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        노인의료보장 및 건강관리를 위한 장$cdot$단기 대책

        이선자,이윤숙,Rhee Seonja,Lee Yoon Sook 한국보건간호학회 1991 韓國保健看護學會誌 Vol.5 No.1

        The ageing problem of the population has been emerging in Korea since 1970's so that it is expecting the elderly 65 years and over among the total population from $4.5\%$ in 1988 to be $6.3\%$ in year 2000. This study was conducted to provide secure policy development in coming years for the aged on medical and health care aspects based on the examining current status of the aged problems and health care policies and systems. The study divided into four parts; The first part examined the medical insurance program and public assistance program of the health services in relation to the aged. The second part emphasized on reduction of medical care cost for the aged. The third part studied the regular health check-up program and health education for the aged. The fourth part examined the chronic disease management programs for the aged and strategies of the health care service quality improvement and specialized programs. The following recommendations made as the results of the study. 1. At present, the medical insurance program and public assistance program for the medically indigent is not appropriate to the elderly because it is a part of general medical insurance program so that Health Security Law for the Aged is proposed. 2. Medical cost will be increased due to the high occupancy rate of hospital beds and long stay of the elderly so that it is recommended to develop an early discharge program, home health care program, Health hospice and an althernative programs. 3. At present, a regular health check-ups for the elderly is not included in medical insurance program so that it is recommended to be included in the insurance program and at the same time health education program thoroughly developed for the aged. 4. To make proper medical and nursing services on chronic diseases for the elderly, it is recommended manpower development, specialized clinics or hospitals, nursing homes and an equivalent long term care facilitices should be established on the community based and a research institutions also to be related to supper the care programs.

      • KCI등재

        在家老人 保健醫療事業의 活性化 方案

        이선자(Seon ja Rhee) 한국노년학회 1992 한국노년학 Vol.12 No.1

        재가노인은 전체 노인중 95% 이상으로 75세 이상 고령 노인이 증가하게 되는 경우 평균 3가지 정도의 만성질환을 동시에 갖게 된다. 그러나 우리나라의 가족 형태는 핵가족화되어 평균 가족수가 4명 이하로 되었으며 여성취업률의 가속화로 인하여 재가노인의 건강관리에 있어서 가족이 간호하기에는 어려운 실정에 놓이게 되었다. 따라서 재가노인에 대한 보건의료사업을 활성화 시키기 위해서는 공공 보건의료 조직인 보건소망을 이용하여 보건서비스 제공기회를 확대시켜야 할 것이며 프로그램도 다양화되어야 할 것을 제언한다. The ratio of the aged who live at their home is estimated 95% of the total aged. Health problems of the aged especially over 75 years are characterized as chronic diseases and the elderly may suffer from three kinds of diagnosed episodes in average. The family type of Korea has been changed into nuclear type with four-person members. There are also increased number of women employment. Therefore, most of the elderly family will lose their capacity of taking care of their old parents. It is recommended that health care services providing for those elderly should be carried out by the public-financed health agencies such as health center network.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

