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      • KCI등재

        Implications of the Association Between Forest Cover and the Central Bank Rate of Return on Sustainable Forest Management in Kenya

        Chisika Sylvester Ngome,고주연,염춘호 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2023 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.9 No.8

        Forests play an important role in human well-being and sustainable development. However, in the wake of the rising deforestation and climate change, information on how monetary policy factors, especially the Central Bank Rate of Return (CBRR) affect sustainable forest management in developing countries is scarce. This study examined the relationship between CBRR and forest cover in Kenya for the period of 2006–2022, with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the factors influencing sustainable forest conservation and management. A literature review and quantitative data analysis using pearson's correlation, multiple regression and ANOVA showed a weak, negative correlation between the CBRR and forest cover (r =-0.36, p<0.05), indicating that a higher CBRR is generally associated with lower forest cover value in Kenya. This result indicates that there could be some relationship, but the data points remained scattered such that the correlation is closer to zero (R-squared = 0.130). Moreover, the correlation coefficient also suggests that the relationship between the two variables is weak. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) found a statistically significant difference between the means of the CBRR and forest cover groups (F (1,32) = 21.93, p< 0.000), supporting the idea that the CBRR could have an impact on the forest cover percentage in Kenya. However, this impact could be weak and influenced by other factors not captured in the model. This paper recommends that forest management stakeholders in Kenya consider the potential influence of changes in the CBRR on forest cover and the need for a coordinated effort from policymakers, researchers, and local communities to address the complex issues driving forest cover change in the country.

      • KCI등재

        Climate Change Impact on Solar Power Generation : A Sustainable Energy Planning Perspective for Kenya

        Chisika Sylvester Ngome,염춘호 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2023 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.9 No.10

        In the wake of the rising impacts of climate change, solar energy is poised to be crucial in the future of global energy security and sustainable development. However, in developing countries such as Kenya, there are limited studies on the consequences of climate change on solar power generation. This study was conducted with the aim of assessing how climate change affects solar power generation in Kenya, with the goal of informing strategies to bolster its resilience, adaptability, and overall energy planning. From the theoretical background of sustainable development, the research utilized a case study design using secondary data sources to unveil multifaceted aspects. Key secondary data examined included key policy documents and other documents retrieved from official websites. Through document content analysis, the evaluation focused on the vulnerability of solar power resources to climate change impacts by categorizing the findings into three main themes: the impact of climate change on solar energy generation, strategies for mitigation and adaptation, and policy implications for Kenya's overall energy planning. The results revealed a pressing need for explicit studies on how climate change affects solar power generation in Kenya. Estimating these potential impacts is crucial to ensuring the security, reliability, and sustainability of solar energy resources. Recommendations included pursuing adaptation strategies and technological innovations, such as integrating solar energy with other sources, while also expanding feed-in tariff incentives and policy interventions that promote sustainable solar energy utilization and further research. By implementing these measures, Kenya can enhance the long-term viability and resilience of solar energy in the face of a changing climate.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative Analysis of Participatory Forest Management in Kenya: Embaringo and Gathiuru Community Forest Associations

        Chisika Sylvester Ngome,염춘호 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2024 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.10 No.1

        As forest ecosystem services continue to decline, participatory forest management (PFM), a collective approach to forest management, is gaining traction as a means to promote livelihoods and conservation. As such, a number of analytical tools have been deployed in order to explore ways of enhancing PFM. Sequential Power Analysis (SPA) is rapidly becoming a robust approach for evaluating many natural resource sustainability outcomes in both developed and developing countries around the world. However, information on applying SPA to enhance participatory forest management is scarce. This study aimed to apply SPA to two community forest associations (CFAs) in Kenya in order to contribute to an improved understanding of the strategies for enhancing community involvement in forestry. A case study approach and literature review using document content analysis were used to evaluate secondary data from internet sources and office records at Kenya Forest Service. Key documents reviewed include policy papers and other documents. Through document content analysis, for the first time, the evaluation focused on the implications of SPA application in selected PFM scenarios by categorizing findings into three main themes: power delivery, power adjustment and power background and the policy implications on forest management in Kenya. The study found that achieving responsible forest management in Kenya depends on a delicate balance of ecological, social, and economic factors. PFM is a promising approach; however, evaluating its implementation in the Embaringo and Gathiuru CFAs using SPA reveals complex power dynamics. In Embaringo, historical and sociocultural factors have affected local communities. In Gathiuru, similar power imbalances exist, but the CFA is engaged in income-generating projects with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS), showing progress. However, to fully realize PFM's potential, Kenya should enact a national benefit-sharing policy to ensure fair resource benefit distribution. This study calls upon policymakers and key PFM stakeholders to embrace SPA as a crucial analytical tool for evaluating PFM decisions.

