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      • 開化期 體育 관련 用語의 意味에 관한 考察

        황태상 창원대학교 체육과학연구소 1996 경남 체육연구 Vol.1 No.1

        본 논문은 開化期 우리의 전통 體育文化가 서구 문화의 유입으로 근대화되는 과정에서 나타난 體育관련 用語의 意味를 고찰하였으며, 그 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 養生이란 용어는 조선시대에 많이 사용되어 오던 것으로, 林泳孝는 養生의 개념을 "혈액을 보호하고 신체를 건강하게 하는 것"이라 하고, 寢食하고 運動하는 것이 養生의 근본이라 하였다. 兪吉濬은 「養生하는데 規則」에 대하여 논하면서 '攝生'이란 용어를 사용하면서 身體運動이 攝生하는 방법 중 가장 중용한 것이라 하였다. 林泳孝와 兪吉濬이 사용한 '養生'과 '攝生'이란 용어가 身體를 건강하게 하는 것이란 의미로 유사하게 사용되었음을 알 수 있다. 이것이 발전하여 高宗은 '體養'이란 용어로 사용하였으며, 의미에 있어서는 큰 변화가 없었다. 2) 體操는 體育이란 용어가 정착되기 이전에 가장 많이 사용된 용어이다. 李沂는 "體育은 운동장에서 뛰어 노는 敎育이요, 體潮는 신체를 건전하게 하는 學問이다"라고 한 것으로 보아 이 당시에는 아직 體育과 體操의 개념이 완전히 정립되지 않았음을 알 수 있다. 金壽哲은 "體操를 세상사람들이 곤란한 學科라 생각되나 잘못된 견해"라고 하여, 體操를 學科目으로 생각하였다. 이것은 근대적 學校規則에서 제정되어 體操 敎科目의 目的과 內用이 공포된 것과 맥을 같이 한다. 각 학교 施行規則에서 교과목으로서의 體操의 내용은 體育의 의미로 사용되었음을 알 수 있다. 그리고 體操의 내용으로는 普通體操와 兵式體操가 실시되었다. 3) 體育이란 용어가 나타나 사용되기 시작한 것은 開化期이다. 開化期 學術誌를 통하여 古來로 내려 오던 지적 중심의 교육 형태를 비판하면서 體育을 강조하는 글들이 많이 발표되었다. 禹敬名은 體育의 개념을 "體育의 建全强壯을 이룩하게 하는 것"이라 하였으며 金義善은 "身體의 건강과 인내력을 양성하는 학문"으로 정의하였다. 金壽哲은 體育을 의미한다고 함은 身體敎育이라 하였고, 관력학문의 연구를 통하여 體育의 균형발육을 이룩하고자 하는 것이 身體敎育이라 하였다. 劉根洙는 體育學을 연구실행하여 건강과 체력을 증진하고자 하였고, 大韓體育俱樂部 발기 취지서에는 體育的 科學이란 용어를 사용하여 體育의 槪念이 점점 근대적으로 변화 발전되어 감을 알 수 있다.

      • Edward Hitchcock의 체육사상이 19C 미국 대학 체육에 미친 영향에 관한 연구

        황태상 창원대학교 체육과학연구소 1998 경남 체육연구 Vol.3 No.2

        본 논문은 최초로 미국 대학에서 체육 교수로 임명되어 19세기 미국 초기 대학체육에 선구자적 역할을 수행한 히치코크(Edward Hitchcock)의 체육사상과 업적을 중심으로 당시 미국 학교체육에 미친 영향을 탐구하고자 하였다. 체육에 대한 최초의 중요한 대학 프로그램은 암허스트 대학에서 시작되었으며, 히치코크는 체육학과의 철학에 대하여 "이 학과의 유일한 목적은 정상적 표준까지 신체적 건강을 유지시키는 것" 이라 하였으며, 대학 체육 프로그램에서 체육과 같은 과목을 포함하는데 대한 주된 이유는 학생들의 건강을 증진시키는데 대한 체육의 잠재력이었다. 히치코크는 체육수업에서 가벼운 체조, 행진, 달리기, 속보 들을 행하였으며, 이런 운동들은 처음 15분에서 20분으로 변경되었으며, 나머지 30분은 자발적인 운동으로 이루어졌다. 어떤 학생들은 무거운 기구를 사용했으며, 오래달리기, 댄스, 곤봉, 노래, 줄다리기, 공중돌기, 운동, 스포츠 또는 레크레이션을 위한 적당한 운동을 그들 자신이 하였다. 히치코크는 오늘날까지 사용하고 있는 두가지 수업방법을 발달시켰다. 하나는 체육수업에 참가할 학생들이 유니폼을 입는 것이며, 다른 하나는 수업에 반장의 이용이다. 하트웰과 세비지와 같은 반장들은 후에 유명한 체육가가 되었다. 대학 체육 프로그램에서 실내운동과 야외운동과 스포츠를 비교하면서 야외운동, 특히 스포츠의 중요성을 강조하였다. 이런 사상을 바탕으로 히치코크는 교내경기 형태의 경쟁을 위한 운동경기를 장려하였으며, 운동경기를 정규 체육수업에서 실시하여 발달시켰다. 19세기 후반기 체육방법상의 가장 중요한 발달은 체력 측정과 테스트의 방법이었다. 인체측정은 최초로 영국 체육가인 맥크라렌이 가슴둘레를 측정함으로써 시작되었으며, 히치코크는 체육과 관련하여 인체측정을 실시한 최초의 미국인이었다. 그가 행한 가장 당면한 혁신적 과제는 인간성장의 종단적 연구였다. 그가 인체측정학을 사용한 주된 목정은 평균 또는 이상적 대학생을 찾기 위해서였으며, 궁극적 목표는 학생들의 건강과 신체적 발달이었다. 히치코크는 몇 년간에 걸쳐 8개의 최초 측정 시리즈를 만들었다. 측정은 나이, 체중, 신장, 가슴둘레, 팔둘레, 전완둘레, 폐용적과 턱걸이의 8개 항목이었으며, 1861년부터 약 1880년까지 모든 학생들을 대상으로 실시되었다. 이상에서 히치코크의 체육사상과 프로그램은 수업방법과 내용면에서 종래의 체조 중심의 수업보다 진일보 하였음을 알 수 있으며, 특히 인체측정 분야에서의 선구적 역할과 측정항목과 측정방법의 개발에 지대한 공헌을 하였음을 알 수 있다.