        보건의료기관 이용노인을 대상으로 한 가정간호 요구조사

        이선자(Rhee Seon Ja),박흥심(Park Heaung Sim) 한국노년학회 1990 한국노년학 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 보건소, 보건진료소, 병원에 내소한 노인을 대상으로 해서 그들의 일반적 특성, 간호요구 분석, 간호요구와 제요인간의 관련성 검정, 호소한 질병간의 관계분석, 건강관리와 제요인간의 관련성 검정을 알아보았다. 1. 조사대상 노인의 일반적 특성 대상자의 약 50%는 부부가 사별한 상태였고, 동거자수는 3∼6명 이 59.6%로 가장 많았 다. 또 동거상태는 결혼한 아들과 동거하는 경우가 44.8%로 가장 높았으며, 호소한 질병 별로 분류할 때, 질병상태는 근육골격계 질환이 26.8%로 가장 많았다. 한편 건강상태가 나쁘다고 인식하는 정도는 병원이용자가 63.2%로 가장 높았다. 2. 조사대상 노인의 가정간호요구 분석 대상자의 41.29%가 간호요구가 있으며, 이 중에서 안위요구는 60.8%로 가장 높았다. 그 다음으로 정신건강요구가 53.7%, 활동 및 안전상태요구 38.2%, 전신대사요구 36.7%, 위생유지요구 11.7%의 순이었다. 3. 조사대상 노인의 기본간호요구와 제요인간의 관련성 검정 활동 및 운동제한은 모든 기본 간호요구에서 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 또 보조물의 사용여부, 약물복용 여부, 치아상태, 간병인 유무, 질병발생시 최초의 방문장소, 의료기관 이용시 동행인 유무의 간호 요구에서도 유의한 차이가 있다. 그러나 과거의 입원경험 여부, 투약방법의 실천여부, 약리작용 인식, 식이요법 인식, 가 족의 질병여부는 간호요구와 관련성이 없었다. 4. 조사대상 노인의 기본간호요구와 호소한 질병간의 관계분석 대상자의 호소한 질병과 기본 간호요구 5항목간의 분산분석 결과는 안위요구를 제외한 나머지 4항목의 간호요구에서 모두 다 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 5. 조사대상 노인의 건강관리와 제요인간의 관련성 검정 질병발생시 최초의 방문장소, 의료기관 이용시 동행인 여부, 식이요법 인식, 약리작용 인식등에 영향을 미치는 요인은 교육수준, 생활비부담, 동거상태 등으로 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 우리나라도 선진국형 사망유형에 접근하고 있는 사실과 노인인구의 증가추세를 보아서 새로운 보건의료사업 모델이 제시되어야 하며 가정간호사업도 체계적으로 모색되어져야 한다. This research is based on a survey of elderly patients visiting public health centers, clinics and hospitals for medical treatment to determine their characteristics and analyse their nursing needs and factors involved in satisfying these needs in close reference to health care considerations. 1. General characteristics. Among those surveyed, about 50 percent had been widowed and 59.6 percent lived in households of three to six family members while 44.8 percent shared the homes of married sons. Interestingly enough, of the three categories of medical institutions, hospital patients expressed by far the greatest concern about their physical condition, with 63.2 percent acknowledging the poor state of their health. 2. Home Nursing Needs. Among the 41.2 percent of the subjects who voiced the need for home nursing, the largest portion of 60.8 percent simply wanted extra comfort. Meanwhile, 53.7 percent expressed their need for mental support, 38.2 percent physical activities and security, 36.7 percent general metabolism and 11.7 percent general hygiene. 3. Analysis on Factors Involved in Meeting Needs for Nursing. In general, the survey indicated that limitations on physical activities had a significant effect on the varying degree of needs for nursing. Particularly, the use of physical aid and medication, availability of home care giver, difficulties in chewing and swallowing, preference for the type of medical treatment facility when suffering from illnesses and whether or not patients are accompanied to medical centers evidently play important roles in determining respective nursing needs. On the other hand, experience of hospitalization, knowledge on methods of taking medication and the effects of adiministering such medication, dietary expertise and sickness among family members had little influence on the needs for nursing. 4. Analysis on Relationships Between the Complaints of Symptoms and the Nursing Needs. In addition, ANOVA results showed that apart from the need for comfort, there was significant correlation between suffering from illnesses and patients need for nursing. 5. Analysis on Factors Affecting Health Care Needs. Through the survey, it became apparent that the preference for medical institutions for treatment when suffering from illnesses, presence of accompanying personnel to medical centers, and knowledge on dietary methods and effects of taking medication are closely associated with the choice of medical institutions, level of education, financial support for the household and living conditions. In Korea, there is rapid increase in the population of elderly citizens, there is a growing urgency for the development of a more sophisticated industry for general health care as well as home nursing.

      • KCI등재

        주간 및 단기보호시설 이용노인의 건강상태 조사연구

        이선자(Rhee, Seon ja),김진순(Kim, Jin Soon),김은영(Kim, Eun-young) 한국노년학회 1998 한국노년학 Vol.18 No.1

        주간 및 단기보호시설은 핵가족화, 노인인구의 증가, 여성의 사회진출 등으로 그 필요성이 강조되고 있으므로, 이들 시설 이용노인의 서비스 요구에 부합되는 프로그램개발의 기초자료로 활용하기 위하여 본 연구는 실시되었다. 연구목적은 보호시설 노인의 건강상태 파악, 노인의 일반적 특성별로 건강상태의 차이를 파악하는데 있다. 자료수집방법은 1997년 4월 20일부터 5월 10일까지 서울시에 위치한 6개의 주간 및 단기보호시설의 이용자 111명을 대상으로 사전에 교육받은 조사요원이 직접 면담을 통하여 자료를 수집하였다. 조사결과 신체적·정신적 측면의 증상호소율은 노인 1인당 7.67개 었으며 단기보호시설 이용자의 1인당 평균 호소율은 8.59개로써 주간보호시설 이용노인의 6.76개보다 높았으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 본 분석자료를 기초로 할 때 보호시설에는 기능회복을 위한 전문적인 의료 및 간호서비스가 보충되어야 하며 재활서비스 역시 강화되어야 한다. The drastic social change in recent years resulted in the shift in family structure from large family to nuclear one and increased the number of working women. The population is becoming aged due to the extended life expectancy. The purpose of this study was to find out the health status of the elderly in day care center and short care center through the secondary data analysis. The data of 3 day care centers and 3 short care centers surveyed in 1997 by the Korea Gerontological Society and Seoul Municipal Government were analyzed. An investigation was conducted from April 20 to May 10, 1997 on the physical as well as mental complaints of the elderly. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, x²-test. The subjects of this study were 111 elderly aged over 60 who are 79 elderly people from day care centers and 32 from the short-term care centers. Females comprise 78.4% of the subjects, the mean age of the sujects is 73.8 and 27.3% of the subjects is the elderly households. The findings from this study can be outlined as follows; Out of total subjects, 46.8% needed a certain degree of assistance in performing their daily activities. And the degree of assistance required for the age group of over 75 and the those who live with their children and those with eyesight or hearing impairment was significantly higher than that of the rest of the elderly. As for the health status analyzed through the complaints ftom the physical and mental problems, the complaint rate ranged from 0 to 16 and in average was 7.67, which indicated that the health status of the elderly was generally sound. Regarding the complaint rate by the type of the centers, the short care center was 8.59 while that of day care center was 6.76, which showed that the health status of short care centers was relatively low. The compaint of musculoskeletal system accounted for the largest proportion. The complaint of eyesight impairment accounted for the highest rate(56.8%) and the next was difficulty in walking(50.5%). The complaints such as the loss of interest, hypertension, dementia rate 43.2%, 41.4%, and 34.2% respectively. Based on the results of the study, the health education and promotion should be strengthened to improve the health status of the elderly. The comprehensive welfare services for the elderly should be developed and the professional workers forstered.

