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      • KCI등재

        Start up e P.M.I. innovative: la disciplina legale italiana

        Matteo Cagnasso 중앙대학교 법학연구원 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트법연구소 2023 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트 법 Vol.17 No.2

        Il contributo esamina la disciplina italiana delle startup e delle P.M.I. innovative, estendendo l'analisi alla normativa sul crowdfunding, visto dall'Italia e dall'Unione Europea come una fonte vitale di risorse finanziarie per aiutare lo sviluppo delle imprese innovative. Le startup e le P.M.I. innovative italiane vengono quindi confrontate con la S.r.l. ordinaria, poiché la maggior parte delle aziende innovative italiane sceglie di essere costituita come S.r.l. pur mantenendo differenze fondamentali con la S.r.l. non innovativa. La S.r.l. è la società di capitali più diffusa in Italia per le imprese innovative e non innovative. L’analisi esamina quindi le discipline su cui si basa la maggior parte delle imprese innovative e non innovative italiane, in particolare le startup, le P.M.I. innovative, e le aziende che forniscono prodotti “Made in Italy” ai mercati nazionali e internazionali

      • KCI등재


        Matteo Cagnasso 중앙대학교 법학연구원 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트법연구소 2023 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트 법 Vol.17 No.1

        Scientific and technological progress in agricultural and plant biotechnology shifted from genetic transformation, the basis of GMO products, to genome editing, leading to next-generation agronomic products. While plant genetic transformation is focused on bringing an exogenous gene to be expressed in plant genomes, genome editing is based on modifying the sequence of endogenous genes. Genome editing is, therefore, seen as a more accessible and cheaper technique, as the genes to be modified are already present in the genome of the target species. At the same time, genetic transformation requires the creation of a transgene and a technique to insert it into the genome. Genome editing has shown to be an ideal technique for innovative start-ups. While GMOs obtained from plant transformation must be authorized to be exploited in a market, according to many legal systems, as they are seen as a potential threat to human and animal health or the environment, there is no unanimous position regarding genome-edited plants. So legal systems worldwide have adopted very different positions on their regulation. The article discusses the scientific and legal factors that constitute why this technological innovation has led to the special favoring of innovative start-ups in the biotechnology field.

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