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조효제(Hyo-Jae Jo),이언주(Eon-Ju Lee),도덕희(Deog-Hee Doh) 한국해양공학회 2009 한국해양공학회지 Vol.23 No.1
This paper compares theretical wave profile and particle kinematics with experimental results generated by a 2-D wave tank. Partide velocity fields of campound waves were acquired using a PIV technique. Synchronization was applied to acquire images of the wave field, and the time gap between these images was controlled by the user. This technique was applied to investigate the wave breaking mechanism, and the wave profile and velocity distribution in a wave breaking field was obtained.
실선시험기법을 이용한 다방향파중에서의 선박의 응답추정법
조효제(Hyo-Jae Jo),강일권(Il-Kweon Kang),김종철(Jong-Chul Kim) 한국해양공학회 1998 한국해양공학회지 Vol.12 No.1
In this study, the frequency transfer function of motions are predicted from the result of a full-scale seakeeping trials. Because the real sea has the characteristics of multi-directional waves, we compare the results in the one directional waves with ones in the directional waves. For calculation of the frequency transfer function in the directional waves, Takezawa's inverse estimation method was introduced and the frequency ranges were divided into three parts in order to consider following seas.<br/> The full-scale seakeeping trials was executed in the south sea of Korea using the stem trawler. Those results show that analysis method of the multi-directional waves is more reliable than that of one directional waves, and confirm the possibility of applying this method to the full-scale seakeeping trials.
조효제 ( Hyo Jae Jo ),강일권 ( Il Kwon Kang ),권병국 ( Byong Guk Kwon ),함상준 ( Sang Jun Ham ),박치완 ( Chi Wan Park ) 한국어업기술학회 2014 수산해양기술연구 Vol.50 No.3
Trawlers are divided into stern and side types by the method of shooting and hauling net, but the latter is difficult to find beside Korea. In East Sea of Korea, the side type used to be in early 2000`s, but it improved to stern type because of its inefficient operating method. The aims of this paper is to make clear the stability of the side trawler in the East Sea, and then confirm whether it satisfy the IMO rule or not, the degree of the transverse inclining angle of the ship when hauling net at hull side. In results, the stability of the ship in initial inclining range satisfied the IMO rule and the domestic rule, but not satisfied those rule in over the range. The limit load of the ship that was coincide with the angle of beam end in hauling net at side was about 26 tons, 18 tons in normal sea condition and storm warning condition respectively. The transverse inclining angles of the ship in hauling net were much higher from 3.3 to 5.5 times than the longitudinal inclining angle of the stern trawler, although those angles were slightly changed with depending on the loading and sea condition.
다방향 불규칙파중에서의 반잠수식 부체군에 작용하는 파강제력
조효제(Hyo-Jae Jo),구자삼(Ja-Sam Goo),김경태(Kyung-Tae Kim) 한국해양공학회 1997 한국해양공학회지 Vol.11 No.4
The hydrodynamic interaction characteristics between multiple floating bodies of semi submersible type are examined to present the basic data for the design of huge offshore structures supported by a large number of the floating bodies in multi -directional irregular waves. The numerical approach is based on a combination of a three-dimensional source distribution method, the wave interaction theory and the spectral analysis method. The effects of wave directionality on the wave exciting forces acting on multiple floating bodies in multi-directional irregular waves also have been pointed out.
디지털 화상처리를 이용한 부유식 구조물의 3차원운동 계측법에 관한 연구
조효제(Hyo-Jae Jo),도덕희(Deog-Hee Doh) 한국해양공학회 1998 한국해양공학회지 Vol.12 No.2
A quantitative non-contact multi-point measurement system is proposed to the measurement of three-dimensional movement of floating vessels by using digital image processing. The instantaneous three-dimensional movement of a floating sturucture which is floating in a small water tank is measured by this system and its three-dimensional movement is reconstructed by the measurement results. The validity of this system is verified by position identification for spatially distributed known positional values of basic landmarks set for the camera calibration. It is expected that this system is applicable to the non-contact measurement for an unsteady physical phenomenon especially for the measurement of three-dimensional movement of floating vessels in the laboratory model test.
