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        Evaluating high-resolution forecasts of atmospheric CO and CO<sub>2</sub> from a global prediction system during KORUS-AQ field campaign

        Tang, Wenfu,Arellano, Avelino F.,DiGangi, Joshua P.,Choi, Yonghoon,Diskin, Glenn S.,Agustí,-Panareda, Anna,Parrington, Mark,Massart, Sebastien,Gaubert, Benjamin,Lee, Youngjae,Kim, Danbi,Jung, Ji Copernicus GmbH 2018 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Vol.18 No.15

        <P><p><strong>Abstract.</strong> <span id='page11008'/>Accurate and consistent monitoring of anthropogenic combustion is imperative because of its significant health and environmental impacts, especially at city-to-regional scale. Here, we assess the performance of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) global prediction system using measurements from aircraft, ground sites, and ships during the Korea-United States Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) field study in May to June 2016. Our evaluation focuses on CAMS CO and <span class='inline-formula'>CO<sub>2</sub></span> analyses as well as two higher-resolution forecasts (16 and 9<span class='thinspace'></span>km horizontal resolution) to assess their capability in predicting combustion signatures over east Asia. Our results show a slight overestimation of CAMS <span class='inline-formula'>CO<sub>2</sub></span> with a mean bias against airborne <span class='inline-formula'>CO<sub>2</sub></span> measurements of 2.2, 0.7, and 0.3<span class='thinspace'></span>ppmv for 16 and 9<span class='thinspace'></span>km <span class='inline-formula'>CO<sub>2</sub></span> forecasts, and analyses, respectively. The positive <span class='inline-formula'>CO<sub>2</sub></span> mean bias in the 16<span class='thinspace'></span>km forecast appears to be consistent across the vertical profile of the measurements. In contrast, we find a moderate underestimation of CAMS CO with an overall bias against airborne CO measurements of <span class='inline-formula'>−</span>19.2 (16<span class='thinspace'></span>km), <span class='inline-formula'>−</span>16.7 (9<span class='thinspace'></span>km), and <span class='inline-formula'>−</span>20.7<span class='thinspace'></span>ppbv (analysis). This negative CO mean bias is mostly seen below 750<span class='thinspace'></span>hPa for all three forecast/analysis configurations. Despite these biases, CAMS shows a remarkable agreement with observed enhancement ratios of CO with <span class='inline-formula'>CO<sub>2</sub></span> over the Seoul metropolitan area and over the West (Yellow) Sea, where east Asian outflows were sampled during the study period. More efficient combustion is observed over Seoul (<span class='inline-formula'><math xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML' id='M12' display='inline' overflow='scroll' dspmath='mathml'><mrow><mi mathvariant='normal'>d</mi><mrow class='chem'><mi mathvariant='normal'>CO</mi></mrow><mo>/</mo><mi mathvariant='normal'>d</mi><mrow class='chem'><msub><mi mathvariant='normal'>CO</mi><mn mathvariant='normal'>2</mn></msub></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn mathvariant='normal'>9</mn></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='77pt' height='14pt' class='svg-formula' dspmath='mathimg' md5hash='e15dbed157728345ac15fd0589ea867d'><svg:image xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' xlink:href='acp-18-11007-2018-ie00001.svg' width='77pt' height='14pt' src='acp-18-11007-2018-ie00001.png'/></svg:svg></span></span><span class='thinspace'></span>ppbv<span class='thinspace'></span>ppmv<span class='inline-formula'><sup>−1</sup></span>) compared to the West Sea (<span class='inline-formula'><math xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML' id='M14' display='inline' overflow='scroll' dspmath='mathml'><mrow><mi mathvariant='normal'>d</mi><mrow class='chem'><mi mathvariant='normal'>CO</mi></mrow><mo>/</mo><mi mathvariant='normal'>d</mi><mrow class='chem'><msub><mi mathvariant='normal'>CO</mi><mn mathvariant='normal'>2</mn></msub></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn mathvariant='normal'>28</mn></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='83pt' height='14pt' class='svg-formula' dspmath='mathimg' md5hash='3be8931fd245903ba9a1c1d59edabca9'><svg:image xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' xlink:href='acp-18-11007-2018-ie00002.svg' width='83pt' height='14pt' src='acp-18-11007-2018-ie00002.png'/></svg:svg></span></span><span class='thinspace'></span>ppbv<span class='thinspace'></span>pp

      • Characteristics of greenhouse gas concentrations derived from ground-based FTS spectra at Anmyeondo, South Korea

        Oh, Young-Suk,Kenea, S. Takele,Goo, Tae-Young,Chung, Kyu-Sun,Rhee, Jae-Sang,Ou, Mi-Lim,Byun, Young-Hwa,Wennberg, Paul O.,Kiel, Matthä,us,DiGangi, Joshua P.,Diskin, Glenn S.,Velazco, Voltaire A.,Gr Copernicus GmbH 2018 Atmospheric measurement techniques Vol.11 No.4

        <P><p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Since the late 1990s, the meteorological observatory established in Anmyeondo (36.5382°<span class='thinspace'></span>N, 126.3311°<span class='thinspace'></span>E, and 30<span class='thinspace'></span>m above mean sea level) has been monitoring several greenhouse gases such as CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O, CFCs, and SF<sub>6</sub> as a part of the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Program. A high resolution ground-based (g-b) Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) was installed at this observation site in 2013 and has been operated within the frame work of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) since August 2014. The solar spectra recorded by the g-b FTS cover the spectral range 3800 to 16<span class='thinspace'></span>000<span class='thinspace'></span>cm<sup>−1</sup> at a resolution of 0.02<span class='thinspace'></span>cm<sup>−1</sup>. In this work, the GGG2014 version of the TCCON standard retrieval algorithm was used to retrieve total column average CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub> dry mole fractions (XCO<sub>2</sub>, XCH<sub>4</sub>) and from the FTS spectra. Spectral bands of CO<sub>2</sub> (at 6220.0 and 6339.5<span class='thinspace'></span>cm<sup>−1</sup> center wavenumbers, CH<sub>4</sub> at 6002<span class='thinspace'></span>cm<sup>−1</sup> wavenumber, and O<sub>2</sub> near 7880<span class='thinspace'></span>cm<sup>−1</sup> ) were used to derive the XCO<sub>2</sub> and XCH<sub>4</sub>. In this paper, we provide comparisons of XCO<sub>2</sub> and XCH<sub>4</sub> between the aircraft observations and g-b FTS over Anmyeondo station. A comparison of 13 coincident observations of XCO<sub>2</sub> between g-b FTS and OCO-2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) satellite measurements are also presented for the measurement period between February 2014 and November 2017. OCO-2 observations are highly correlated with the g-b FTS measurements (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.884) and exhibited a small positive bias (0.189<span class='thinspace'></span>ppm). Both data set capture seasonal variations of the target species with maximum and minimum values in spring and late summer, respectively. In the future, it is planned to further utilize the FTS measurements for the evaluation of satellite observations such as Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT, GOSAT-2). This is the first report of the g-b FTS observations of XCO<sub>2</sub> species over the Anmyeondo station.</p> </P>

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