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      • KCI등재

        Indigenous Food Habit of the Hajong Tribe Community in Bangladesh: Implication for Sustainable Extraction and Biodiversity Conservation in North-East Bangladesh

        Md. Parvez Rana,Md. Shawkat Islam Sohel,Sayma Akhter,Mohammad Rakibul Hassan 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.2

        The Hajong are the ancient tribal forest community among the ethnic minorities of the North-East region of Bangladesh. The study was carried out with respect to three income groups highlighting their indigenous knowledge. A total of forty-five households (fifteen from each income groups) were assessed using different participatory appraisals through semi -structured questionnaires. A special type of indigenous knowledge on food habit was explored in the Hajong community, which correspond to the severe dependence on forest resources. They collect their food resources from homestead forest (45%) followed by forest (40%), market and others. They have indigenous hunting procedure to trap the animal in the forest. Twenty three tree species were tremendously planted in their homestead forests which are the very important source of food. Male are highly responsible to collect the food materials from forest as well as other sources.

      • KCI등재

        Current Status and Potentiality of Forest Resources in a Proposed Biodiversity Conservation Area of Bangladesh

        Md. Parvez Rana,Mohammed Salim Uddin,Mohammad Shaheed Hossain Chowdhury,Md. Shawkat Islam Sohel,Sayma Akhter,Masao Koike 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.3

        An exploratory study was conducted in Juri Forest Range-2, a proposed biodiversity conservation area of Bangladeshto explore the present growing stock of tree, regeneration condition and status of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Thisconservation area contains both natural and artificial plantation was selected by using multistage random sampling method. Fordetermination of plot size and sampling methods, the quadrate size (10 m×10 m) for tree stock measurement, (2 m×2 m) forregeneration survey, (20 m×20 m) for NTFPs survey was determined. Regarding tree stock survey, 14 species under eight familieswere found where Tectona grandis shows average number of stem/ha was 624 and basal area/ha was (10.36 m2/ha) followed byAcacia auriculiformis (0.2 m2/ha and 637 stem/ha), Gmelina arborea (0.2 m2/ha and 600 stem/ha). In regeneration survey, 14species were found belonging to 9 families where Alstonia scholaris shows highest (3,750) seedling per hectare. Regarding NTFPs,bamboo and cane are the most common resources. In last ten years, the total timber output was 1,28,596.14 cubic feet and totalamount of revenue was 4,64,434 US$. The vacant area is 1,335.5 acre which contains 14% of total area. If this vacant area isplanted with suitable species and take proper steps for appropriate management of this species it will be a good biologicallydiversified area.

      • KCI등재

        The Use of Plants in Indigenous Health Care Practice of the Hajong Tribe Community in North Eastern Bangladesh

        Md. Parvez Rana,Md. Shawkat Islam Sohel,Sayma Akhter,Mohammad Rakibul Hassan 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.1

        An ethno-medical investigation was carried out to understand the use of plants in indigenous health care practice of the Hajong tribe community in North Eastern Bangladesh. The study of ethnobotany relating to any tribe is in itself a very intricate or long-winded process. The present study was done through structured questionnaires in consultations with the tribal practitioners and has resulted in the documentation of 25 plant species belonging to 21 families including herbs (36%), shrubs (32%), trees (28%) and climber (4%) were frequently used by the Hajong tribe for curing 27 ailments. For curing ailments, the use of aboveground plant parts was higher (86.67%) than the underground plant parts (13.33%). Leaf was used in the majority of cases for medicinal preparation (13 species), followed by fruits (7 species), root/rhizome (4 species), whole plant (3 species) and besides these, seed, latex and bark were used one species each, respectively. The study thus underlines the potentials of the ethnobotanical research and the need for the documentation of indigenous healthcare knowledge pertaining to the medicinal plant utilization for the greater benefit of mankind.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Co-Management Impact in Protected Area: Field Experience from Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary, Bangladesh

        Sohel, Md. Shawkat Islam,Rana, Md. Parvez,Akhter, Sayma,Karim, Sheikh Md. Fazlul,Khan, Md. Mostafijur Rahman Institute of Forest Science 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.1

