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        한국산 분비나무와 구상나무의 형질분석과 종간유연관계

        장진성,전정일,현정오 ( Chin Sung Chang,Jeong Ill Jeon,Jung Oh Hyun ) 한국산림과학회 1997 한국산림과학회지 Vol.86 No.3

        Ten total populations of Korean fir (Abies koreana Wilson) and Manshurian fir [A. nephrolepis (Traut.) Maxim.] were sampled from south Korea to investigate patterns of intraspecific variation in these species and to evaluate a recognition of the two species. Principal components analysis and cluster analysis were performed both on seed-cone data and on needle morphology data. The characters that contributed most to the separation between A. koreana and A. nephrolepis along three principal components axis were leaf width, length of seed, width of seed wing, length of seed wing, cone width, width of scale, and length of bract tip, but these characters were not diagnostic because of overlap in reality. Therefore, all these characters were not reliable in distinguishing these two taxa including bract position (exerted and recurved vs. exerted and straight). The individuals of A. koreana from Mt. Chi-ri appeared quite unique probably on account of its larger cone size and longer scale tip, while those from Mt. Hal-la of A. koreana were generally distinct from others in terms of their larger seed and seed wing and longer scale width. The Mt. Duk-yu specimens of A. korecana appeared somewhat smaller but more data were needed due to the small sampling size. Generally, the gradual clinal geographic trends made evident by the position of resin ducts in leaves of A. koreana can be detected. The southern populations, Mt. Hal-la (an insular population) were generally distinct from the northern populations (Mt. Chi-ri, Mt. Ga-ya and Mt. Duk-yu) in terms of their position of resin duct (medial, within mesophyll vs marginal, close to epidermis : 100% vs 75 or 50%). Although no sharp boundary separating these two species could be detected based on cone and needle morphology, the observed clinal pattern was distinct in northern populations of A. koreana and southern population of A. nephrnlepis. In a preceding study of the flavonoids variation of 20 species in eastern Asia, flavanone (5-deoxyflavanone) was found to be characteristic of A. faxoniana Rehder et Wilson, A. georgei Orr of China and A. koreana of Korea. A. faxoniana, which is assumed to be primitive species, has position of resin duct relative to both the medial and the marginal, while A. georgei and A. koreana rrre identified by marginal position of resin duct. With respect of foliar flavonoids c:emistry, A. koreana was distinct from A. nephrolepis : the southmost samples (Mt. Hal-la and Mt. Chiri) contained additional flavonoids derivatives (mainly flavanone) that were not found in the northmost samples of A. nephrolepis except a few individuals from Mts. Seo-rak and Tae-bak populations of Kwang-won province. The presence of A. koreana type flavonoids in two Chinese species suggested that position of resin duct may be a phyletic character. Abies koreana including two Chinese taxa, exhibited the most elaborate and specialized flavonoids profile within the Abies in eastern Asia. Contrary to our initial expectations, the apparent intermediates between A. nephrolepis and A. koreana in Duk-yu and Ga-ya mountains were found. The pattern of variation on position of resin duct and flavonoids chemistry in these populations of A. kareana suggested that genetic interchange or natural hybridization had occurred between these two species. The evidence needed to resolve the status of this taxon is still inconclusive in our opinion until intermediate individuals from Mts. Duk-yu and. Ga-ya show indication of hybridization between the two species.

      • 附屬樹木園의 設立目的 改正 및 戰略計劃 竪立에 관한 考察 : 우리는 무엇을 해야하는가?

        全正壹,金輝,玄正悟,張珍成 서울대학교 수목원 2000 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.20

        서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 부속수목원은 1967년 10월 21일 설치된 후 여러 차례 그 위상이 변화되어 오늘에 이르고 있으며 그 설립 목적 또한 수목원 규정에 명시되어 수 차례 개정되었으나 내용면에서 큰 변화 없이 현재까지 유지되어 왔다. 기존의 설립 목적은 수목에 관한 연구, 교육, 증식, 보전이라고 요약할 수 있다. 그러나, 수목원이 설립된 지 30년을 넘는 동안 주변 여건과 시대 상황의 많은 변화가 있었으며 이에 따라 당초 수목원이 설립되던 시점에서 제정된 설립 목적을 시대 상황과 부속수목원이 처한 환경에 맞고 21세기를 지향하는 새로운 교육 여건에 맞춰 개정하고 이 설립목적을 효과적으로 수행하기 위한 전략계획을 새로이 수립하였다. 본 수목원의 개정된 설립목적은 '우리 나라 자생 식물 및 북반구 식물에 관련된 지식과 정보를 축적, 연구하고 학생 및 일반인들을 교육함과 동시에 이들 식물을 수집, 증식, 보전, 전시하고 국내외 관련 기관과의 교류, 협력을 추구한다.'로 확정하였으며 이를 달성하기 위한 전략계회긍ㄹ 수립하였다. Although we have had clear our purposes of The Arboretum since 1967, there have been shortfalls between our long term plans and our current aims. It is about the time that we need to prepare and agree a statement of the central purpose and mission of the garden more clearly. Our objectives of a garden were needed to cover all aspects of the scientific, conservation and education value of the living plant collections worldwide. Our mission and strategy plans were then reviewed extensively and therefore we make sure that it will be useful and relevant to our current work and reflect good practice in our gardens. After a great deal of thought and discussion among our staffs, we identified with and own the mission statement as follows. The Arboretum of Seoul National University mission is to acquire, grow, display, conserve and study documented collections of native plants and other botanic specimens from the temperate Northern hemisphere and to engage in collections of botanical information and knowledge and in education that will enable other international and national institutes as our networks to make use of the knowledge acquired.

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