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        Anti-Oxidation of Cultured Cordyceps militaris Growing on Silkworm Pupa

        Gong Cheng-Liang,Pan Zhong-Hua,Zheng Xiao-Jian,Xue Ren-Yu,Cao Guang Li Korean Society of Sericultural Science 2006 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.12 No.1

        Cordyceps, one of the well-known traditional Chinese medicines, consists of the dried fungus C. sinensis growing on the larva of caterpillar. It is commonly used as a tonic of restoring vital body functions. In order to evaluate the pharmacological effects of C. militaris, the anti-oxidation and antiaging effect of cultured C. militaris growing on pupa of silkworm Bombyx mori, were investigated. The results showed! that the contents of lipofusin in myocardium were reduced and the SOD activity in the liver were elevated in a dose-dependent manner while no effect was observed for blood GSH-Px activity and liver MDA content in mice perfused with the cultured C. militaris compared to those untreated mice. Furthermore, the average life span, maximum life span and 50% death time of the fruit flies treated with cultured C. militaris were markedly prolonged. The results suggest that the cultured C. militaris growing on pupa of silkworm possesses anti-oxidation and delay senescence activity.

      • KCI등재
      • Short-Term Forecasting for Harbor Waterway Currents Speeds

        Cheng Gong,Yan Lv,Chunjiang Zhang,Xiyuan Wang,Wei Huangfu,Zhongshan Zhang 보안공학연구지원센터 2014 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Vol.9 No.12

        The ocean currents speeds in the harbor waterway are directly related to the ability of the ship to in or out the harbor. Accurately predict the speeds can assist the ship to choose the right time for sailing. To solve this problem, we chose two models of linear and non-linear prediction. We had set sensors in Qinhuangdao for a long time, then using the collected data for training. Our test is using a lot of random data to train and predict with different steps and orders. The results show that both methods can use less original data to train the model, and finally achieve preferably prediction. According to the characteristics of Qinhuangdao harbor, Auto-Regressive (AR) model is more appropriate than Support Vector Regression (SVR) model.

      • KCI등재

        질서자유주의적 관점에서 본 중국의 공공인프라 구축사업에 관한 연구

        Gong Bao Cheng,정남기,Liu XiaoQI 한국질서경제학회 2018 질서경제저널 Vol.21 No.3

        In order to promote sustained economic growth. Chinese government vigorously promote the improvement of the operating environment of private enterprises, actively absorbing and utilizing Social Overhead Capital (SOC). To this end, since 2013, the State Council promulgated a series of policies that encourage the full use of SOC to ensure economic growth. The main policy for encouraging SOC investment announced by the Chinese government is to promote and guide private capital to actively participate in the field of public infrastructure, for private enterprises participating in the construction of public infrastructure, provide policies related to the cultivation of businesses, such as improving the business environment. Therefore, with the public infrastructure that was formerly considered to be in charge of the government, the social indirect capital market for bridges, highways, dams, and water and sewers was gradually opened up to private capital, the government and private capital cooperation model was rapidly developed. At present, although China is actively developing government and private capital cooperation, it still contains many problems in the promotion process. The lack of relevant laws and regulations, the uncertainty of local government compliance, the poor communication between local government departments, the uncertainty of performance and income security caused by the alternation of political power of local governments, and the lack of participation of private enterprises. It can be seen that although state-owned enterprises are in a relatively dominant position in the field of public infrastructure, because of the uncertainty of fair competition and income security, the enthusiasm of private capital participation has been dispelled. For the government and social capital cooperation, the country has not yet formulated a unified targeted law, and there are no mandatory legal restrictions on the guarantee of income, which is the fundamental reason for the lack of private capital participation. Therefore, in order to solve these problems, this study proposes several suggestions for improvement. 이 연구에서는 중국의 민관협력사업 현황 및 문제점 분석을 바탕으로 중국 민관협력사업의 개선방안을 도출하여 보았다. 연구 결과 중국은 지난 30년 동안 개혁개방정책을 추진하면서 경제가 급속하게 발전하였고, 이와 함께 면서 국민의 소득수준도 빠르게 상승해 왔다. 그리고 이러한 경제의 성장과 소득수준의 상승은 문화 및 체육 등 사회기반시설에 대한 수요를 증가시켜 왔다. 중국정부는 증가하는 사회기반시설에 대한 수요를 충당하는 과정에서 재정부담의 완화하고 사업의 효율성을 증대시키기 위하여 민간자본을 적극적으로 유치하고 있다. 그러나 민관협력사업의 입찰 및 추진과정에서 민관협력사업의 추진을 위한 법과 제도의 미비, 지방정부의 관련업무 역량 부족, 민관협력사업의 까다로운 참여요건 및 불투명성 등 몇 가지 문제점이 드러났다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 이 연구에서는 민관협력사업과 관련된 법과 제도의 정비, 지방정부의 관련업무 수행역량의 향상, 민간자본의 참여 확대를 위한 입찰요건 개선 및 입찰과정 투명성 증대와 같은 개선책을 제시하여 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        Shape Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of a Morphing-Wing Aircraft

