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        Effect of Sources of Supplementary Protein on Intake, Digestion and Efficiency of Energy Utilization in Buffaloes Fed Wheat Straw Based Diets

        Mehra, U.R.,Khan, M.Y.,Lal, Murari,Hasan, Q.Z.,Das, Asit,Bhar, R.,Verma, A.K.,Dass, R.S.,Singh, P. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.5

        Sixteen adult male buffaloes (average body weight $443{\pm}14kg$) were equally distributed into four groups in an experiment to study the effect of supplementary protein sources on energy utilization efficiency in buffaloes fed a wheat straw-based diet. The animals in the control group were offered a basal diet composed of 700 g deoiled ground nut cake and ad libitum wheat straw. Animals of other groups were offered 1.8 kg of soyabean meal (SBM), linseed meal (LSM) or mustard cake (MC) along with the basal diet. Protein supplementation increased the digestibility of DM (p<0.01), OM (p<0.01) CP (p<0.01) and CF (p<0.05). Maximum CP digestibility was observed on SBM, followed by LSM and MC when compared to the control. Total DMI and DOMI was significantly (p<0.01) higher in protein supplemented groups with no differences between treatment groups. Digestible crude protein (DCP) intake and N balance were significantly (p<0.01) different between the groups; maximum response was obtained with SBM supplementation, followed by LSM and MC. Faecal energy was significantly (p<0.01) lower in SBM and LSM groups in comparison to other groups. Methane production (% DEI) was significantly (p<0.05) lower on the SBM treatment. Metabolizable energy (ME) intake increased significantly due to protein supplementation. Metabolizable energy intake (MEI) of animals in the MC group was less than LSM and SBM. Energy balance was increased significantly (p<0.01) due to protein supplementation and within supplement variation was also significant with maximum balance in SBM followed by LSM and MC groups. Protein supplementation significantly (p<0.05) increased the digestibility and metabolizability of energy from whole ration. Metabolizable energy (ME) content (Mcal/kg DM) of SBM, LSM and MC was 4.49, 3.56 and 2.56, respectively. It was concluded that protein supplementation of wheat straw increased intake, digestibility and metabolizability of energy and maximum response could be obtained when soybean meal was used as a supplement.


        Effect of Restricted and Ad libitum Feeding of Urea Molasses Liquid Diet (UMLD) on the Performance of Adult Crossbred Cattle

        Mehra, U.R.,Verma, A.K.,Dass, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1998 Animal Bioscience Vol.11 No.1

        To compare response of feeding concentrate mixtere and wheat straw (Group I) with either urea molasses liquid diet (UMLD) as sole ration (group II) or UMLD (similar to protein equivalent of concentrate mixture) plus wheat straw (group III) on intake and utilisation of nutrients and overall performance, twelve crossbred adult male cattle (Holstein Friesian ${\times}$ Hariana) aged about 2.5 years and weighing 342 kg were randomly allotted into three equal groups following completely randomised design and fed respective diets for a period of 60 days. Thereafter, a metabolism trial of seven days duration was conducted to assess nutrient utilisation and nitrogen balance. Animals fed UMLD as sole ration consumed significantly (p < 0.01) less amount of most of the nutrients as compared to other two groups, except crude protein, intake of which was higher in this group but it was comparable between II and III and III and I. On the other hand, digestibilities of nutrients were higher (p < 0.01) in group II, though it was comparable between other two groups, except ADF, the digestibility of which was lower in group II. Inspite of positive nitrogen balance in all the three groups, being significantly (p < 0.01) higher in group I, animals of group II and III lost their body weight especially to the utmost extent in group II, although the amount of energy (TDN) intake were similar statistically. Results indicate that during a scarcity period and economic compulsions, feeding of UMLD can be practised to replace only concentrate mixture from the maintenance ration of adult crossbred cattle for shorter duration as roughage part seems to be essential for the normal functioning of the rumen microbes and overall performance of the animals.


