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      • KCI등재

        19세기 영국 여성들의 여가활동에 관한 연구

        황의룡(Hwang, Eui-Ryong),오경록(Oh, Kyung-Rok) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        From the study about middle sort of English Woman"s indoor-outdoor avocation in the 19<SUP>th</SUP> century, got such kind of conclusion. At the mid of 19<SUP>th</SUP> the French and Music, Art, Reading came instead of handiwork about knitting and embroidery. Very few of the leisure sort enjoy riding, a boat race, skating, Nine Fine, archery, Starting in the 1860<SUP>th</SUP> the mid sort of people built some house with garden at the outside city and open the party with friends and relationship. Because of they thought the avocation have to enjoy with their family, and then they played tennis and roquet sports after party for the harmony. Depend on developed of rubber and iron"s product skills, the bicycle very popular in 1880. People rally like enjoy bicycle more than any other invent for avocation. Tennis and croquet, bicycle is makes young people are dating. According to these fact, we know that the 19<SUP>th</SUP> of English woman is not really passively, they really vital person, In the other side English woman did not wholly got free because of traditional prejudice.

      • KCI등재


        황의룡(Hwang Eui-Ryong) 한국체육과학회 2006 한국체육과학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        This study is to verify the sociological process and present situation of Korean Ssireum considered as Korean traditional sports. It was as Korean popular recreation in the premodern time. And it has become an amateur SSIREUM since the modem time, with accepting the ideal of modem sport which occurred in the west Europe. Therefore, It can be said as the first case that Korean SSIREUM known as a folk game has changed into professional sports because the political and social powers since 1983.

      • KCI등재후보

        경륜 참여자의 도박동기와 도박중독성향의 관계

        황의룡(Hwang Eui-Ryong),함경수(Ham Kyung-Soo) 한국체육과학회 2006 한국체육과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        This purpose of this study is to examine into the gambling motives and the gambling addiction in terms of participants in Cyclerace. To this end, after setting the participants in Cyclerace to population, it used 245 copies as the finally research materials by utilizing the convenience sampling. First, the gambling motives has influence upon the irrational gambling belief of participants in Cyclerace. Namely, the monetary motive and the relax motive which is the sub-factor in gambling motives of participants in Cyclerace, have influence upon the self-confidently illogical deduction. Also, the monetary motive has an effect on the technical-excessively evaluating deduction. Second, the gambling motives has influence upon the gambling addiction of participants in Cyclerace. Namely, the monetary motive and the relax motive which is the sub-factor in gambling motives of participants in Cyclerace, have influence upon the damage in money. Also, the relax motive has an effect on the damage in self-discipline. Third, the irrational gambling belief has influence upon the gambling motive of participants in Cyclerace, Namely, the self-confidently illogical deduction and the technical-excessively evaluating deduction which is the sub-factor in irrational gambling belief of participants in Cyclerace, have influence upon the damage in money, in living, and in self-discipline.

      • KCI등재후보

        초기 근대올림픽의 역사사회학적 재조명

        황의룡(Hwang Eui-Ryong) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Europe was transformed into the modern society at the end of the 19th century with social development and material civilization. In a radically changing society, people needed stability and had a reason of creating tradition. With this flow of society, the modern Olympic Games were launched. Under the imperialistic thought-oriented conditions of the times, Coubertin was worried over the absence of school's physical education in France and therefore positively introduced the British sport system, thus dreaming a humanist ideal of establishing the modern Olympic Games. He traced the social continuity and historical tradition of the modern Olympic Games back to the ancient Olympic Games in Greece. He regarded the games of Much-Wenlock in Britain as the model of modern Olympic Games which preserved the tradition of the ancient Olympic Games. In order to settle down the modern Olympic Games early, Coubertin held the Games with an international exposition. Although it was separated from the international exposition from the fifth Games, a variety of its ceremonial and memorial events were derived from the ideal imitation of the international exposition. With the launching of the modern Olympic Games, amateurism couldn't but become its inseparable partner. Although he gave no special meaning to amateurism privately, Coubertin established the entry rules of amateurs in the modern Olympic Games as a means of settling it down quickly. However, amateurism was underlie some discriminatory elements which interfering people's liberal participation in sport events.

      • KCI등재

        일본 스포츠 폭력의 실태와 방지책에 관한 연구

        황의룡(Hwang, Eui-Ryong) 한국체육과학회 2016 한국체육과학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to discuss the violence in Japanese sports as well as the countermeasures that have been taken. This topic came to light in 2012 when a highschool athlete committed suicide and Japan’s national female judo team was subjected to violence. The violence within sports in Japan is a result of the structural problems, hierarchy and the emphasis of idealism that its military culture has spread to modern school education. In the sportsdom of postwar Japan, school athletic teams became the main source of elite athletes. While students, parents and associated organizations recognized the need to end corporal punishment and group discipline, they turned a blind eye to such violent acts. This is considered to be one of the biggest reasons why the sports world has yet to eradicate violence. Since 2013 JOC has established guidelines to eradicate violence with the help of sports instructors, participants, associated organizations, academic associations etc. The focus of the education program is on human rights subjects such as sports ethics or legal ethics. Violence counselling windows run by lawyers, legal experts, psychologists and other third parties were consigned and created so that victims could freely seek counselling. This was handled in a quick manner. The results have been promising so far, showing a positive change in the sports world.