      • KCI등재

        농촌 노인의 안과적 증상 및 안질환 실태

        이선자(Rhee Seon Ja),장숙랑(Chang Sook Nang) 한국노년학회 1999 한국노년학 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구는 1997년 2월부터 1998년 12월까지 2년간 강원도 춘천시 지역 노인들을 대상으로 안보건 무료 검진 사업을 실시한 후, 대상자의 안질환 유병양상 및 그에 따른 관리대책을 분석한 조사 연구로서, 지역사회에서의 노인 안보건 사업의 필요성을 확인하고 농촌 지역 노인들을 대상으로 안과 검진을 통해 시력 및 안질환 유병 실태를 조사하고, 그에 해당하는 적절한 관리 대책을 제시하고자 하였다. 춘천시 60세 이상 노인을 대상으로 홍보후 검사를 원하는 358명의 노인들에게 춘천군 보건소 시설을 이용하여 무료 안검사 및 안과전문의에 의한 정밀 검진을 실시하였다. 검진은 안과적 증상에 대한 문진, 시력 검사 및 보건교육, 안과정밀검진의 3단계로 실시되었다. 시력분포는 양안 중 좋은 쪽 시력을 기준으로 0.7이상인 사람이 41.1%, 0.3이상 0.6이하가 47.8%이었으며, 나쁜 쪽 시력을 기준으로는 0.3이상 0.6이하가 46%로 가장 많았다. 총 358명 중에 352명이 1가지 이상의 안과적 문제를 가지고 있었는데, 그 중 백내장이 100명(22.6%)으로 가장 많았고, 굴절이상, 결막염, 익상편 순이었다. 특히 백내장은 60세 이상 69세 이하 노인에서 높게 나타났다. 검진 후 치료대책으로는 안경처방이 16.2%, 약물치료 32.4%, 수술 9.4%, 추후 계속적 관찰이 필요한 경우가 2.8%로 나타나 앞으로 지속적인 안검진 사업이 필요하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 노인의 안보건은 지역내 환경과 의료자원의 실정에 맞는 적절한 관리 체계가 마련되어, 지속적인 보건사업으로 정착되어야 할 것이다. 이를 위해서는 상대적으로 노인인구가 많고 안과 의료의 접근도가 낮은 농촌 지역에서는 보건소 등이 주체가 되어 일차적 선별 검사를 하고 여기서 나타난 이상 소견자와 추후 관리가 필요한 사람에 대해서는, 정밀검사 및 수술 등 전문적 치료와 관리를 위해 시 군 권역 내의 안과의사나 후원단체 또는 개인 후원과의 협조, 의뢰체계를 구성하여 연계하는 방안이 확립되어야 할 것이다. We performed the Community Based Opthalmologic Health Screening Services (CBOHSS) for elderly people lived in rural area of Chuncheon city, Kangwon province, from Feb., 1998 to Dec., 1998. Through investigating the prevalence of opthalmologic disease and the management policy for these problem, we are to identify the need of CBOHSS. After announced to eldely people over 65 in the Chuncheon city, total 358 people gathered and recieved opthalmologic test from opthalmologist in community Health center. In the result of sight test, there were 41.1% that better sight is over 0.7, 42.8% is 0.3 over 0.6 below. There were about 46% that worse sight is 0.3 over 0.6 below. The number of 352 Elderly of total participants(n=358) had eye problems, the most elderly in this study(n=100, 22.6%) suffered from cataract, and the next frequent disease were ametropia, conjunctivitis, pterygium. The treatment plan was as followed. 'Need glasses' is 16.2%, 'Need drug treatment' is 32.4%, 'Need operation' is 9.4%, and 'Need follow up' is 2.8%. It means that they need continuous CBOHSS. Considering the deficiency of rural health care resources in Korea, the CBOHSS for elderly will very appropriate and important national service. The community health center should serve the primary opthalmologic screening services for elder residents, and then, refer portential patients to the opthalmologist and supportive group in urban. This Opthalmologic refer system have to settle down in rural area in Korea.

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