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      • Mac-1-mediated Uptake and Killing of Bordetella bronchiseptica by Porcine Alveolar Macrophages

        Jong-keukLee,LawrenceB.Schook,MarkS.Rutherford 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.1

        The role of Mac-1 as a receptor for Bordetellabronchiseptica infection of alveolar macrophages (AM) was examined using 6 strains (2 ATCC and 4pathogenic field isolates) to assess B. bronchisepticabinding, uptake and replication in primary porcineAM .All B.bronchiseptica strains were rapidly killedby porcine serum in a dose- and time-dependentmanner. However, heat-inactivated porcine serum(HIS) did not demonstrate any bacterial-killing act-ivity, suggesting that complement may have a directkilling activity. All field isolates were more resistantto direct complement-mediated B. bronchisepticakilling.The uptake of B.bronchiseptica into AM wasinhibited approximately 50% by antiMac-1 monoclonalantibodies in the medium.However,B.bronchisepticaphagocytosed in the presence of serum or HIS wasnot altered by anti-Mac-1 antibodies although morebacteria were internalized by addition of serum orHIS. These data suggest that Mac-1 is a target fordirect uptake of B. bronchiseptica via opsonin-independent binding.The phagocytosed B.bronchise-ptica, either via direct or serum-mediated binding,were efficiently killed by AM within 10 hr pos-tinfection. This demonstrates that Mac-1-mediated B.bronchiseptica uptake is a bacterial killing pathwaynot leading to productive infections in AM .

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