조효제(HYO-JAE JO),구자삼(JA-SAM GOO),최한석(HAN-SUK CHOI),박주용(JU_YONG PARK),오태원(TAE-WON OH),김병우(BYUNC-WOO KIM),하문근(MUN-KEUN HA) 한국해양공학회 2004 한국해양공학회지 Vol.18 No.6
This study presents the wave forces for spar platforms. The advantage of a spar platform is that it is easy to manufacture and has excellent to motion characteristics. It is important to precisely determine the wave force acting on spar platforms for their basic design of them. We measur the wave exciting force for both the classic spar and truss spar models, and accomplish the numerical calculation using diffraction theory. The results show that experimental values have good agreement with theoretical values. However it is difficult to accurately estimate the value considering the heave plate of truss spar due to the viscosity.
과도 수파중의 복합실린더에 작용하는 쇄파력에 관한 연구
조효제(HYO-JAE JO),구자삼(JA-SAM GOO),이상길(SANG-KIL LEE) 한국해양공학회 2001 한국해양공학회지 Vol.15 No.4
It is important to estimate exactly wave forces acting on various types of offshore structures under the severe environmental conditions in the ocean site. This paper presents an easy experimental method which deals with transient waves. The proposed scheme made it possible to generate breaking waves at any position in the wave tank by changing the maximum slope of the component waves. The theoretical and experimental methods were investigated by generating concentrated waves which acted on a single and multiple cylinders. The waves forces increased rapidly when the models encountered breaking waves. The theoretical results underestimates the forces due to breaking waves. Therefore, the effects due to breaking waves should be considered carefully in the design process of a structure under the influence of breaking waves.
Non-Linear Response of a Semi-Submersible with Non-Linear Restoring Forces
Hyo-Jae Jo(조효제),Byung-Woo Kim(김병우),Sun-Hong Kwon(권순홍),Jung-Hwan Jung(정정환) 한국해양공학회 1994 한국해양공학회지 Vol.8 No.1
일반적으로 규칙파 또는 불규칙파중에서의 반잠수식 해양구조물의 응답을 추정할때, 선형계에 적합한 주파수 영역해석법을 사용하고 있다. 대다수의 해양구조물은 Lower Hull과 단면적이 일정한 Column으로 구성되어 있지만, 만약 Column의 단면적이 홀수에 따라 변화한다면 복원력항에 비선형계를 적용해야만 한다.<br/> 따라서 본 논문에서는 비선형 복원력을 고려한 반잠수식 해양구조물의 응답을 추정할 수 있는 시간 영역 해석법을 개발하였다. 그리고, Column형상이 다른 5개의 모델을 선정하여, 이들의 시간 영역 해석 결과와 주파수 영역 해석 결과를 서로 비교하였다. 또한 파랑외력으로서 불규칙파를 적용할 때, 비선형 복원력이 해양구조물에 응답에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다.
실 해상모형시험을 이용한 선미 보조동체 장착 Stepped hull 선형의 횡동요 및 저항특성 비교 연구
조효제(Hyo-Jae Jo),손경호(Kyoung-Ho Sohn),박충환(Chung-Hwan Park) 한국항해항만학회 2007 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.31 No.10
선박의 선형시험설비로는 회류수조, 예인수조 등이 있으나, 소형 고속선박은 실선 대응 모형선의 축적비가 대형선에 비해 매우 작고 수조의 유속과 예인전차의 속도제한으로 고속선의 설계선속까지의 성능검증에는 한계로 작용하였다. 이에, 고속 활주형선의 선형시험 검증을 위해 실 해상모형시험기법을 정립하였다. 한편, 고속 Stepped Hull선형은 일체형 활주형 선저선형에 비하여 고속 주행시 공기공급에 따른 접수면 감소로 인하여 저항감소에 따른 속도향상과 연비절감 효과가 있으나, 선미 좌우측의 접수면 감소에 따른 횡동요 안정성이 감소되는 경향이 있다. 이에, 본 논문에서는 고속 선형시험이 가능한 해상모형시험을 이용하여 선미 보조동체 장착 유무에 따른 고속 Stepped Hull 선형의 횡동요 및 저항특성을 비교, 분석한 것이다. There are the C.W.C and Towing Tank to the model-test equipments of the boat. A model testing of the high speed boat have a difficult in the performance verification because of very a small the scale-ratio of the ship-model and restricted by flow-velocity of the C.W.C and X-carriage velocity of the T.T. In general, the stepped hull boat is a high of fuel-efficiency because of the resistance reduction by a small wetted surface-area in correspond without stepped-hull boat. But It have a tendency to be bad the rolling performance by reduced stern wetted-area In this paper, the high speed stepped planning-boats with & without attached a stern body were performed to compare the effect of resistance and rolling performance by using sea model-test method.