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      • KCI등재

        안마 선회동작의 종류에 따른 비교분석

        황용재(Hwang, Yong-Jae),우병훈(Woo, Byung-Hoon),정인근(Jung, In-Geun) 한국체육과학회 2013 한국체육과학회지 Vol.22 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to kinematic comparative analysis on circle type in pommel horse. Five elite gymnastics players were participated in this study for the comparison. The kinematic data were collected for each circle motion. Conclusion is as following. Tail circle the handle to avoid conflicts with the hip flexion and abduction of the was larger. Rotates circle away was to keep the extension of hip. Strengthen the force of circle the shoulder of action was to do great extension. rear circle to the heel turn, and far and wide extension was larger. tail circle and the rear hip flexion is expected to perform slowly. rear circle to the bend of the hips upward foot by doing one was faster.

      • KCI등재

        채점규칙 변경에 따른 기계체조 세계선수권대회 링 연기구성의 변화

        황용재(Hwang, Yong-Jae),이주형(Lee, Joo-Hyung),한윤수(Han, Yoon-Soo) 한국체육과학회 2021 한국체육과학회지 Vol.30 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to analyze participants 32 players from 8 team Final, 4 Korean players ranked 9th, and a total of 36 players to the revised scoring rules. First, in Group I, C-difficulty swing fwd. with straight arms. to hdst.(2s) and Uprise bwd. or giant swing with straight arms.(2s) suitable for the requirements, and D-difficulty Jonason and C-difficulty Yamawaki should be performed. Second, Group II thought that either D-difficulty nakayama or Azarian, which can be usefully postponed even in the 2022 rules, should be performed. As the swallow form of roll bwd. swallow with str. arm and body to slow(2s) is lowered to E-difficulty and determined to have the same difficulty as From cross. press to swallow(2s), the selection of D-difficulty Hirondelle and technology is important. Third, Group III It is believed that players and coch will have to decide what skills to perform. but Players are thought to need to acquire technologies such as Uprise bwd. to inverted cross (2s), where technologies in the form of inverted cross have been determined to be upgraded from D to E difficulty. Fourth, Group IV it is double salto bwd. t. with 2/1t. thought that performing a perfect landing rather than a performance may produce better results. Fifth, Team Score can be said to be essential for even difficulty and stable performance of players participating in the game, and it is believed that not only high-level skills but also skills should be improved.

      • KCI등재

        안마 물구나무서서 내리기 동작의 생체역학적 비교분석

        황용재(Hwang, Yong-Jae),강영석(Kang, Young-Seok),최원호(Choi, Won-Ho) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        This study researched 4 people in national teams and 4 university players about analyzing handstand Dismount of the V group affiliation which they should perform during pommel horse and we get biomechanical variances which can utilized as a data for systematic training thorough motion and eletromyography analysis. Taken together the results of this study, we can find that starting from low center of gravity position, moving up consistently, making rotate and raise at the same time, and minimizing the body movement of right in stable condition is more efficient. And performing minimal movements in action for moving up using rotational inertia was more expeditious. In addition, securing the body center-of-gravity by putting their hands quickly laying on the shoulder in a straight line, fixing the upper limb in performing small curve of the hip, and raising the lower limb to form a vertical axis seems more efficient for a change of body direction. Making raise from the left hip joint by performing the extension of left shoulder joint quickly is thought to be advantageous for raising the center of gravity. the knee joint need to be changed in action because it show various curves at specific point of time. Finally, using muscles of left and right equally is more desirable.

      • KCI등재

        테니스 포핸드 스트로크 시 그립 형태에 따른 하지관절 움직임 및 상지근의 변화 차이 분석

        황용재(Yong-Jae Hwang),강영석(Young-Seok Kang) 한국레저사이언스학회 2023 한국레저사이언스학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        이 연구는 남자 테니스 동호인 5명을 대상으로 포핸드 스트로크 시 세미웨스턴 그립과 웨스턴 그립의 하지 움직임을확인하고 상지의 근활성도를 파악한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 전체 구간별 소요시간은 유의한 차이가나타나지 않았으나 세미웨스턴 그립이 P1, 웨스턴 그립이 P2에서 평균적으로 빠른 소요시간을 나타냈다. 둘째, 신체중심 전후, 좌우, 상하 위치변화 변화에서 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았으나 임팩트 순간 좌우 폭의 변화를 줄여회전력을 크게하고 전방의 이동으로 체중이동 원활하게 하는 것이 바람직한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 하지 관절각도에서 좌측 고관절 E1에서 세미웨스턴 그립과 웨스턴 그립은 통계적으로 유의한 차이로 세미 웨스턴 그립의 좌측 고관절에서 신전이 크게 나타났고(p<.05), 우측 족관절에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다(p<.05). 넷째, 근활동에서는 유의한차이가 나타나지 않았으나 하지의 운동에너지를 원활하게 전달하기 위해 광배근과 척추기립근의 동원으로 몸통회전을 일으키고 강한 스윙을 위해 삼각근과 완요골근의 활성을 임팩트까지 효율적으로 하여 볼에 운동량을 전달하는것이 중요한 요인인 것으로 나타났다. The study was to examined the lower extremity movements of the semi-western and western grips during the forehand stroke in five male tennis players and determined the muscle activity of the upper extremities, with the following conclusions. First, the overall duration of each segment did not show significant differences, but the semi-western grip showed faster duration on average at P1 and the western grip at P2. Second, it was found that it is desirable to reduce the change in left-right width at the moment of impact to increase the rotational force and facilitate the weight transfer with anterior movement. Third, the lower extremity joint angles showed a statistically significant difference in the left hip joint E1 (p<.05), and a significant difference in the right ancle joint. Fourth, the mobilization of the spinae muscles to generate trunk rotation for smooth transfer of lower extremity kinetic energy and the activity of the deltoid and hip flexor muscles for a strong swing were found to be important factors in transferring momentum to the ball.