      • 三國史記 및 三國遺事에서 본 體育像에 關한 硏究

        趙福德,朴眞成,黃太相 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1989 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        Based on the above statements, we can conclude the sanitary though and physical activities in terms of physical education as follow ; 1. Many sacrificial rites were performed for a good health, happiness and the treatment of diseases on the basis of polytheism in those days. Three Kingdoms accepted the Buddhism as their national religion, by which they wished for longevity and good health. They also realized the viewpoint of their future, their life and death by sutra-chanting and praying. 2. Such sports as achery, Tuho(a game of throwing arrow into the jar), ball-kicking, Ssirum(Korean style wrestling), shooting on horseback, animal hunting, Chucheon(a rope swing) Jeopo(the Four-Stick Game;yuch), Baduk(Korean checkers), Aksak(dice play), Jukma(stilts), kiteflying were performed in order to defend the country, extend the territory and rule the citizens as a means of military exercise. 3. Therefore, it is concluded that in those days military arts and physical activities were based on the cultivation of the harmonious human being not only intellectually, emotionally but also socially, politically, religiously and militarily, which became the basis of the modern physical education.

      • Hegel 철학에 있어서 주ㆍ객 동일성의 문제에 관한 연구

        김성미,황철문,황태상 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1996 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        A Style of art is expressed historically according to what form combined an idea and the form. The idea is toword for sensible a style of art, then harmonized completely with it. that is to say, this is a principal of the idea and phenomenon for the identification. thus, Hegel was worked to remove a regularity of identification in the subject and the object with a talking about the self - the nonself, an action - a reaction, an idea - a phenomenon, existing - existence, etc.., and he was established a unification of the object acd subject, an idea and a pheno-menon, an artist and appreciator, self-consciousness and consciousness of the object, and a theoreti-cal idea and practical idea in the filed of arts.

      • 一般運動能力儉査의 評價基準分析

        黃喆文,黃太相 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1986 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        In administrating 845 applicants(man : 740, woman : 105) for admission to the department of physical education, college of education, Pusan National University during four years(1981-1980 : woman, 1982, 1985, and 1986), the General Motor Ability Test was measured in order to analyze the evaluation norm and whether this is practical and fit in validity and reliability. The applicants were tested 1) 100m Dash, 2) Sargent Jump, 3) Burpee Test, 4) Chin-ups (man), Flexed-arm hang( woman). The results are as follows; 1. In 100m Dash, it was shown that man's average records during four years were shown normal distribution which was inclined toward 10 grade. But most of girl-applicants(74.4%) were gained the lowerest, and it was analyzed that interval size was uneven, upper and lower limit record had not a reference point. 2. Average records of Sargent Jump were the highest in 1982, and declind gradually. they were shown normal distribution in man, but most of girl-applicants (about 80%) were distributed the lower grade (6-8). 3. Burpee Test was shown that evaluation norm was set up low, so it has must readjusted high. 4. Average records of chin-ups were shown the normal distribution which was inclined lower grade, and average records of Flexed-arm hang were shown U-distribution. 5. The major problems in the General Motor Ability Test were the norm of reference point and interval size in each item. So we suggest the new norm of interval records on each event(see table 13)