        Cheng Gong,Bao-Feng Ma 한국항공우주학회 2019 International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sc Vol.20 No.1

        Morphing-wing concepts have received growing interests in the recent years for enhancing the multi-mission performance of unmanned aerial vehicle. However, to obtain a feasible morphing strategy, the optimization design studies are required. In this paper, an aerodynamic optimization study for a morphing-wing aircraft with variable sweep, span, and chord length was conducted to obtain the optimum configurations at subsonic, transonic and supersonic conditions. The optimization objective is to obtain maximum lift-to-drag ratios subject to lift coefficients and static stability constraints at each flight condition. A genetic algorithm in conjunction with surrogate models was employed to search optimum solutions in the entire design space. The aerodynamic forces are calculated by an Euler-based solver and friction drag estimation code. The optimum configuration corresponding to any flight condition can be determined through the optimization. A global sensitivity analysis based on the surrogate model was also carried out, hence the contribution of each design variable to the optimization objective can be analyzed. The results indicated that the optimum wing at subsonic speeds have a lower sweep angle and high aspect ratio, and the wing sweep has a primary contribution to lift-to-drag ratios, and the span is secondary; at transonic conditions, the medium-sweep wing is the optimum, and the contribution of the span is farmore than other variables; at supersonic conditions, the optimum configuration becomes a high-sweep cropped delta wing, and the span has a dominant contribution, and the sweep is secondary.

      • Realistic Metal–Graphene Contact Structures

        Gong, Cheng,McDonnell, Stephen,Qin, Xiaoye,Azcatl, Angelica,Dong, Hong,Chabal, Yves J.,Cho, Kyeongjae,Wallace, Robert M. American Chemical Society 2014 ACS NANO Vol.8 No.1

        <P>The contact resistance of metal–graphene junctions has been actively explored and exhibited inconsistencies in reported values. The interpretation of these electrical data has been based exclusively on a <I>side</I>-contact model, that is, metal slabs sitting on a pristine graphene sheet. Using <I>in</I> <I>situ</I> X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to study the wetting of metals on as-synthesized graphene on copper foil, we show that side-contact is sometimes a misleading picture. For instance, metals like Pd and Ti readily react with graphitic carbons, resulting in Pd- and Ti-carbides. Carbide formation is associated with C–C bond breaking in graphene, leading to an <I>end</I>-contact geometry between the metals and the periphery of the remaining graphene patches. This work validates the <I>spontaneous</I> formation of the metal–graphene end-contact during the metal deposition process as a result of the metal–graphene reaction instead of a simple carbon diffusion process.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/ancac3/2014/ancac3.2014.8.issue-1/nn405249n/production/images/medium/nn-2013-05249n_0005.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/nn405249n'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • KCI등재


        Cheng Gong,Jun Lu,Sheng-Li Tan 대한수학회 2023 대한수학회보 Vol.60 No.5

        Let $F$ be a periodic singular fiber of genus $g$ with dual fiber $F^*$, and let $T$ (resp.~$T^*$) be the set of the components of $F$ (resp.~$F^*$) by removing one component with multiplicity one. We give a formula to compute the determinant $|\det T\,|$ of the intersect form of $T$. As a consequence, we prove that $|\det T\,|=|\det T^*\,|$. As an application, we compute the Mordell-Weil group of a fibration $f:S\to \bP^1$ of genus $2$ with two singular fibers.

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