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      • KCI등재

        Bridgman growth, luminescence and energy transfer studies of Tm3+ or/and Dy3+ co-doped Bi4Si3O12 crystal phosphor

        Bobo Yang,Jiayue Xu,Jun Zou,Yan Zhang,Tian Tian,Yaoqing Chu,Meiling Wang 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2016 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.17 No.6

        Tm3+, Dy3+ and Tm3+/Dy3+ co-doped bismuth silicate (Bi4Si3O12, BSO) crystals were successfully grown by the modified verticalBridgeman method. The crystals have about 80% transmittance in the range from 320 nm to 650 nm except several obviouscharacteristic absorption peaks corresponding to transitions of 4f electrons of Tm3+ and Dy3+. The luminescence properties forwhite light emitting diode (w-LED) were investigated. Energy transfer from the Bi3+ ions to the Tm3+ and Dy3+ ions in Tm3+or/and Dy3+ co-doped Bi4Si3O12 crystal has been established by photoluminescence investigation upon UV excitation. Whenexcited by a proper UV-light, Tm3+ doped BSO crystal shows blue emission band centered at 460 nm ascribed to Tm3+ (1D2→ 3F4), Dy3+ doped BSO crystal shows blue band at 480 nm (4F9/2→ 6H15/2), yellow band at 574 nm (4F9/2→ 6H13/2) and red bandat 662 nm (4F9/2→ 6H11/2) of Dy3+ ions. A white light with chromaticity coordinate of x = 0.3298, y = 0.2905 by excitation of357 nm is achieved from Tm3+/Dy3+ co-doped Bi4Si3O12 crystal. These results indicate that Tm3+/Dy3+ co-doped Bi4Si3O12 as awhite emitting crystal has a potential application in white-LED.

      • KCI등재

        Shear resistance performance of low elastic polymer microspheres used for conformance control treatment

        Hongbin Yang,Shuo Shao,Tongyu Zhu,Chaocheng Zhao,Shuren Liu,Bobo Zhou,Xiaoyu Hou,Yang Zhang,Wanli Kang 한국공업화학회 2019 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.79 No.-

        Low elastic polymer microsphere (L-EPM) has been proposed as a functional polymer microsphere theseyears. L-EMP has the excellent deformation ability in the porous medium due to the low storage modulus. Herein, one kind of L-EPM with storage modulus (G0) of 23.6 Pa was prepared by inverse suspensionpolymerization. The shear resistance of L-EPM was researched by using coreflooding experiment andhigh shear rate emulsifier. The conformance control behavior of L-EPM was investigated by using doubleparallel sandpackflooding experiment. The results showed that L-EPM was a kind of swollen particle gelwith three-dimensional net structure and contained amide, carboxyl, and sulfonate groups. Themechanism of water swelling property was mainly due to the formation of hydrogen bonds, hydrolysis ofhydrophilic groups and the diffusion caused by osmotic pressure difference. Compared with high elasticpolymer microspheres (H-EPM) and low elastic preformed particle gel (L-PPG), L-EPM had better shearresistance in the porous medium and the well casing perforation. In addition, the critical shear points ofL-EPM was proposed in this work. Due to the better shear resistance and deformation ability, theconformance control behavior of L-EPM showed that L-EPM was a promising conformance control agentin the heterogeneous reservoirs.

      • KCI등재

        Study of nano-SiO2 reinforced CO2 foam for anti-gas channeling with a high temperature and high salinity reservoir

        Wanli Kang,Haizhuang Jiang,Hongbin Yang,Zhe Li,Bobo Zhou,Yingqi He,Bauyrzhan Sarsenbekuly,Maratbek Gabdullin 한국공업화학회 2021 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.97 No.-

        CO2 flooding has been widely applied in lots of low permeability reservoirs. After extensive CO2 injection,some reservoirs began to show serious gas channeling problems. CO2 foam had been successfully used tosolve gas channeling problems due to its advantages of water selective plugging features (not pluggingoil). In this paper, a novel CO2 foam system was developed for high temperature and high salinity(HTHS)(85 ℃, 60,000 mg/L) aiming at solving the gas channeling in Changqing Oilfield. Taking the foam half-lifeas the evaluation standard, the optimum foam system (0.5 wt% EC-1 + 1 wt% SiO2) for the target reservoirwas determined. The influences of temperature, salinity and pressure on the CO2 foam performance werestudied by high temperature and high pressure(HTHP)method. The ability and mechanism of anti-gaschanneling were studied by experiments of sand packed tube and microscopic displacement,respectively. The results showed that the foam system possessed good foam properties at HTHS withpressure. As the concentration of SiO2 nanoparticles increased, the resistance factor of the foam systemincreased. However, temperature showed an adverse effect on foam stability, the resistance factordecreased with the increase of temperature. The Jamin superposition and emulsion plugging mechanismof foam system was revealed by microscopic displacement experiments.

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