      • 基礎運動能力檢査의 妥當度 및 評價基準分析

        黃喆文,金重雄,表內淑,黃太相 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1988 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        In administrating 323 subjects (man : 294, woman : 29) for admission to the department of physical education, college of education, Pusan National University during two years, the General Motor Ability Test was measured in order to analyze the validity and reliability of evaluation norm in choosing events and grading. The subjects were tested in seven events : 1) 100m Dash, 2) 1500m Run(man), 800m(woman), 3) Throwing Hand-Ball, 4) Broad jump, 5) Chinning(man), Flexed-Arm Hang(woman), 6) Zig-Zag Run, 7) Trunk Flexion. The results are as followes ; 1. In 100m Dash, 1500m Run, and Throwing Hand-Ball, man's average recordes were shown normal distribution which was inclined towgrd low 11 grade. So it was analyzed that we must regulate the interval size to lower. 2. Average records of Broad Jump in were distributed into the somewhat high (3-7) grade (about 78.6%). Then, the interval size must be regulated higher. 3. In chinning, Zig-Zag Run, and Trunk Flexion man's average records were shown normal distribution, and the average and the standard deviation were similar to present records. 4. For woman, it was impossible to analyze correctly in all seven because of the small number of subjects. So it was analyzed for the sake of the reference. There will be an exact analization in choosing the interval size and standard records. 5. Investigating the validity of the choosing seven events. We found out that 100m Dash was chosely interrelated with others, and so it was the dependent event. But other events were independent. Then, we could say that they were chosen reasonably.

      • 開化期 學術誌에 나타난 民族主義 體育思想에 관한 硏究

        황태상,황철문 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1994 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify the thoughts on gymnastics in the Enlightening Period in the light of beginning and development of modern gymnastics of Korea with the conflict between traditional thoughts and the western thoughts. Therefore, I tried to clarify the process of the formation and development of Korean gymnastics in the fluctuation of the end of the Korean Empire by examining the thoughts on gymnastics of the pioneers in the Enlightening Period. As a method of study, Literature approach, the analysis of the newspapers of those days and academic journals was taken as a method of this study. the Ul-Sa Compulsory, Treaty necessitated the safety and restoration of Korea through the human resource development. So the education was focused on the balance of the wisdom, virtue and body, especially on the body by the Ui-Sun Kim, Chang-Yol Choi, Dong-jak Rew, and Il-Pyung Moon. And the term 'scientific gymnastics' was first used in the letter on purposes of the establishment of Korean Gymnastics Club. The learned discussed the gymnastics as the study or learning of the action and motion of human body. Il-Pyung Moon and Dong-Cho Lee introduced the eastern system of gymnastics with criticism on the lack of thoughts on gymnastics of Korea. Gun-Su Rew took the gymnastics as an individual science in the argument of Dae-Dong Department of Gymnastics. The conditions of the Korean Empire made the human resource development of Koreans urgent through the balanced development of head, heart and health and especially the health was focused on because the restoration of Korea was to be achieved through it.

      • 舊韓末 開化期의 科學的 身體觀에 관한 硏究

        黃太相,黃喆文 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1993 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify the scientifical idea of human body in the Enlightening Period in the light of beginning and development of modern gymnastics of Korea with the conflict between traditional thoughts and the western thoughts. Therefore, I tried to clarify the process of the formation and development of Korean gymnastics in the fluctuation of the end of the Dai Han Empire by examining the scientifical idea of human body on anatomy and physiology of the pioneers in the Enlightening Period. As a method of study, Literature approach, the analysis of academic journals of those days was taken as a method of this study. The results of this study can be summarized as below. Anatomy and physiology related to physical exercise, especially anatomy and physiology of human body, was systematically studied. The concept of physiology was established and Heon-Suk Song and 'the monthly bulletin of Buk Seo Academy' detailed the physiology of human body. But the relationship between physiology and gymnastics was poorly explained expert the explanation of the relationship of the number of respiration and the physical status, age, motion, and temperature in 'the Introductory Respiration Physiology'.

      • Thomas Anold의 體育觀과 Rugby School에 관한 硏究

        黃太相,趙源敏 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1997 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        This study was conducted by Thomas Anold, the representative of a modern reformer and an idea of physical education's phenomena and the purpose in the rugby school. The purpose of Thoams Anold's the education reformation in the rugby school was that he influenced the school principal of christianity to students to destroy unmorality and to build the christian school in school. To do that, the problem was to recreate school principle's control and the moral effect to school. Students' voluntary activities were provided and these activities developed as organized games. There were two factors wether Thomas Anold was the reformer of physical educational or not. In the previous studies and books mentioned that he was educational reformer. However, he was not to influence the physical education in the pure perspective. Another word, he was not a man of thought in the physical education. As a matter of fact, he influenced sports activities at rugby school activities. In Thom Brown's school days, it was found that sport activities were very active at the rugby school. In a novel, team sports were more popular than individual sports such as cricket and rugby. The team sports were utilized as educational system in this novel. For instance, the purpose of improving team sports influenced to create the proper social attitudes and sportsmanship through team sport activities. In the rugby school, a lots of time were admitted for games. A cricket and a rugby play were admitted two hours on an every (13:30-15:30) the Tuesday, the Thursday, and the Saturday at school. Also, traditional sport was "the big side run" and cricket, and Crik is one of running sport which was held in regular program.

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