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      • KCI등재

        A Brief Description of Culture Shock Among Latin American Nationals in South Korea

        Andrés Aguilera, Mauricio Guerrero 대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소 2016 현대사회와 다문화 Vol.6 No.1

        This document aims to identify the main causes of culture shock experienced by Latin American nationals who visited South Korea. A brief literature review on the subject of culture shock and cultural adaptation is included. The revised Socio-Cultural Adjustment Scale (SCAS-R) developed by Wilson (2013) was turned into an online survey and used as data gathering instrument. (N=64) Sixty-four respondents answered the 21-question survey sent through a specific group in a major social networking site. Four major categories were surveyed; social interactions, language barriers, religion and traditions and personal issues. According to the data gathered in the sample, and some findings discussed in the theory reviewed, the main causes of culture shock among Latin American nationals who visited South Korea were related to self-reported host country language abilities: understanding and speaking Korean language (M=2.36); reading and writing Korean language (M=2.28); varying the rate of speaking in a culturally appropriate manner (M=2.31).

      • KCI등재

        A Brief Description of Culture Shock Among Latin American Nationals in South Korea

        Andres Aguilera(안드레스 아길레라),Mauricio Guerrero(마우리치오 궈레로) 대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소 2016 현대사회와 다문화 Vol.6 No.1

        이 글의 목적은 한국을 방문한 남미 출신자들이 경험하는 문화충격의 주요 원인을 살펴보는 데 있다. 또한 이 글은 문화충격과 문화적응에 관한 간략한 리뷰를 포함하고 있다. 윌슨(2013)에 의해 재구성된 사회-문화 적응 척도(SCAS-R)를 활용하여 온라인 조사를 하였고, 이를 통해 데이터를 수집하였다. 21문항으로 구성된 설문지는 주요 사회관계망에 속한 특정집단에게 보내져 이에 64명이 답하였다. 네 가지 범주, 즉 사회적 상호작용, 언어 장벽, 종교와 전통, 개인적 이슈에 대한 조사가 이루어졌다. 자료와 몇 가지 이론적 검토에 따르면 한국 방문 라틴 아메리카 출신자가 겪는 문화 충격의 주요 원인은 자기가 진단한 한국어 능력과 연계되어 있다. 구어 이해는 평균 2.36, 읽기와 쓰기는 평균 2.38, 문화적으로 적절한 언어 구사능력의 평균 점수는 2.31이다. This document aims to identify the main causes of culture shock experienced by Latin American nationals who visited South Korea. A brief literature review on the subject of culture shock and cultural adaptation is included. The revised Socio-Cultural Adjustment Scale (SCAS-R) developed by Wilson (2013) was turned into an online survey and used as data gathering instrument. (N=64) Sixty-four respondents answered the 21-question survey sent through a specific group in a major social networking site. Four major categories were surveyed; social interactions, language barriers, religion and traditions and personal issues. According to the data gathered in the sample, and some findings discussed in the theory reviewed, the main causes of culture shock among Latin American nationals who visited South Korea were related to self-reported host country language abilities: understanding and speaking Korean language (M=2.36); reading and writing Korean language (M=2.28); varying the rate of speaking in a culturally appropriate manner (M=2.31).

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