      • KCI등재

        Charting Sustainable Paths: Balancing Urban Green Dilemmas in East Africa

        Chisika Sylvester Ngome,염춘호 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2024 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.10 No.1

        Urban green spaces are important for sustainable development and sustainable, liveable cities. They provide many critical ecological, social, and economic services that improve quality of life. However, many urban green spaces are rapidly diminishing with the growing human demands. Even though numerous studies have been done in developed countries on the challenges facing green spaces, information on the key challenges affecting the sustainability of urban green spaces in many developing countries is scarce. To address this challenge, this study aimed to explore the cases of six East African states–Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan–to contribute to a better understanding of the strategies needed to promote sustainable urban green spaces. The study utilized the case study research design to explore the context of the six cases. Moreover, a literature review that focussed on socio-cultural, economic, and environmental challenges threatening urban green spaces was used to gather critical information. The study reviewed key information obtained from desktop searches using Google and official documents from other onlines sources. The collected information was later analysed and synthesized qualitatively to establish the insights presented in this study. The results showed that there were pervasive sociocultural, economic, and ecological challenges affecting urban green spaces. The key challenges included encroachment, insufficient funding for maintenance, rapid urbanization, climate change impacts, population growth, and historical conflicts that threaten the continued presence of urban green spaces. However, common patterns and differences exist among the six states, highlighting the need for proactive and integrated urban green space management approaches. Emphasizing community involvement, international partnerships, and awareness campaigns as noteworthy strategies being pursued to address the challenges. Moreover, the findings underscore the importance and role of government support in protecting urban green spaces.These efforts showcase potential models for protecting urban green spaces in other regions with similar contextual characteristics as East Africa. These results implied the need for governments to adopt and support comprehensive strategies for urban green space management, ensuring the well-being of growing populations while preserving the ecological integrity of these vital areas.

      • KCI등재

        Unraveling the Linkage between E-Government and Economic Advancement in Developing Nations: Insights from Kenya and South Africa

        Sylvester Chisika Ngome,염춘호 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2024 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.10 No.6

        E-government is a potential catalyst for economic growth and sustainable development. Yet, more research is needed to quantify their impact, especially in developing nations. This study aimed to investigate the association between e-government and economic growth by sharing insights from Kenya and South Africa with the aim of developing strategies for sustainable development. Unlike other studies, a case study research design, literature review, and quantitative data analysis were used. Secondary data obtained from the United Nations Knowledge Base portal for e-government data and the World Bank portal for economic growth data were explored. Time series e-government data for the period 2004 to 2022 included the e-government development index (EGDI) and associated sub-indices, while economic growth data included Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expressed in current terms. Results revealed that while Kenya and South Africa have made significant economic and digital development strides, the two countries appear to be on different growth trajectories. In Kenya, GDP strongly correlates with the EGDI components. The ANOVA test indicated a significant regression model (F (1, 8) = 69.23972, p < 0.05) with a multiple R of 0.946798, underscoring the substantial impact of digital governance on economic performance and progress. Conversely, South Africa's results suggest weaker links between GDP and EGDI sub-indices. The ANOVA test showed a non-significant regression model (F (1, 8) = 0.189803, p > 0.05), indicating a less pronounced impact of digital governance efforts on economic growth than in Kenya. Surprisingly, and more unique for this study, despite the relatively advanced economic status of South Africa, both countries face common hurdles. This contrasts with the expectation that a more economically developed country would face different or fewer challenges, highlighting the context-specific nature of digital governance impacts across different development stages. These insights emphasize the urgency of prioritized strategic e-government investments.

      • KCI등재

        Enhancing E-government in Machakos and Nakuru Counties: Strategies for Sustainable Development in Kenya's Devolved Units

        Chisika Sylvester Ngome,염춘호 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2024 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.10 No.8

        E-government has the potential to boost public sector efficiency and accountability by promoting interactions among actors involved in the achievement of sustainable development. However, research on e-government maturity and sustainability is limited in many developing countries, especially at the sub-national level. This study used a case study research design and document content analysis to compare insights into e-government maturity in the subnational units (counties) of Machakos and Nakuru in Kenya. The key documents reviewed included official government publications, policy papers, strategic plans, academic articles, relevant case studies from government websites, academic databases, international organizations, and research institutions specializing in governance and development. The findings indicate that Kenya aspires to build a mature and sustainable e-government because of its potential effects on socio-economic development. At the subnational level, insights from Machakos and Nakuru counties indicate that both counties are in the "emergence phase" heading toward the "enhanced service delivery phase" of maturity and sustainability. These growth phases are characterized by adopting electronic technologies for basic online services such as information dissemination and form submissions to interactive and transactional services, enabling citizens to conduct tasks such as bill payments and permit applications online. However, Machakos county exhibits higher infrastructure development and user engagement, suggesting a more mature e-government framework. In contrast, Nakuru county shows potential for growth in service availability and regulatory frameworks. Nevertheless, challenges such as low digital literacy among many residents in Machakos county and the lack of a dedicated e-government policy in Nakuru county affect the maturity of e-government. Despite the deployment of various strategies to address these challenges in both counties, it is crucial to formulate robust policies, including developing a county-level E-government Development Index. It will necessitate expedited infrastructural development and enhanced collaboration in capacity-building initiatives to foster inclusive and efficient e-governance.

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