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      • Activities and Achievements of African Rice Cultivars Development through KAFACI-AfricaRice Cooperation

        Lee Jeongran,Lee Keunpyo,Kang Kyung-Ho,Oh Jeong Ho,Mamadou Sock,Baboucarr Manneh,Lee Sang Bok 한국국제농업개발학회 2022 한국국제농업개발학회 학술대회 Vol.2022 No.09

        The Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI) has been cooperating with AfricaRice since 2014 for the eradication of hunger and poverty in Africa through sustainable agriculture and its industrialization. At first, rice breeding activities for staple food production started with KAFACI member countries by sharing high-yielding Tongil-type rice breeding lines and varieties. The Africa Rice Development Partnership project entitled “Enhancement of high-yielding rice germplasm and breeding capacity of rice producing countries in Africa” is implemented for the period from 2016 to 2025 with three phases. The actual rice breeding activities have been conducted by applying anther culture haploid breeding technology in the laboratory and field of AfricaRice Saint-Louis center. The 1,547 elite lines selected through participatory variety selection were distributed to 21 national breeders of KAFACI member countries. These lines derived from the 1,181 cross combination and 34,616 breeding lines on Korea and AfricaRice germplasm crossed. Among them 11 new Tongil-type rice varieties have been selected and registered in the national variety catalogue of Senegal, Mali, Rwanda, Malawi, and Tanzania.

      • Breeding Capacity Enhancement for Rice Breeders and Breeding Assistants of National Research Institutes in KAFACI Member Countries

        Lee Jeongran,Lee Keunpyo,Kang Kyung-Ho,Oh Jeong Ho,Mamadou Sock,Baboucarr Manneh,Lee Sang Bok 한국국제농업개발학회 2022 한국국제농업개발학회 학술대회 Vol.2022 No.09

        Sustainable capacity building of the rice value chain in Africa is essential in achieving the rice self-sufficiency and poverty alleviation. The breeding capacity enhancement has also been at the heart of AfricaRice’s mandate. Therefore, the Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI) has concentrated breeding capacity enhancement for young breeders or breeding technicians of national research institutes in the KAFACI member countries. Four-month trainings have been conducted at the Regional Training Center located in Saint Louis, Senegal. The actual practice training is as follows; First is to learn practical skills and techniques of key aspects of rice breeding which are field preparation and layout, sowing, transplanting, fertilizer application, weed control, water management, hybridization/crossing, selection, yield and yield components determination, and rice palatability testing. Second is to learn some theoretical aspects of plant breeding through lectures including basic principles of breeding, evaluation for biotic and abiotic stresses, and statistical analysis. Third is to learn about the accurate use of field and lab equipment for rice breeding. Forth is to learn about proper scientific reporting and presentation. The courses were organized twice per year following two rice cultivation seasons in Senegal. From 2019, a total of 24 trainees participated in the 4 month courses. We believe they have acquired the basic knowledge and skills to implement rice breeding activities indpendently in their countries.

      • KCI등재

        Status of Rice Cultivation and Breeding in Senegal

        Omar Ndaw Faye,Mamadou Sock,Jeong-Ho OH,Woo-Jae Kim,Jeong-Ran Lee,Eok-Keun Ahn,Baboucarr Manneh,Kyung-Ho Kang 한국국제농업개발학회 2020 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.4

        세네갈은 농촌진흥청의 아프리카 국제협력사업의 일환으로 수행되는 「아프리카 다수성 벼 품종개발 ·보급」사업의 주요 회원국으로 본 사업의 효율적 추진을 위해 세네갈의 쌀의 중요성, 쌀 생산 및 육종 현황에 대한 기초정보를 얻고자 조사하였다. 1. 현재 세네갈의 일인당 연간 쌀 소비량은 85kg로서 인구 증가, 도시화 및 쌀의 편의성으로 쌀 수요가 급격히 증가하고 있으나 쌀 생산 부족으로 국내 쌀 전체 수요량의 44%를 해외 수입쌀에 의존하고 있어 쌀 자급자족은 세네갈의 국가정책의 가장 중요한 목표이다. 2. 세네갈에서 쌀 생산은 세네갈 북부에 있는 관개농업과 이기작이 가능한 ‘Senegal River Valley’와 남부세네갈의 까자망스 지역의 천수답지대에서 이루어지고 있으나, 가뭄, 냉해, 염 해, 철분독성 불량토양, 비료 및 제초제 부족, 조류 및 잡초 피해 등 생물학적 제한 요인과 수확후 관리 기반시설 부족, 쌀 운송, 시장형성 등 제도적 제한요인 등으로 쌀 생산이 저해되고 있는 실정이다. 3. 세네갈의 벼 품종개발은 UN산하 농업연구기관인 AfricaRice, IRRI 등과 인도, 스리랑카, 중국, 한국 등 국가 협력과 지원으로 이루어져 왔으며, 1994년 이래 60개의 품종이 개발· 보급 되었다. 그러나 2017년 이후 세네갈 국가육종기관에 의한 품종개발도 이루어지고 있으며 조생종, 수량성, 향을 보유한 품종개발이 주된 육종 목표이다. 4. 현재 세네갈 국내 쌀의 품질과 밥맛에서 수입쌀에 비해 열악하여 소비자로부터 외면당하고 있는 실정으로 향후 세네 갈의 품종육성 목표는 쌀의 품질, 밥맛 및 수량을 동시에 올리기 위한 전략이 최우선시 되었다. 이를 위해 역사적으로 한국의 통일형 품종개발 및 아시아 녹색혁명을 창생시킨 IRRI 의 IR8에서 증명된 바와 같이 자포니카와 아프리카 품종과의 교배를 통한 아프리카 적응 통일형 품종을 육성하는 육종전략이 필요하다. Rice consumption in Senegal is rapidly increasing due to consumer preferences for rice and urbanization. Despite having a great potential to increase rice production on account of its vast irrigated areas in the Senegal River Valley and the rainfed and upland areas in the Casamance region, Senegal still relies on imported rice to supplement around 44% of rice demand in a year. Rice production in Senegal has been heavily affected by several biological and institutional constraints, including drought, salt, cold, iron toxicity, and diseases and pest. In terms of rice research and development, Senegal has a well-established rice breeding system for varietal development and releasing them to farmers. Since 1994, the country has developed a total of 60 rice varieties in collaboration with international organizations. However, for further improvement of grain yield and quality, this paper proposes the use of Japonica germplasm based on the empirical evidence from the green revolution of IRRI and Korea.

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