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        Polyethylene Glycol Plus Electrolytes with Stimulant Laxative in Paediatric Faecal Disimpaction: A Randomised Controlled Study

        Acharyya, Bhaswati C,Bhattacharyya, Chandrayee,Mukhopadhyay, Meghdeep,Acharyya, Saumyabrata The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology 2021 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.24 No.2

        Functional constipation is common in the paediatric population all over the world. Effective disimpaction to evacuate the impacted faecal matter forms an essential initial step in the management of constipation. Though different regimens of polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes (PEG+E) are accepted as the prime medication for disimpaction, response is not always satisfactory. A randomised prospective study was undertaken, in a tertiary paediatric Gastroenterology centre to find out the outcome of a 2-day disimpaction when a stimulant laxative sodium picosulphate was added to PEG3350+E (PEG+E+PS group) and comparing it with the outcome using PEG3350+E (PEG+E group) alone. Hundred and one children were randomised into two groups to receive PEG+E+PS and PEG+E. Results revealed that PEG+E+PS group proved significantly superior to PEG+E group in most of the efficacy-parameters in terms of disimpaction as well as long-term management of constipation. Though stimulant laxatives are being used for disimpaction, comparative data are lacking. This was the 1st such comparative study looking at the efficacy of these two processes of disimpaction along with long term effect on treatment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Cofinite Graphs and Groupoids and their Profinite Completions

        Acharyya, Amrita,Corson, Jon M.,Das, Bikash Department of Mathematics 2018 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.58 No.2

        Cofinite graphs and cofinite groupoids are defined in a unified way extending the notion of cofinite group introduced by Hartley. These objects have in common an underlying structure of a directed graph endowed with a certain type of uniform structure, called a cofinite uniformity. Much of the theory of cofinite directed graphs turns out to be completely analogous to that of cofinite groups. For instance, the completion of a directed graph Γ with respect to a cofinite uniformity is a profinite directed graph and the cofinite structures on Γ determine and distinguish all the profinite directed graphs that contain Γ as a dense sub-directed graph. The completion of the underlying directed graph of a cofinite graph or cofinite groupoid is observed to often admit a natural structure of a profinite graph or profinite groupoid, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Consumer Targeting under Quality Competition in a Liberalized Vertically Differentiated Market

        Rajat Acharyya 중앙대학교 경제연구소 2005 Journal of Economic Development Vol.30 No.1

        This paper examines consumer targeting by cost-asymmetric home incumbent and foreign entrant under quality and price competition among them in a liberalized home-country market. With the home incumbent offering a price-quality menu before the foreign entrant offers his menu, the extent to which the home incumbent enjoys a home-market advantage over a technologically efficient foreign entrant determines the nature of market segmentation. When the home-market advantage is not too large, the home incumbent targets accommodates entry by targeting only the low-type home consumers. Gains from liberalization, however, depends to a large extent on the distribution of home consumers over different types.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System and Devaluation in India: Trade Balance Effect

        ( Rajat Acharyya ) 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 1994 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.9 No.4

        This paper examines the short run trade balance effects of the recent exchange rate policies in India in terms of the extended Jones-Corden [1976] model. With rigidity of money wage rate as the target of concurrent fiscal policy, a change in the LERMS formula improves trade balance only if non-trade-ables are relatively labour-intensive. A devaluation might still fail to improve trade balance, on the other hand, in presence of imported input. The Jones-Corden condition thus gets modified in presence of imported input.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        JOYSRI ACHARYYA 경제연구소 2009 Journal of Economic Development Vol.34 No.1

        This paper examines two most important benefits and costs of foreign direct investment in the Indian context - GDP growth and the environment degradation. We find a statistically significant long run positive, but marginal, impact of FDI inflow on GDP growth in India during 1980-2003. On the other hand, the long run growth impact of FDI inflow on CO2 emissions is quite large. The actual impact on the environment, however, may be larger because CO2 emission is one of the many pollutants generated by economic activities. But CO2 being a global air pollutant, our finding has some far reaching implications for the global environment as well, with India having emerged as the fourth highest in the global ranking of CO2 emissions by turn of this century.