        Estimation of Rumen Microbial Protein Supply Using Urinary Purine Derivatives Excretion in Crossbred Calves Fed at Different Levels of Feed Intake

        Singh, M.,Sharma, K.,Dutta, N.,Singh, P.,Verma, A.K.,Mehra, U.R. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.10

        A study was carried out to study the response of total purine derivatives (PD) excretion in urine to determine microbial N (MN) supply at four fixed levels of feed intake (namely 95, 80, 60 and 40% of voluntary intake). The crossbred (CB) calves were allocated according to a $4{\times}4$ Latin Square Design and fed wheat straw and concentrate (1:1). The rate of PD excretion (mmol/d) as a linear function of feed intake was 15.85/kg DMI and 20.12/kg DOMI. Based on the endogenous and PD excretion rates obtained in this study, a relationship between daily urinary PD excretion (Y, mmol) and daily microbial protein supply (X, mmol) was developed for crossbred calves as Y = 0.83X+0.296 kg $W^{0.75}$. The derived microbial N values using this equation differed (p<0.001) among the 4 groups and was the highest in L-95 followed by L-80, L-60 and L-40. The relationship between urinary nitrogen loss (Y, g/d) and DOMI (X, kg/d) was established as: Y = 6.038X+21.753 ($r^2$ = 0.663, p<0.01). When urinary excretion of PD (Y, mmol/d) was plotted against intake of DM and DOM (X, kg/d), the equations obtained were: Y = 7.1711X+8.674 ($r^2$ = 0.889, p<0.01) and Y = 12.434X+7.683 ($r^2$ = 0.896, p<0.01), respectively. The proportional contribution of allantoin and uric acid to total PD remained stable irrespective of level of feed intake. Similarly, urinary excretion of creatinine did not differ (p>0.05) between animals fed at different levels. The MN supply was the highest to animals at intake levels L-95, and decreased linearly with corresponding decrease in feed intake. However, the MN supply when expressed per kg DOMI remained statistically (p>0.05) similar irrespective of level of intake. The results revealed that the excretion of urinary purine derivatives were positively correlated with the level of feed intake as well as rumen microbial supply and thus it could be a good indicator for measuring the microbial protein supply and nutritional status of animals.


        Nitrogen Fixation and In Situ Dry Matter and Fibre Constituents Disappearance of Wheat Straw Treated with Urea and Boric Acid in Murrah Buffaloes

        Dass, R.S.,Mehra, U.R.,Verma, A.K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2000 Animal Bioscience Vol.13 No.8

        Wheat straw was treated with 4 per cent urea at a moisture level of 50 per cent alongwith different levels of boric acid viz. 1, 2, 3 and 4 per cent, under laboratory conditions to know the impact of boric acid on ammonia-N fixation in the straw. Murrah buffaloes were used for determining the disappearance of dry matter, CP and fibre constituents by nylon bag technique. Ammoniation increased CP content of wheat straw, which increased further due to addition of boric acid. Low level of boric acid (1%) had no adverse effect on fibre constituents disappearance but at higher levels there was a depressioon in the disappearance of fibre coonstituents. It can be concluded that low level of boric acid was sufficient to trap the excess ammonia released during urea ammoniation of wheat straw without affecting other constituents and their disappearance in the rumen of buffaloes.


