jepang. Drama-drama ini popular juga di Indonesia, dan tampaknya memberikan pengaruh pada orang muda di Indonesia juga.


        Pro-women's policy advocacy movements in Indonesia : Struggles and reflections

        Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari,Ratna Batara Munti,Jackie Viemilawati 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2018 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.24 No.4

        The struggle of the Indonesian women’s movement to advocate for pro-women legislation during the period 1998 to 2017 has had significant achievements and lessons to demonstrate. This paper reports on how women’s groups organized themselves for policy advocacy under the Jaringan Kerja Prolegnas Pro Perempuan or JKP3 (the Network for Pro-Women National Legislation Programme) in the Reformation Era. This is based on literature review, observation and participation in various activities conducted by the network and an analysis of field notes and documents. The network faces significant obstacles and challenges from external parties, namely the government, legislators in parliament, and the general public. The obstacles and challenges faced include lack of concern and understanding about gender equality, rejection of pro-women perspectives, certain religious teachings which limit women’s rights or roles, lack of concern on the part of the bureaucracy and the political attitudes of legislators. Meanwhile, the network also faces various significant challenges of the internal dynamics among different groups. These lead us to identify significant lessons about approaches and strategies. The paper ends with discussion and recommendations for further advocacy work and research on pro-women policy advocacy. Perjuangan gerakan perempuan Indonesia untuk mengadvokasikan kebijakan yang peduli atau berpihak pada perempuan selama periode 1998 hingga 2017 menunjukkan keberhasilan dan pembelajaran yang signifikan. Artikel ini melaporkan bagaimana kelompok-kelompok perempuan berorganisasi bersama untuk advokasi kebijakan di bawah Jaringan Kerja Prolegnas Pro Perempuan (JKP3) di masa reformasi. Tulisan didasarkan pada reviu literatur, pengamatan dan partisipasi di berbagai aktivitas yang dilaksanakan oleh jaringan, serta analisis terhadap catatan lapangan dan dokumen. Jaringan menghadapi berbagai kendala dan tantangan dari luar, baik itu pemerintah, anggota legislatif di parlemen, dan masyarakat umum. Kendala dan tantangan yang dihadapi menyangkut kurangnya kepedulian dan pemahaman mengenai kesetaraan gender, serta penolakan terhadap perspektif yang berpihak pada perempuan. Ada pula ajaran atau interpretasi agama yang membatasi hak dan peran perempuan, kurangnya kepedulian birokrat, serta sikap yang terlalu politis dari anggota legislatif. Sementara itu, jaringan juga menghadapi berbagai tantangan signifikan terkait dinamika bekerja bersama di dalam jaringan. Ini mengajak kita untuk mengidentifikasi pembelajaranpembelajaran yang berarti mengenai pendekatan dan strategi. Tulisan diakhiri dengan diskusi dan rekomendasi mengenai kerja-kerja advokasi selanjutnya, serta mengenai riset terkait kebijakan yang peduli pada perempuan.

      • KCI등재

        Gender Construction in Five Japanese Serial Dramas:Fantasy and the Real Lives of Japanese Youth

        Elizabeth Kristi POERWANDARI,Tara DE THOUARS,Keiko HIRANO 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2014 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.20 No.2

        This study aims to capture how gender is constructed in Japanese serial dramas and to see whether they provide new or different roles and values. This study looks at five Japanese serial dramas which include: “Anego,” “Jotei,” “Magerarenai Onna,” “Ohitorisama” and “Freeter Ie O Kau.” The research results can be grouped under a few dominant themes. It was observed that the majority of women in these dramas are still trapped in stereotypical feminine roles who may try to struggle for independence but still face several obstacles and misery. However, a small number of women (the main protagonists of these dramas) fight to embrace different female identities. These serials also suggest a new construction of gender ideology and relations, whereby women and men can develop more equal partnerships and more liberated non-stereotypical sexual relations. The dramas selected in this study reflect the complex lives of people in contemporary Japan, the challenges they face in the context of economic hardship, and the dreams or fantasies about different and possible new lives. Essentially, media plays quite a significant role in influencing people and in the construction of new ways of life. With changing gender ideology and relations, serial dramas are gradually constructing new norms in real lives for the young generation in contemporary Japan. Because these dramas are also popular in Indonesia, we present some data on their influence in the lives of Indonesian youth as well.

      • KCI등재

        How Ideas Migrate : Reflections from an International Comparative Project

        PORTER, Marilyn,POERWANDARI, Kristi Asian Center for Women's Study ; Ewha Womans Unive 2008 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.14 No.3

        This paper takes a different approach to the topic of ‘migration,’ attempting to explain how ideas migrate and how people’s ideas change as they themselves move either geographically or in terms of their family position. We look first at the experience of migration for women in Indonesia and Newfoundland. We also pay attention to how ideas change as women age and join a different generation. We then look at how our own ideas change as a result of working with colleagues from a different cultural background, especially in the context of comparative studies of women’s lives. In our conclusion we look at what this approach to the ‘migration of ideas’ tells us about the consequences for women’s situations

      • KCI등재

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