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      • KCI등재후보

        放射線에 依한 水稻 高蛋白質系統의 選拔에 關한 硏究

        C. Harn(韓昶烈),J. L. Won(元鍾樂),C. K. Park(朴昌奎),J. Y. Yoo(兪在潤) 한국육종학회 1971 한국육종학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        放射線에 依한 水稻變異系統에 있어서 高蛋白質系統의 選拔을 위하여 蛋白質含量의 變異와, 高蛋白質變異系統에 있어서 몇 環境條件에 따른 蛋白質變異, 蛋白質含量과 몇 農耕形質과의 相關, DBC方法과 Kjeldahl方法에 依한 蛋白質과의 相關에 對하여 調査하였다. 1. 變異系統에 있어서 蛋白質含量의 變異幅은 넓고 母品種을 100으로 했을 때 最低 68%, 最高 168% 增加되었다. 2. 高蛋白質變異系統中에서는 母品種에 比해 기타 形質이 優秀한 有用한 系統을 選拔할 수가 있었다. 3. 高蛋白質變異系統은 窒素施肥量의 增加와 함께 蛋白質含量이 增加되고, 播種期의 지연에 따라 增加되었다. 4. 高蛋白質變異系統에 있어서 栽植密度에 따른 蛋白質含量은 系統에 따라 傾向이 달랐다. 5. 蛋白質含量과 稈長과는 有意的인 負의 相關이 있었다. 6. DBC 方法과 Kjeldahl 方法에 依한 蛋白質含量問에는 有意的인 正의 相關이 있었다. Protein screening on 809 rice mutants induced from six leading varieties, by means of nuclear radiations, was conducted by conventional micro-Kjeldahl method. For serveral protein enriched mutants selected, effects of agronomic practice on the variability of protein contents were also examined. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Protein contents of the mutants varied between 68 to 168% relative to their mother varieties. 2. Some of the protein enriched mutants was found to possess positive agronomic characters. 3. Heavier application of nitrogen favoured protein enrichment while early swing reduced protein content. 4. Dense planting increased protein contents-the increment being mutant specific. 5. Correlation was found between protein content and culm length. 6. The correlation coefficient for protein content was found to be significant between the Kjeldahl and DBC method.

      • KCI등재후보

        植物의 新育種技術

        C. HARN(韓昶烈) 한국육종학회 1981 한국육종학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Thanks to the discovery of the principles on heredity, the recognition of the pure-line concept in the early twentieth century, and to the development of various fields of biological and agricultural sciences in later years, the breeeding works could be performed based on firm scientific knowledges, thereby bringing about rapid progress in the breeding science and producing tens of thousands of superior varieties in agricultural crops, ornamental plants, animal husbandry, and even in sericulture in the last five decades. With the years passing and varieties highly improved, however, the conventional breeding practices have met many challenges or difficulties not surmountable by ordinary present-day means: 1) Gene flow is mainly confined to being intervarietal and obtaining the necessary gene sources usable is becoming harder. 2) As the breeding is carried out in the open-field, it is subjected to the climatic conditions. 3) Breeding works require large facilities and manpower, besides needing unusually long duration of years. On the other hands, through the studies on the naked protoplast, development of various methods of genetic manipulations, and recent advancement in genetic engineering techniques, it seems we have approached nearer to the days when we shall be able to transfer or exchange the genes between distantly related species or even between microorganisms and higher forms of life by non-sexual-reproductive means. To explore the possibility of utilizing the genetic materials possessed by the distantly related or unrelated organisms in the improvement of agricultural crops, this paper has dealt with the use of cell population as the breeding materials, the aspect of cell hybrid, introduction of alien genetic materials into naked protoplast by manipulation, the possibility of using nif gene, genetic engineering technique, and other related matters.

      • KCI등재후보

        植物 育種技術의 推移

        C. Harn(韓昶烈) 한국육종학회 1991 한국육종학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Breeding, which was primitive and based rather on the art than on the scientific knowledges until the last century, has been placed on a firm scientific foundation and carried out systematically thanks to the rediscovery of Mendel’s laws, Johannsen’s pureline theory, and DeVries’ mutation researches uncovered or published concurrently at the turn of present century. Conventional as well as old-timed breeding has centered on the selection of useful variants from population of variations induced or spontaneously occurring. With the improvement of DNA manipulation techniques developed in the last decade or so, however, it has become possible to transform the genome of living organsim by inserting known DNA fragments or modified own genes to fit for our purposes. This sort of genomic changes have led to the birth of new breeding method which is based not on the selection of variants but on the construction or fabrication of desirable genome. Differentiation of varied tissues and organs from a fertilized egg has been a mystery since the era of Aristotles 2,000 odd years ago, and still remains one of the most insolvable questions in modern biology. Differentiation of organs is the end-product of seried of selective gene expression. Even though strenuous research efforts have been made on the regulation of gene expression, this problem along with the mechanism of differentiation is expected to be the major subject of biological researches in the coming century. Once the differentiation mechanism be clarified, it would be possible to regulate the pathway of differentiation, giving rise to the unexpected modified, sometimes monstrous, organisms. This kind of technological innovation would lead to the development of new breeding-the differentiation breeding, changing the concept of breeding and departing far from the conventional Mendelian breeding and DNA manipulation method. Present paper has dealt mainly with the description of present day breeding including the selection breeding vs construction breeding and field breeding vs in vitro breeding, briefly mentioning possible future breeding based on the regulation of differentiation pathway.