      • KCI등재후보

        여성스포츠와 여성문화정책에 관한 소고

        황의룡(Hwang Eui-Ryong),김호민(Kim Hyo-Min) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        In the flow of feminist cultural movement for the realization of a gender equality in society, centered on the protest against sexually discriminatory education, law, and custom, the change in the world of sports which has greatly contributed to strengthen patriarchy as a symbol of masculinity has come. Especially, all human beings have freedom and right to participate in sports activities regardless of their gender according to the UNESCO Committee of Physical Education and Sports. This charter has drawn much political interest and succeeded in ensuring the equality between genders in the field of sports. However, on the other hand, violence and sexual harassment within intramural girl's sports club or professional sports teams are taking place very often, and sexual discrimination in the process of leader selection is commonly raised as social problems. Yet, legal steps or institutional devices to support women's sports are still wholly lacking. Therefore, there is a urgent need to come up with a social consensus to eliminate sexual discrimination within the sport milieu and to establish institutional devices, which will also play a part in revitalizing the women's cultural policies. In order to achieve this, female specialists should be posted to the sports department and quota system for women should be introduced. Moreover, a leading legalized policy that can effectively promote gender equality in sports is essential for the realization of correspondence of legal system with the real world.

      • KCI등재

        일본 정부기관의 스포츠관련 예산과 정책에 관한 연구(Ⅱ)

        황의룡(Hwang Eui-Ryong),유호(Yoo Ho) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Taking opportunity of Tokyo Olympic in 1964, the policy for the promotion of sports in Japan began to center on elite sports by the policy of improving physical strength,「About countermeasure for improving health and physical strength of the people. In the 2000's, according to the master plan for the promotion of sports, revitalization of elite sports through promotion of lifelong sports for the people and the sports policy for effect of work in close cooperation through connection of physical education at school are being pursued. In the 2000's, as a result of the Prime Minister of Japan, Koizumi's innovation, although the budget for improving physical strength decreased 5% every year, as a long term plan for the promotion of sports passed in the middle point, the athletic facilities at school and the socially athletic facilities were improved. And they go ahead with the policy that are supporting activities of sports club of German type like general local sports club a lot, lifelong sports for the people like that build the training centers only for elite athletes makes the foundation secure, the results make sports at school activated, and then many elite athletes would be produced so that would obtain good result in the world championship like Olympics to make the people pleasant.

      • KCI등재

        일본과 한국의 근대화와 운동회에 관한 비교 연구

        황의룡(Hwang Eui-Ryong),김필승(Kim Pil-Seung) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        This study reached following conclusions after analyzing the field day, started from the mid-nineteenth century with the modernization of Japan and Korea, on the history-comparing point of view. First, the first field days of these two countries were held with twenty years of gap as they open themselves to the world. In Japan, it was first held by a British teacher belonged to a military school in 1874, where as the first field day of Korea was a joint field day prepared by Eulmieuisook, a Japanese language school, showing the difference in their birth backgrounds. Second, there were similarities in the field day of both countries that they had a characteristic of the national ritual, influenced by the government and the leadership of society, and had a feature of social enlightenment. Third, the operating funds for the field day in both countries were covered, from the very beginning, by the government, dignitaries, elite group, and local worthies. Fourth, the field day of Japan began with the combination of field and track events and entertaining events and schools formed the mainstream with the modem sports, mainly gymnastics performance, until the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war and the Russo-Japanese war that changed the mainstream of sports events to group gymnastics and war-imitating events that implicated a military purpose. In Korea, on the other hand, the field day was held with the field and track events and the entertaining events in the beginning, but as the loss of national sovereignty was on track after the Eulsa Treaty of 1905, more military-flavored sports events were chosen for the field day. Fifth, as if it reflected the times, the early field days in Japan functioned as a tool for educating modern citizens and became a unique annual school event that allowed the country to train physical strengths of students suitable for its political purpose.

      • KCI등재

        일제 강점기의 보통학교 운동회에 관한 연구

        황의룡(Hwang Eui-Ryong),임우택(Lim Woo-Taek) 한국체육과학회 2010 한국체육과학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        This study aims to examine significance, types, events and problems of sports day in common school during the Japanese ruling era by referring to articles related to sports day contributed to 『The Educational Study of Joseon Period』 published from 1928. The results of this study are as following. Firstly, 『The Educational Study of Joseon Period』 was published by considering educational circumstance and environment of Joseon period based on Japanese academic magazines. Secondly, at that time, sports day in common school was to cultivate complete people that society required by developing them mentally and physically in harmony and improving personalities, and to encourage school spirit and unify spirit. By opening the sports day, they tried to make parents and local notables understand social significance of school sports and it helped to achieve local unity and strengthen ties among parents. Thirdly, there were small sports day held once a month, class sports day held twice a year, grand sports day held in spring and fall that the whole classes participated in, the united sports day of school and sports competition in types of sports events in the Japanese ruling era. Fourthly, souka game, parade game, gymnastic game and competition were properly selected in athletic sports from the early of 1930's and a relay between red and white teams was conducted at the end of the event. In 1937, events of sports day changed into military events like cavalry-battle game, tank breakthrough and delivery of explosive cans, since the Sino-Japanese War was brought about. Fifthly, sports day in local communities was an alternative of amusement facilities or games and it was an annual event contending for superiority among local schools. But after entertaining characteristics of sports day begun to be stressed, it had negative effects on people to defeat opponents with every possible means and the Japanese was caught in a whirlpool of the war, sports day in common school gradually changed into a means for military education.

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