        Forests render both a home and a livelihood for people living in and around them. To reconcile the need of local communities with conservation, the Nishorgo Support Project (NSP or Nishorgo) is supporting co-management in five protected areas of Bangladesh, including Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary. The main focus of this study is to assess the effectiveness of alternate income generating activities (AIGAs) which is provided by the Nishorgo Support Project. It is a tool for reducing dependence on forest resources by people living in and around Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary and also play effective role in forest conservation. This study compares the socioeconomic condition (income, living style etc.) and forest dependency before and after implementation of co-management activities in Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary. A total of 11 villages (sampling intensity was 31%) namely Kalibari, Mongoliabari, Chokidarbari, Chonbari, kalenga, Krishnochura, Hatimara, Himalia, Rashidpur, Goramchori and Horinmara were studied. We surveyed 272 households in these villages (Incase of households survey, sampling intensity was 100%). Data analysis shows that the major income generating livelihood activities were agro farming (30%), followed by fuelwood collection (22.50%), nursery raising (12.5%), cattle rearing (10%), fisheries (7.50%) and others. Study also reveals that after being implementation of the co-management activities the average income levels of the studied villages have rises on 578 Tk/households (1US$ = 70 Taka, Taka means Bangladeshi currency). Further more, many of the illegal loggers became forest protector, which make their life more secured. It was also found that peoples of the study villages are now actively engaging in forest management activities and it is the only hope for conservation and restoration of forest resources not only in Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary but also in other protected area's of our country.

      • KCI등재

        The Use of Plants in Indigenous Health Care Practice of the Hajong Tribe Community in North Eastern Bangladesh

        Rana, Md. Parvez,Sohel, Md. Shawkat Islam,Akhter, Sayma,Hassan, Mohammad Rakibul Institute of Forest Science 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.1

        An ethno-medical investigation was carried out to understand the use of plants in indigenous health care practice of the Hajong tribe community in North Eastern Bangladesh. The study of ethnobotany relating to any tribe is in itself a very intricate or long-winded process. The present study was done through structured questionnaires in consultations with the tribal practitioners and has resulted in the documentation of 25 plant species belonging to 21 families including herbs (36%), shrubs (32%), trees (28%) and climber (4%) were frequently used by the Hajong tribe for curing 27 ailments. For curing ailments, the use of aboveground plant parts was higher (86.67%) than the underground plant parts (13.33%). Leaf was used in the majority of cases for medicinal preparation (13 species), followed by fruits (7 species), root/rhizome (4 species), whole plant (3 species) and besides these, seed, latex and bark were used one species each, respectively. The study thus underlines the potentials of the ethnobotanical research and the need for the documentation of indigenous healthcare knowledge pertaining to the medicinal plant utilization for the greater benefit of mankind.

      • KCI등재

        Vanadium Doped ZnS Nanoparticles: Effect of Vanadium Concentration on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties

        Md. Sohel Rana,Sujan Kumar Das,Md. Obaidur Rahman,Farid Ahmed,Md. Abul Hossain 한국전기전자재료학회 2021 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Material Vol.22 No.5

        Vanadium (V) doped zinc sulfi de (ZnS) nanoparticles have been synthesized in the doping concentration of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1 wt% by chemical co-precipitation method, where de-ionized water was used as solvent and the precursors were Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O, Na2S and V2O5. The synthesized nanoparticles have been characterized by XRD, UV–Vis spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and precision impedance analyzer (PIA). XRD studies revealed that all the samples exhibit cubic structure and confi rmed the incorporation of V into ZnS lattice. The calculated average crystallite size was varied in the range of 2.16–2.82 nm. The red shifting of the absorption edge was observed from the UV–Vis study and the direct optical band gap (Eg ) was decreased from 3.63 to 3.35 eV with increasing the doping concentrations. The various vibrational modes were observed by the FTIR spectroscopy. The characteristic vibrational peaks were found near at 666, 615 and 478 cm −1 . The PIA study showed that frequency dependent dielectric constant, loss tangent and ac resistivity were high at the lower frequency, while the ac conductivity was low at higher frequency. The bandgap tuning behavior of ZnS nanoparticles with V-doping concentrations may find interesting applications in optoelectronic devices.