      • KCI등재

        기계체조 안마 LI NING 동작의 운동학적 분석

        황용재(Hwang, Yong-Jae),강영석(Kang, Young-Seok),이주형(Lee, Joo-Hyung) 한국체육과학회 2018 한국체육과학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        This study was to Securing the time required for stable performance while properly distributing the time by section appeared as a characteristic of handstand motion to ensure stability in order to switch to the next movement. it was also shown that it would be easier to position the body close to the hand and, due to the nature of the hand"s alternating pommer horse, to control the speed of holding the handle with both hands. Lastly, we should create body position rase and stabilization with practice to change the by using swing. it turned out that in order to perform the handstand without a stop, the hip`s, needed to be the maximum. Li ning is a technique that can be recognized only when standing on the handstand without stopping, and handstand posture will minamize back and forth shaking and stabilize the body, it is not a good move since it can cause a mistake, be judged as a demerit, and can also cause a failure of a skill in severe cases.

      • KCI등재

        기계체조 채점규칙 개정 후 링 결승경기 난도 비교분석

        황용재(Hwang, Yong-Jae) 한국체육과학회 2018 한국체육과학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        This study was to World Championships players and national gymnastic players the technical difficulty of provide information technology of to the leaders and players. First, group I is understood to be appropriate to carry out at least three swing techniques and to make the most of the characteristics of the ring, they must be considered to be composed of the techniques used by the forces of group II and group III. Second, the domestic players perform all of the “Swing fwd. with straight arms. to hdst(2s.)”, The World Championships players performed all of the “Uprise bwd. to handstand with straight arms(2s.)”making it their most preferred skill Jonasson of difficulty was completed with the exception of High School player of one. It is believed to be most desirable to construct acting with three skills. Third, it is necessary to perform F. also method of is different but it is necessary to do either Azarian or Nakayama, included in the special i teration. Neither the World Championships nor the general athlete has performed below the D. High school players have been play a combination of A and B, and if they are not ready for strength, they should be prepared through physical strength training. Fourth, the skill must be carried out with more than D, Also, Korean player with a low deduction to rise, it can be combination with the group I, Jonasson “salto fwd. betw. rings direc. to cross(2s.)” If postponed, it is considered to be a good method in it can raise D score. Group IV is deemed to have acquired D skills and must be carried out.

      • KCI등재

        기계체조 평행봉 경기의 선호기술 및 난도 비교분석

        황용재(Hwang, Yong-Jae),정인근(Jung, In-Geun) 한국체육과학회 2016 한국체육과학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to Global players and the technical difficulty of constitute and various domestic top players in each group to determine if they are properly configured to provide information technology gonando of global flows to the country leaders and players. Ⅰ group healy to support the preferred techniques is being considered as a result of compliance may be less confident that the penalty, Ⅱ group you must perform a D skill more techniques in order to improve the technical score. In group Ⅲ Giant swing bwd. If you are considering with the premise techniques to connect to high skill that does not give extra points for connecting a selected part of the skill is unfortunate. Ⅳ group"s Basket to handstand must be performed to prevent penalty is based on the faithful to practice the basic operation. Ⅴ groups increase the accuracy and reliability of the landing as technologies are rapidly changing and evolving to acquire higher techniques. conclusion more than country should be looking for ways they enhance the techniques scores with of reliable techniques for compare with world class national sports competitions athletes with the basic technology as we believe this acquisition of high techniques difficult the practice of high techniques, you will also need to acquire to find high skill fit the individual. In particular, players might contain technology developed by Asian players in technologies that will be sufficient to perform is considered too technical development of country players.

      • KCI등재

        2019 세계선수권대회 남자 마루운동 연기내용 분석

        한윤수(Han, Yoon-Soo),황용재(Hwang, Yong-Jae) 한국체육과학회 2021 한국체육과학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze particioants 205 a Team Qualification, particioants 24 Individual Allaround, particioants 24 a team final in 2019 World Championships. Group I performed the most from split press to Japanese handstand(2s) and Fedorchenko. Second, Group II performed and favored Salto fwd. strted with 1/1 turn and Salto fwd. strted with 2/1 turn, with connectivity and single skill. Third, Group III was shown to perform Salto bwd. stretched with 2/1t, and to use 3/2t and 5/2t as connecting techniques, but to move up to the top, it would have to be linked with 7/2t. Double salto backward tackled with 2/1t has been shown to be consistent. Fourth, GroupⅣ was the preferred technology for the D difficulty of Salto bwd. stratched with 3/1t, and was frequently seen in both team qualifiers, individual finals, and team finals. Fifth, connections and registration values show that players receive the highest connection value of 0.1 points, and that in order to achieve good performance, they will have to perform the connection value of 0.2 points. The players performed their skills diagonally more than three times, especially in the individual finals.

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