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      • Information Technology in Incentive Management in Student Learning

        Bakhmat, Nataliia,Ridei, Nataliia,Liubarets, Vladyslava,Ivashchenko, Victoria,Petrovska, Olga,Averina, Kateryna International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.2

        The main idea of the work is to address issues related to the activation of incentives in students of educational institutions, as an integral part of motivation in pedagogy, which is one of the priorities of higher education, in turn, the correct and timely application of motivational factors allows qualitative analysis, on the activation of cognitive interest in training. The purpose of the article is to study and qualitatively assess the methods and ways to stimulate students while studying in higher education. In solving the set tasks, a qualitative analysis of the known literature on the definition and application of motivation in the educational process. Definitely a stimulating process as a factor of psychological motivation. It is concluded that neither in understanding the essence of the stimulus, its role in the regulation of behavior, nor in understanding the relationship between stimulation and stimulus does not exist.

      • Formation of Resilience in the Context of Volunteer Activities Using Information and Communications Technology

        Lazarenko, NataLiia,Sabat, Nataliia,Sabat, Nadiia,Sylenko, Nadiia,Rundong, Wang,Duchenko, Anna,Shuppe, Liudmyla International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.6

        The article identifies and theoretically substantiates the trends of national resilience in the context of establishing the security of the country and its civilizational subjectivity. The strategy of development of the pedagogical university in the conditions of European integration into the European educational and scientific space based on certain characterological features of the personality of the volunteer in the context of allocation of personal resilience is developed. The analysis of both external and internal challenges and threats to the civilization of the country needs to be understood in the context of economic, socio-political, legal, military-political, spiritual-cultural, educational-scientific and network-information resilience. The concepts of "national resilience" and "national security" are quite close - at first glance, even identical. However, a deeper understanding clarifies the differences: national security is a state of protection of the country identity and its very existence, the realization of its national interests. In turn, resilience is a fairly effective strategy and a fundamental guarantee of national security. At the same time, it is extremely important to understand that both national security as a state and national resilience as a strategy are only means of achieving and developing a strong and humanistic civilizational subjectivity of the country. After all, such subjectivity opens for citizens the opportunity for development, dignified self-realization and a proper life. The restructuring of the volunteer's motivational sphere is due to the dominance of such leading motives, which are focused mainly on maintaining and restoring health, which leads to distorted meaningful life goals: isolation, alienation, passivity, inertia, reduced activity, limited communication, etc. The characteristics of relatively stable human behavior include several primary and secondary properties. The primary (relevant) properties include patience, trust, hope, faith, confidence, determination, perseverance, and love; the secondary - punctuality, neatness, obedience, honesty, loyalty, justice, diligence, thrift, accuracy, conscientiousness, obligation, etc. The restructuring of the volunteer's motivational sphere is due to the dominance of such leading motives, which are focused mainly on maintaining and restoring health, which leads to distorted meaningful life goals: isolation, alienation, passivity, inertia, reduced activity, limited communication, etc. The characteristics of relatively stable human behavior include several primary and secondary properties. The primary (relevant) properties include patience, trust, hope, faith, confidence, determination, perseverance, and love; the secondary - punctuality, neatness, obedience, honesty, loyalty, justice, diligence, thrift, accuracy, conscientiousness, obligation, etc. The use of information and communication technologies in volunteering will contribute to the formation of resilience traits in the structure of personality formation. Directly to the personal traits of resilience should be included methodological competencies, which include methodological knowledge, skills and abilities (ability to define ultimate and intermediate goals, plan, conduct and analyze knowledge, establish and implement interdisciplinary links with disciplines of medical-psychological-pedagogical cycles, etc.). All these competencies form the professional resilience of the volunteer.

      • Integrated Model of the Higher Education Financing Under the Quadruple Helix Concept

        Kholiavko, Nataliia,Zhavoronok, Artur,Shaposhnykov, Kostiantyn,Krylov, Denys,Morozova, Liudmyla,Babiak, Nataliia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.7

        Rapid growth of the higher education role in ensuring the socio-economic and innovative development of the national economy in the context of the development of the information society and the knowledge economy is observed. Achieving positive synergistic effects of the higher education development requires proper funding for university education and research. The existing funding models for national higher education systems in a number of developing countries need modernization in accordance with the modern challenges of economic and innovative development. The purpose of the article is to formulate theoretical - methodological and applied foundations for the development and implementation of the integrated model of the higher education financing under the Quadruple Helix concept. At the center of the developed model are the areas of interaction identified by the authors, namely: Personnel, Science, Management, Innovation, Social area. This made it possible to specify the interests of all stakeholders and orient the activities of higher education institutions to the satisfaction of these interests. Effective implementation of the integrated Model of the higher education financing requires increasing the level of investment attractiveness and practical value of university research; activation of innovative development of enterprises; state stimulation of business participation in university research and education; harmonization of current legislation with EU standards. Implementation of the Model will diversify sources of funding for universities, increase their level of economic security and achieve integrated synergies from the interaction of universities, business, government and the public (as the main stakeholders within the Quadruple Helix concept).

      • Information Technologies In Teaching: The Basis Of Students' Knowledge

        Morska, Nataliia,Fedorenko, Olena,Davydova, Olha,Andreev, Vitaly,Bohatyryova, Galina,Shcherbakova, Nataliia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.2

        The paper proposes to consider information technologies and their application in the educational process as a preparation of presentation material for students of higher educational institutions. The definition and place of information technologies in the educational space are considered. The object of research of this work is the pedagogical technology of presentation of educational information, which substantiates the pedagogical technology of visualization of educational information in higher education, as well as determine its composition and structure. The practical side of pedagogical technology of educational information presentation is considered.