      • KCI등재

        Economics of the Plant Species Used in Homestead Agroforestry of Southern Bangladesh

        Md. Parvez Rana,Sayma Akhter,Md. Shawkat Islam Sohel 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.1

        Agroforestry combines agriculture and forestry technologies to create more integrated, diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land-use systems. This study was performed in three union of Chhagalnaiya Upazila (Sub-district; administrative entity) under Feni district, Southern Bangladesh with a view to identify the tree resources, utilization pattern and economic return of major fruit and timber tree species. Information collected from a total of 45 households ranging from marginal, small, medium and large categories. Number of plant species increased with the increase of homestead area. A total of 39 plant species were recorded from the homegarden, of which 23 were fruit and 16 were timber tree species. Considerable number of vegetables was also planted under the shade of the homestead trees. The investment analysis showed that average benefit-cost ratios were greater than one, net present values were positive and internal rate of returns were more than 10%. Long term investment on horticulture and timber tree species is highly profitable if species like Swietenia mahagoni and Tectona grandis, Spondias pinnata, Syzygium cumini and Areca catechu were planted.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Co-Management Impact in Protected Area: Field Experience from Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary, Bangladesh

        Md. Shawkat Islam Sohel,Md. Parvez Rana,Sayma Akhter,Sheikh Md. Fazlul Karim,Md. Mostafijur Rahman Khan 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.1

        Forests render both a home and a livelihood for people living in and around them. To reconcile the need of local communities with conservation, the Nishorgo Support Project (NSP or Nishorgo) is supporting co-management in five protected areas of Bangladesh, including Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary. The main focus of this study is to assess the effectiveness of alternate income generating activities (AIGAs) which is provided by the Nishorgo Support Project. It is a tool for reducing dependence on forest resources by people living in and around Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary and also play effective role in forest conservation. This study compares the socioeconomic condition (income, living style etc.) and forest dependency before and after implementation of co-management activities in Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary. A total of 11 villages (sampling intensity was 31%) namely Kalibari, Mongoliabari, Chokidarbari, Chonbari, kalenga, Krishnochura, Hatimara, Himalia, Rashidpur, Goramchori and Horinmara were studied. We surveyed 272 households in these villages (Incase of households survey, sampling intensity was 100%). Data analysis shows that the major income generating livelihood activities were agro farming (30%), followed by fuelwood collection (22.50%), nursery raising (12.5%), cattle rearing (10%), fisheries (7.50%) and others. Study also reveals that after being implementation of the co-management activities the average income levels of the studied villages have rises on 578 Tk/households (1US$ = 70 Taka, Taka means Bangladeshi currency). Further more, many of the illegal loggers became forest protector, which make their life more secured. It was also found that peoples of the study villages are now actively engaging in forest management activities and it is the only hope for conservation and restoration of forest resources not only in Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary but also in other protected area’s of our country.

      • KCI등재

        Indigenous Food Habit of the Hajong Tribe Community in Bangladesh: Implication for Sustainable Extraction and Biodiversity Conservation in North-East Bangladesh

        Rana, Md. Parvez,Sohel, Md. Shawkat Islam,Akhter, Sayma,Hassan, Mohammad Rakibul Institute of Forest Science 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.2

        The Hajong are the ancient tribal forest community among the ethnic minorities of the North-East region of Bangladesh. The study was carried out with respect to three income groups highlighting their indigenous knowledge. A total of forty-five households (fifteen from each income groups) were assessed using different participatory appraisals through semi-structured questionnaires. A special type of indigenous knowledge on food habit was explored in the Hajong community, which correspond to the severe dependence on forest resources. They collect their food resources from homestead forest (45%) followed by forest (40%), market and others. They have indigenous hunting procedure to trap the animal in the forest. Twenty three tree species were tremendously planted in their homestead forests which are the very important source of food. Male are highly responsible to collect the food materials from forest as well as other sources.

      • KCI등재

        The Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forestry Sector: Bangladesh Context

        Md. Shawkat Islam Sohel,Md. Parvez Rana,Mahbubul Alam,Sayma Akhter,Mohammed Alamgir 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2009 Journal of Forest Science Vol.25 No.3

        Forests potentially contribute to global climate change through their influence on the global carbon (C) cycle. The Kyoto Protocol provides for the involvement of developing countries in an atmospheric greenhouse gas reduction regime under its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Carbon credits are gained from reforestation and afforestation activities in developing countries. Bangladesh, a densely populated tropical country in South Asia, has a huge degraded forestland, which can be reforested by CDM projects. To realize the potential of the forestry sector in developing countries like Bangladesh for full-scale emission mitigation, the carbon sequestration potential should be integrated with the carbon trading system under the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol. This paper discusses the prospects of carbon trading in Bangladesh, in relation to the CDM, in the context of global warming.

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