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      • Room temperature single-step synthesis of metal decorated boron-rich nanowires via laser ablation

        Mark H. Rummeli,Barbara Trzebicka,Gianaurelio Cuniberti,Thomas Gemming,Alicja Bachmatiuk,Ignacio G. Gonzalez-Martine 나노기술연구협의회 2019 Nano Convergence Vol.6 No.14

        Hybrid nanostructures, such as those with nanoparticles anchored on the surface of nanowires, or decorated nanowires, have a large number of potential and tested applications such as: gas sensing, catalysis, plasmonic waveguides, supercapacitors and more. The downside of these nanostructures is their production. Generally, multi-step synthesis procedures are used, with the nanowires and the nanoparticles typically produced separately and then integrated. The few existent single-step methods are lengthy or necessitate highly dedicated setups. In this paper we report a single-step and rapid (ca. 1 min) laser ablation synthesis method which produces a wide variety of boron-rich decorated nanowires. Furthermore, the method is carried at room temperature. The synthesis process consists on a filamentary jet ejection process driven by pressure gradients generated by the ablation plume on the rims of the irradiation crater. Simultaneously nanoparticles are nucleated and deposited on the filaments thus producing hybrid decorated nanowires.

      • KCI등재

        Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Expression and Functionality in MCF-7 Cells: A Preliminary Investigation

        Cristina Vercelli,Raffaella Barbero,Barbara Cuniberti,Silvia Racca,Giuliana Abbadessa,Francesca Piccione,Giovanni Re 한국유방암학회 2014 Journal of breast cancer Vol.17 No.4

        Purpose: Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is a nonselectivecation channel belonging to the transient receptor potentialfamily, and it is expressed in different neoplastic tissues. Its activation is associated with regulation of cancer growth andprogression. The aim of this research was to study the expressionand pharmacological characteristics of TRPV1 in cells derivedfrom human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Methods: TRPV1presence was assessed by binding studies and Western blotting. Receptor binding characteristics were evaluated through competitionassays, while 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5,-dipheyltetrazoliumbromide reduction assays were performed to confirman early hypothesis regarding the modulation of cancer cell proliferation. The functionality of TRPV1 was evaluated by measuringCa2+ uptake in the presence of increasing concentrations ofTRPV1 agonists and antagonists. Results: Binding studies identifieda single class of TRPV1 (Bmax 1,492±192 fmol/mg protein),and Western blot showed a signal at 100 kDa corresponding tothe molecular weight of human TRPV1. Among the different testedagonists and antagonists, anandamide (Ki: 2.8×10-11 M) and5-iodoresiniferatoxin (5-I-RTX) (Ki: 5.6×10-11 M) showed the highestdegrees of affinity for TRPV1, respectively. All tested TRPV1agonists and antagonists caused a significant (p<0.05) decreasein cell growth rate in MCF-7 cells. For agonists and antagonists,the efficacy of tested compounds displayed the following rankorder: resiniferatoxin>anandamide>capsaicin and 5-I-RTX=capsazepine, respectively. Conclusion: These data indicate thatboth TRPV1 agonists and antagonists induce significant inhibitionof MCF-7 cell growth. Even though the mechanisms involvedin the antiproliferative effects of TRPV1 agonists and antagonistsshould be further investigated, it has been suggestedthat agonists cause desensitization of the receptor, leading to alterationin Ca2+-influx regulation. By contrast, antagonists causea functional block of the receptor with consequent fatal dysregulationof cell homeostasis.

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