        Nutrient Utilisation and Rumen Fermentation Pattern in Murrah Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Fed Urea and Urea Plus Hydrochloric Acid Treated Wheat Straw

        Dass, R.S.,Verma, A.K.,Mehra, U.R.,Sahu, D.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.11

        Wheat straw was treated on laboratory scale with 4% urea at a moisture level of 50% along with different amount of HC1 to fix various levels of ammonia (30, 40, 50 and 60%) and stored for 4 weeks. Result, revealed a significant (p<0.01) increase in CP content of the samples where HC1 was added. The CP content of the straw was only 7.8%, which increased to 14.1, 16.0, 15.0 and 15.2% with the addition of acid. Similarly the concentrations of NDF, ADF and hemicellulose was significantly different due to HC1 addition. The level of HC1 recommended was to trap 30% ammonia as there was not significant difference in CP content of straw due to addition of 4 levels of acids. Results of in vivo experiment conducted on nine buffaloes divided randomly into three groups of three animals in each revealed no significant difference in the intake of DM, OM, NDF, ADF, cellulose and hemicellulose in group I (ammoniated straw), group II (HC1 treated ammoniated straw) and group III (HC1 treated ammoniated straw + 1 kg barley grain), but the intake of CP was significantly (p<0.01) more in group III as compared to other 2 groups. The digestibility of DM, OM and CP was significantly (p<0.01) more in groups where HCI treated straw was fed as compared to only ammoniated straw fed group, whereas there was no significant difference in the digestibility of NDF, ADF and cellulose in 3 groups. Intake was significantly higher of nitrogen (p<0.05), calcium (p<0.01) and phosphorus (p<0.01) in group III as compared to other two groups. Animals in all the 3 groups showed positive nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus balance, though the balances of all the 3 nutrients were significantly higher in group III as compared to other 2 groups. Rumen fermentation study conducted in 3 rumen fistulated buffaloes in $3{\times}3$ latin square design offering the same 3 diets as in group I to III revealed that rumen pH was alike statistically in 3 groups and at various time intervals. The mean ammonia-N concentration was significantly (p<0.01) more in group II and III as compared to group I. The mean TVFA concentration (mM/100 ml SRL) were 6.46, 7.84 and 8.47 in 3 groups respectively and different statistically (p<0.01). Results revealed no significant difference in the activities of carboxy methyl cellulase, urease or protease at both the time of sampling (0 h and 4 h) in all the 3 groups of animals.



        Dass, R.S.,Verma, A.K.,Mehra, U.R. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1996 Animal Bioscience Vol.9 No.5

        Five crossbred heifers(Holstein Friesian $\times$ Hariana) aged about one year and average body weight 157.0 kg were used to observe the effect of UMLD with restricted amount of wheat straw (500 g/100 kg body weight) on body weight gain and nutrient utilization. After seven months feeding the animals were switched to a revival diet consisted of wheat straw and concentrate mixture, for an additional six months. Fortnightly body weights were recorded and metabolism trials were conducted at the end of the two experimental periods. Results indicated that the average daily gain were 57.0 and 413.3 g in two feeding systems. This showed a sub-optimum growth during UMLD feeding which was compensated when good quality revival diet was available. Though, the nutrients intake were significantly (p < 0.01) lower in UMLD feeding period as compared to revival diet feeding, but digestibility of all the nutrients were alike statistically. It can be concluded that UMLD with restricted amount of wheat straw can be fed as scarcity feed for a short period, without causing irreparable loss to the animals, provided sufficient feed nutrients are available after the scarcity period.


        Effect of Different Source of Energy on Urea Molasses Mineral Block Intake, Nutrient Utilization, Rumen Fermentation Pattern and Blood Profile in Murrah Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

        Hosamani, S.V.,Mehra, U.R.,Dass, R.S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2003 Animal Bioscience Vol.16 No.6