      • KCI등재

        The Rings Cκ(X) and C∞(X) -Some Remarks

        S.K.Acharyya,K.C. Chattopadhyay,Partha PratimGhosh 경북대학교 자연과학대학 수학과 2003 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.43 No.3

        Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space and C1 (X ) be the ring of all real valued continuous functions on X which vanish at infinity. Suppose CK (X ) is the set of all real valued continuous functions on X which have compact support, then CK (X ) is a subring of C1 (X ). We have shown that every maximal ideal of C1 (X ) is fixed from which it follows that if CK (X ) 6= C1 (X ) then CK (X ) is a proper ideal of C1 (X ) which is not extendable to any maximal ideal. By using the same result we have further established that two, locally compact Hausdorff spaces X and Y are homeomorphic if and only if C1 (X ) and C1 (Y) (respectivelyCK (X ) and CK (Y)) are isomorphic.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Class of Subalgebras of C(X) and the Associated Compactness

        S. K. Acharyya KYUNGPOOK UNIVERSITY 2001 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.41 No.2

        It was established by Plank [4] that the Stone-·Čech compactification βX of a Tychonoff space X can be realized as the set of all maximal ideals of an arbitrary subalgebra A(X) ≡ A of C(X) that contains C^(*) (X), equipped with the hull kernel topology. With every such A, we have associated a subset (υ(A))_X of βX, which is an A-analogue of υX, the Hewitt real compactification of X. X is called A-compact if υ_(A)X = X. We have shown that υ_(A)X can be identfied with the set of all homomorphisms on A onto R, with the topology inherited from that of the product space R^(4) the analogous results giving algebraic descriptions of υX and βX as considered in the monograph of Gillman and Jerison [3] follow simply on putting A = C(X) and A = C^(*) (X) respectively. We have also proved that a subset Y of βX containing X is real conmpact if and only if Y equals to some υ(A)_X. We have investigated in some details the problem when for two subalgebras A, B of C(X) containing C^(*)(X), do we have υ(A)_X= υ_(B)X; in case A ⊂ B, we have shown that υ(A)_X= υ_(B)X if and only if every homomorphism on A onto R extends to a homomorphism on B onto R, a special case of this result giving us a characterisation of pseudo-compactness.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Does What Countries Export Matter? : The Asian and Latin American Experience

        ANWESHA ADITYA;RAJAT ACHARYYA 경제연구소 2012 Journal of Economic Development Vol.37 No.3

        The present paper examines the differences in growth performances of Asia and Latin America, in particular, the roles of trade and institutions in explaining the differential growth experiences of the two regions. In examining trade policy instruments as a plausible explanation of growth divergence, we have focused on the emerging pattern and composition of export baskets in the two regions and regional integration and accession to WTO. In a GMM dynamic panel estimation for the period 1975-2005, though it is found that diversification and composition of exports have significant impacts on economic growth in both the regions, diversification within the manufacturing sector is important for Asia only. The common determinants of growth in the two regions are exports, investment, public debt and human capital. On the other hand, the differentiating factors on the diverging growth experiences of Asia and Latin America are infrastructure, regional integration and institutional aspects like patent protection, and WTO.

      • KCI등재


        SOMA ROY;RAJAT ACHARYYA 경제연구소 2009 Journal of Economic Development Vol.34 No.1

        We examine the implication of direct and indirect foreign competition on domestic innovation decision. In most of the existing theoretical analyses the foreign firms are assumed to enter the domestic-country market as an exporter and thus are subject to a tariff duty imposed by the local government. We consider a broader setting where the foreign firm also has the option of setting up a production unit in the domestic country to supply output to the domestic country. This enables it to avoid the tariff that it faces due to export. Once we allow for such a strategy option for the foreign firm, competition becomes more direct and intense since tariffs no longer discount for the technological inferiority of home firms. We show that innovation by the home firm will be discouraged at high tariffs under the threat of DFI. Again at low tariff rates exports by the foreign firm make market competition more intense and reduce the incentive for innovation. Hence the home firm always (never) innovates at low (high) R&D cost whatever be the tariff rate. For intermediate R&D cost the home firm innovates if the foreign firm opts for exports.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Charactrization of Function Rings Between C^(*)(X) and C(X)

        DE, DIBYENDU,ACHARYYA, SUDIP KUMAAR 대한수학회 2006 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.46 No.4

        Let X be a Tychonoff space and ∑(X) the set of all the subrings of C(X) that contain C^(*)(X). For any A(X) in ∑(X) suppose _(νA)X is the largest subspace of OX containing X to which each function in A(X) can be extended continuously. Let us write A(X) ~ B(X) if and only if _(νA)X = _(νB)X, thereby defining an equivalence relation on ∑(X). We have shown that an A(X) in ∑(X) is isomorphic to C(Y) for some space Y if and only if A(X) is the largest member of its equivalence class if and only if there exists a subspace T of βX with the property that A(X) = {f ∈ C(X) : f^(*)(p) is real for each p in T}, f^(*) being the unique continuous extension of f in C(X) from βX to R^(*), the one point compactification of R. As a consequence it follows that if X is a realcompact space in which every C^(*)-embedded subset is closed, then C(X) is never isomorphic to any A(X) in ∑(X) without being equal to it.

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