      • The Use of Innovative Distance Learning Technologies in the Training of Biology Students

        Biletska, Halyna,Mironova, Nataliia,Kazanishena, Natalia,Skrypnyk, Serhii,Mashtakova, Nataliia,Mordovtseva, Nataliia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.11

        The main purpose of the study is to identify the key aspects of the use of innovative distance learning technologies in the training of biology students. Currently, there is a modernization, the evolution of the education system from a classical university to a virtual one, from lecture material teaching to computer educational programs, from a book library to a computer one, from multi-volume paper encyclopedias to modern search databases. During studies in higher education, distance learning ensures the delivery of information in an interactive mode through the use of information and communication technologies. The main disadvantage of distance learning is the emotional interaction of the teacher with students. It is necessary to increase the level of methodological developments for independent studies of students. The methodology includes a number of theoretical methods. Based on the results of the study, the main elements of the use of innovative distance learning technologies in the training of biology students were identified.

      • Criminal and Legal Countermeasures against Cybercrime in the Conditions of Martial Law

        Nataliia, Veselovska,Serhii, Krushynskyi,Oleh, Kravchuk,Olеksandr, Punda,Ivan, Piskun International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.12

        The article is devoted to the consideration of the features of the application of criminal and legal countermeasures against cybercrime in the conditions of martial law. While conducting this research, we found an opportunity to formulate the author's recommendations for solving the most complex law enforcement problems, as well as to propose changes to the Criminal Code of Ukraine aimed at eliminating the flaws of the analyzed Law, the adoption of which will contribute to the achievement of higher efficiency of the relevant criminal law prescriptions. It is argued that the removal of the previously existing in the footnote of Art. 361 of the Criminal Code of a fundamentally important caveat regarding the fact that when assessing "significant damage", the mentioned property equivalent was to be taken into account only when such damage consisted in causing material damage, which led to a significant and unjustified narrowing of the scope of potential application of Part 4 of Article 361 of the Criminal Code.

      • Automatic Gesture Recognition for Human-Machine Interaction: An Overview

        Nataliia, Konkina International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.1

        With the increasing reliance of computing systems in our everyday life, there is always a constant need to improve the ways users can interact with such systems in a more natural, effective, and convenient way. In the initial computing revolution, the interaction between the humans and machines have been limited. The machines were not necessarily meant to be intelligent. This begged for the need to develop systems that could automatically identify and interpret our actions. Automatic gesture recognition is one of the popular methods users can control systems with their gestures. This includes various kinds of tracking including the whole body, hands, head, face, etc. We also touch upon a different line of work including Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), Electromyography (EMG) as potential additions to the gesture recognition regime. In this work, we present an overview of several applications of automated gesture recognition systems and a brief look at the popular methods employed.

      • Modern Linguistics: Theoretical Aspects of the Development of Cognitive Semantics

        Nataliia Mushyrovska,Liudmyla Yursa,Oksana Neher,Iryna Pavliuk International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2023 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.23 No.6

        This article presents an examination of the major cognitive-semantic theories in linguistics (Langacker, Lakoff, Fillmore, Croft). The CST's foundations are discussed concerning the educational policy changes, which are necessary to improve the linguistic disciplines in the changing context of higher education, as well as the empowerment and development of the industry. It is relevant in the light of the linguistic specialists' quality training and the development of effective methods of language learning. Consideration of the theories content, tools, and methods of language teaching, which are an important component of quality teaching and the formation of a set of knowledge and skills of students of linguistic specialties, remains crucial. This study aims to establish the main theoretical positions and directions of cognitive-semantic theory in linguistics, determine the usefulness of teaching the basics of cognitive linguistics, the feasibility of using methods of cognitive-semantic nature in the learning process. During the research, the methods of linguistic description and observation, analysis, and synthesis were applied. The result of the study is to establish the need to study basic linguistic theories, as well as general theoretical precepts of cognitive linguistics, which remains one of the effective directions in the postmodern mainstream. It also clarifies the place of the main cognitive-semantic theories in the teaching linguistics' practice of the XXI century.

      • The Formation of Managerial Competence of the Future Head of Preschool Education by Means of Information and Communication Technologies

        Nataliia, Dudnyk,Valentyna, Kryvda,Svitlana, Popychenco,Nelia, Skrypnyk,Tetiana, Duka International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.9

        The article deals with the formation of managerial competence of the future head of preschool education institution by means of information and communication technology as a prerequisite for his ability to act competently and objectively evaluate actions and understand the interaction of forms and content of preschool education. The article aimed to study the effectiveness of information and communication technologies in the formation of managerial competence of the future head of preschool education institution. To achieve the objectives, the methods of comparative and systematic analysis were used to compare different views on the problem under study, namely, the formation of managerial competence of the future head of preschool education institution by means of information and communication technologies. The authors of the article determined that the use of information and communication technologies in the preparation of future heads of preschool educational institutions is of great importance and is an indicator in the structure of managerial competence. The priority directions of the use of various software products for the study of the modern Ukrainian language, methods of teaching the Ukrainian language contribute to the intensification of learning material. It is noted that the current state of development of information technologies and their widespread use in education satisfies the requirements of the objectivity of the assessment obtained the quality of the control process of forming the managerial competence of the future leader in the context of the general problems of pre-school education. It is noted that the means of information and communication technologies play a leading role in creating new educational policies and projects, as they motivate the way of access to knowledge.

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