        In order to investigate the effect of different sources of energy on intake and nutrient utilization from urea molasses mineral block (UMMB), rumen fermentation pattern and blood biochemical constituents, 18 intact and 9 rumen fistulated male Murrah buffaloes aged about 3 years and average weight 310.8 kg were randomly allocated into three groups of 9 animals in each, thus each group having 6 intact and three rumen fistulated buffaloes. All animals were fed individually for 90 days. All buffaloes were offered wheat straw as basal roughage and urea molasses mineral block for free choice of licking. Three different energy sources viz., barley grain, (group I), maize grain (group II) and jowar green (group III) were offered to meet their nutrient requirement as per Kearl (1982). At the end of feeding trial, a metabolism trial of 7 days duration was carried out on intact animals to determine the digestibility of nutrients. Rumen fermentation studies were carried out on rumen fistulated animals. After the metabolism trial blood was collected from intact animals to estimate the nitrogen constituents in blood serum of animals fed on different sources of energy. Results revealed no significant difference in the intake of UMMB in three groups. Similarly, the intake of DM (kg), DCP (g) and TDN (kg) per day was similar in three groups statistically. The apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), ether extract (EE) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) was significantly (p<0.05) more in group II than group III, whereas the digestibility of DM, OM and NFE was similar in group I and II. The digestibility of crude fiber (CF) and all the fiber fractions i.e. NDF, ADF, cellulose and hemicellulose was alike in 3 groups. Nitrogen balance (g/d) was significantly (p<0.05) more in group III as compared to group I and II, which were alike statistically, though the N intake (g/d) was similar in 3 groups but N balance (g/d) was significantly (p<0.05) less in group III as compared to other 2 groups. Significantly (p<0.05) higher concentration of total volatile fatty acids (TVFA), total nitrogen (TN) and its fractions were observed in group I and II as compared to group III. There was no effect on rumen pH, rumen volume and digesta flow rate due to different sources of energy in 3 groups. Similarly the blood serum biochemical parameters (NH3-N, urea-N and total protein) were statistically identical in 3 groups.


        Effect of Dietary Vitamin E Supplementation on Serum α-Tocopherol and Immune Status of Crossbred Calves

        Samanta, A.K.,Dass, R.S.,Rawat, Mayank,Mishra, S.C.,Mehra, U.R. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.4

        An experiment was conducted with twenty crossbred male calves (7-15 days old) divided into 4 different experimental groups on the basis of body weights to study the effect of vitamin E supplementation on the serum ${\alpha}$-tocopherol concentration and immune response of the calves. All the calves were fed on milk and calf starter up to 13 weeks and afterwards, they were fed on concentrate mixture and oat hay up to 32 weeks of age. In addition, the calves in groups I, II, III and IV were supplemented with 0, 125, 250 and 500 IU feed grade DL-${\alpha}$-tocopheryl acetate, respectively. Blood samples were collected at 0 day and subsequently at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 months of age to monitor the serum ${\alpha}$-tocopherol concentration in crossbred calves. After 24 weeks of experimental feeding, 4 animals from each group were intramuscularly inoculated with single dose (3 ml) of Haemorrhagic septiceaemia (Pasteurella multocida P52 strain) oil adjuvant vaccine. The cumulative group mean serum ${\alpha}$-tocopherol concentration (${\mu}g/100ml$) was 88.12, 210.11, 235.21 and 294.02 in-groups I, II, III and IV, respectively and differed significantly (p<0.001) among the four groups. Lymphocyte stimulation indices (LSI) did not differ among the groups significantly. The pooled mean ELISA antibody titer against Pasteurella multocida (P52 strain) was 788.02, 926.85, 1,214.00 and 1,109.51 for group I, II, III and IV, respectively, which indicated higher antibody titer in groups supplemented with vitamin E as compared to the control group. It may be concluded that vitamin E supplementation increased the ${\alpha}$-tocopherol concentration in serum and dietary supplementation of vitamin E at higher level has a humoral immune enhancing effect against killed bacterial antigen.


