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      • Histochemical Detection of Glycoconjugates in the Male Reproductive System of the Horse

        Tae-kyunShin,,Mee-jungAhn,Yong-dukLee,Jae-hyukYang,Hee-seokKim,Tae-youngHa 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.1

        The binding specificities of various lectins,such asthe Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), soybeanagglutinin (SBA), and the Bandeiraea simplicifoliaBS-1 (Isolectin B4), Triticum vulgaris (WGA), Arachishypogaea (PNA), and Ulex europaeus (UEA-I) lectins,were studied in the vomeronasal organ of the horse.The microvilli of the vomeronasal sensory epitheliumwere positive for DBA, SBA, Isolectin B4, WGA, PNA,and UEA-I. The receptor cells showed intensereactivity for DBA and WGA. Lectins were not de-tected in the supporting cells or basal cells. TheJacobson's glands were positive for WGA and UEA-I,but lectins were absent from the nerve bundles.Fromthese results, we postulate that several lectin-bindingcarbohydrates on the microvilli and neurosensory cellsare associated with chemoreception in the horse. Inaddition, the differential lectin-binding patterns inthe horse suggest that the carbohydrates present inthis particular sense organ are species-specific.

      • Histochemistry of Six Lections in the Tissues of the Flat fish Paralichthys olivaceus

        Tae-KyunShin,Mee-JungAhn,Yong-DukLee,Gyung-MinGo,Kyung-SookJung 대한수의학회 2002 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.3 No.4

        Lectins are glycoproteins that specifically bindcarbohydrate structures and may participate in thebiodefense mechanisms of fish. In this study, thebinding of three lectins, Dolichos biflorus agglutinin(DBA), soybean agglutinin (SBA), Bandeiraea sim-plicifolia BS-1 (isolectin B4),Triticum vulgaris (WGA),Arachis hypogaea (PNA) and Ulex europaeus (UEA-I)were studied in the gill,liver,intestine,kidney,heart,and spleen of the flat fish Paralichthys olivaceus.DBA was detected in intestinal mucous cells, as wellas in gill epithelial and mucous cells. It was weaklydetected in renal tubule epithelial cells and in bileduct epithelial cells. The strong SBA staining wasseen in the intestinal club cells,in bile duct epithelialcells and renal tubule epithelial cells. There wereintense positive reactions for isolectin B4 in gillepithelial and mucous cells, and the strong isolectinB4 staining was seen in epithelial cells of the bileduct and intestine.The strong WGA staining was seenin the gill mucosal cells, sinusoid, renal tubuleepithelial cells and mucosal cells of the intestine.UEA-I was detected in the gill epithelial and mucosalcells, bile duct epithelial cells and renal tubularepithelial cells.These results suggest that the six lectins examinedwere localized in the covering epithelia of the variousorgans of the flat fish and they may participate in thebiodefense mechanism of the intra body surface inwhich is exposed to various antigens.

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