      • KCI등재후보

        1代雜種 種子生産에 DNA 再組合 技術의 利用

        C. Harn(韓昶烈) 한국육종학회 1991 한국육종학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        Male-sterility(MS) and self-incompatibility(SI), biological phenomena occurring in nature in the higher plant species, are the ways of the plants ensuring exclusively outcrossing. For several decades breeders have exploited these natural systems for the production of F₁ hybrid seed. Recently thanks to the improvement of DNA manipulation techniques a novel way, on the one hand, of producing transgenic MS plants was developed, while, on the other, the causes of the arrest of pollen tube growth in the incompatible combinations in SI was clarified at molecular level. Present paper has reviewed Mariani et al.’s construction of chimaeric genes obtaind by fusing the coding regions of the RNase genes from microorganisms to the promoters of tobacco’s tapetum-specific gene, and the use of these fused genes for the production of F₁ hybrid seed. Also reviewed is McClure et al. ’s demonstration of ribosomal RNA degradation in the pollen tube by the stylar RNase in the incompatible combinations of Nicotiana alata’s gametophytic self-incompatibility. Prior to the reviewing of these genetic engineering methods, relation between the tapetal layer and pollen differentiation in the anther was briefly described.

      • KCI등재후보

        高等植物의 細胞質雄性不稔性과 미토콘드리아 DNA의 再編成

        C. Harn(韓昶烈) 한국육종학회 1992 한국육종학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Cytoplasmic male-sterility(CMS) is a maternally inherited trait in which plants fail to produce viable pollens, while the development of the other plant parts is not affected. The CMS trait is associated with the mitochondrial dysfunction at the stage of the meiotic division of microspore mother cells in the anthers. It has been revealed in some plants including the cms-T of maize that the CMS is caused by the novel open reading frame(ORF), a chimaeric gene, resulted from the complicated rearrangement of the mitochondrial genome. Present paper has described how the ORF is brought about and how the novel polypeptide encoded by the ORF gene acts on the mitochondria in the anther tissues leading to the degeneration of the organelles.

      • KCI등재후보

        菜蔬, 花卉類에서 “種子形成 不能 一代雜種(F₁)種子”의 利用

        C. Harn(韓昶烈) 한국육종학회 1973 한국육종학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        If F₁ hybrid plants of vegetables and flowers produce no seeds, (a) it would be easy to eat in some parthenocarpic vegetables such as watermelon, (b) in hybrid plants of many vegetables and flowers the nutrition going to seed formation would be saved, making the plants more vigorous and prolonging the longevity of the plants, and (c) seedlessness would protect the seedmen who produce excellent hybrid seed, because no rival seedmen would be able to produce the imitation F₁ seed from the original F₁ seed which produce no seed. The detailed methods of how seedlessness can be produced by reciprocal translocation of chromosomes and how it can be utilized were reported previously (1).

      • KCI등재후보

        器官分化ㆍ進化ㆍ育種에 있어서 genome의 變化

        C. Harn(韓昶烈),Chee Harn(韓智學) 한국육종학회 1994 한국육종학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        The age-old concept of classical genetics on the genetic information has been that gene loci which are arranged linearly on the chromosomes are fixed and genome is stable and static. By contrast, in the new concept the genome is regarded to be dynamic, changing, in certain cases, abruptly or in response to the environment. Some of the example of genomic changes are the rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes, amplification of rRNA genes in the animal oocytes, and the presence of transposable elements. In the course of evolution genomes have changed from small to large and from simple to complex. In the differentiation of tissues and organs during the ontogeny the undifferentiated zygotic nucleus becomes differentiated and changes in complexity. The major mechanisms bringing about these changes in evolution and ontogeny are gene duplication by unequal crossing over, rapid amplification of nongenic repetitive DNA by rolling circle model, and movement from place to place of DNA segments by the specific structural organization of transposable elements. The genetic variations, sources for the evolution and breeding, are also changes in the nuclear genomes but different entirely in the mechanisms from the genetic changes mentioned above. They are the products of meiotic divisions which bring about the genetic diversities in the reproductive cells. The mechanisms resulting in these changes are (1) recombinations of chromosomes between the parental genomes, (2) gene recombinations by intergenic crossing over at the nongenic region of DNA, and (3) recombinations of exons by intragenic crossing over at the intron regions of the genes.

      • KCI등재후보

        分化, 遺傳子의 選擇的 發見 그리고 homeobox

        C. Harn(韓昶烈) 한국육종학회 1990 한국육종학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Fertilized egg, by successive divisions, develops into adult, forming various tissues and organs which are morphologically, physiologically, and functionally different. Phenotypic trait is the end product of gene expression, and differentiation of tissue and organ is the result of selective gene expression. In the last decade or so the differentiation along with the regulation of gene expression has been the prime subject in the field of developmental biology, and molecular elucidation of the genetic mechanism of differential gene expression will continue to be intensively studied in the coming decades. Since the discovery of the presence of 180bp DNA sequence named homeobox in the Drosophila melanogaster’s homeotic gene complexes in 1984, the homeobox madness has prevailed in modern biology. Present paper has dealt with the regulatory mechanism of gene expression and the identity of homeobox. Some classical problems on the differentiation have also been briefly reviewed.

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