        Growth and Nutrient Utilization in Buffalo Calves Fed Urea-ammoniated Wheat Straw and Hydrochloric Acid plus Urea Treated Wheat Straw

        Nair, P.V.,Verma, A.K.,Dass, R.S.,Mehra, U.R. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.5

        Ten growing male buffalo calves (aged 6-8 months, average body weight $88.2{\pm}0.57$ kg were divided randomly into two groups. Animals in group I were fed on concentrate mixture A (CP 20.2%, TDN 77.4%) and urea- ammoniated wheat straw (UAWS) while the animals in group II were fed on concentrate mixture B (CP 17.9%, TDN 77.6%) and HCl plus urea treated wheat straw (HCl UAWS) to meet their nutrient requirement for 500 g gain/d as per Kearl (1982). This feeding practice lasted for 120 days, during which fortnightly body weight were recorded to assess their growth rate. A metabolism trial was conducted after 90 days of experimental feeding to compare the digestibility of nutrients, their balance, plane of nutrition and relative cost of feeding in two groups of animals. Results revealed a significant increase in the CP content of ammoniated wheat straw due to addition of HCl viz 12.1% from 7.5%. There was a decrease in the intake of DM (p<0.05), OM (p<0.05), EE (p<0.05), NDF (p<0.01), ADF (p<0.01), cellulose (p<0.01) and hemicellulose (p<0.01) in group II as compared to group I. The digestibility (%) of DM, OM and CP was significantly (p<0.01) more in group II, whereas the digestibility (%) was significantly more for NDF (p<0.05) and hemicellulose (p<0.01) in group I than group II. There was no significant difference in the N, Ca and P balance in two groups. Intake of total DM (g/d) or (g/kg $W^{0.75}$) was significantly (p<0.01) more in group I as compared to group II, whereas the intake of DCP and TDN (g/d or g/kg $W^{0.75}$) was alike in two groups. The total body weight gain (kg), average daily gain (g/d) and feed conversion efficiency were significantly (p<0.01) more in UAWS fed group as compared to HCl UAWS fed group. Feeding cost (Rs./kg. weight gain) was significantly (p<0.05) more in group II as compared to group I. It is concluded that HCl UAWS is not suitable for the feeding of growing buffalo calves as it reduced the growth rate in comparison to UAWS fed buffalo calves.


        Growth and Nutrient Utilization in Buffalo Calves Fed Ammoniated Wheat Straw Supplemented with Sodium Sulphate

        Nair, P.V.,Verma, A.K.,Dass, R.S.,Mehra, U.R. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2004 Animal Bioscience Vol.17 No.3

        Ten male buffalo calves (aged 6-8 months, average body wt. $88.5{\pm}0.5kg$) were divided into two groups of five animals in each. All the animals were fed on urea-ammoniated wheat straw (4% urea, 50% moisture) along with concentrate mixture (50:50 on DM basis). In addition animals in group II were given sodium sulphate to see the effect of sulphur on the utilization of nitrogen added through urea-ammoniation. This feeding practice continued for a period of 120 d, during which fortnightly body weights were taken to assess their growth rate. A metabolism trial was conducted after 90 days of feeding to know the digestibility of nutrients and their balance. Results revealed no significant difference in the intake of DM and other nutrients in two groups. The digestibility of DM, OM, EE, NDF, ADF and cellulose was alike in animals fed ammoniated straw and ammoniated straw+sodium sulphate supplemented group, whereas the digestibilities of CP and hemicellulose was significantly (p<0.01) more in group I and II respectively. There was no significant difference in intake of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus in 2 groups. Similarly, the balance of these 3 nutrients was positive and statistically alike in two groups. Intake and excretion of sulphur through faeces and urine was significantly (p<0.01) more in group II than in group I. Inspite of higher excretion of sulphur through faeces and urine in group II, the sulphur balance was significantly (p<0.05) more in group II than in group I, probably due to significantly (p<0.01) higher intake of sulphur in this group. There was no significant difference in total body weight gain or average daily gain between two groups, indicating that addition of sodium sulphate did not have any positive effect on these parameters. Similarly the intake of DM, DCP and TDN were also alike in two groups. The DCP and TDN values of the two diets were 8.0, 60.4 and 6.8, 56.6% respectively. Feeding cost/unit gain was alike in both the groups.

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