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      • KCI등재

        "한민족의 뿌리"를 말하는 의사들: 의학 유전학과 한국인 기원론, 1975-1987

        현재환 대한의사학회 2019 의사학(醫史學) Vol.28 No.2

        Anthropological genetics emerged as a new discipline to investigate the origin of human species in the second half of the twentieth century. Using the genetic database of blood groups and other protein polymorphisms, anthropological geneticists started redrawing the ancient migratory history of human populations. A peculiarity of the Korean experience is that clinical physicians were the first experts using genetic data to theorize the historical origin of the respective population. This paper examines how South Korean physicians produced the genetic knowledge and discourse of the Korean origins in the 1970s and 1980s. It argues that transnational scientific exchange led clinical researchers to engage in global anthropological studies. The paper focuses on two scientific cooperative cases in medical genetics at the time: the West German-South Korean pharmacogenetic research on the Korean population and the Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility Workshop. At the outset, the physicians introduced medical genetics into their laboratory for clinical applications. Involving in cooperative projects, which had asked them to investigate anthropological implications of their clinical work, the medical researchers came to use their genetic data for studying the Korean origins. In the process, the physicians simply followed a nationalist narrative of the Korean origins rather than criticizing it. It was partially due to their lack of serious interest in anthropological work. Their explanations about the Korean origins would be considered “scientific” while their embracing of the nationalist narrative would be hidden.

      • KCI등재

        해방 이후 한국의 ‘민족우생’론과 의과학자들, 1945~1964

        현재환 한국사회사학회 2022 사회와 역사 Vol.- No.136

        In recent years, interest in South Korean eugenics has grown among social historians, particularly with regards to eugenic aspects of family planning in the 1970s and the Mother and Child Health Act of 1973. Examining the scientific discourse and social activities of biologists and medical researchers from the post-liberation period to the early 1960s, this paper argues that these medical scientists played a crucial role in making “national eugenics” (minjok usaeng) appear to be objective science and legitimate medical policy. Using pre-WWII American eugenic theories and prewar and postwar Japanese ideas about racial hygiene (minzoku eisei), they presented eugenics as a “sound science” and intervened in legal debates concerning human reproduction-related family laws. Furthermore, they continuously pushed for legislation of a eugenics law modeled on the Japanese Eugenic Protection Law (1948), and hoped to legalize the sterilization of people with cognitive disabilities. Through this case study, I demonstrate that History of Science can contribute to the current interdisciplinary effort to revisit the family planning-centered history of Korean eugenics legislation and help uncover the origin of eugenic ideas in South Korean society today. 최근 1970년대 가족계획사업과 「모자보건법」의 우생학적 측면을 조명하는 연구들 덕분에 해방 이후 한국의 우생학에 대한 관심이 모아지고 있다. 이 글은 해방 이후부터 1960년대 초까지 생물학자들과 의학 전문가들의 활동들을 검토하여 이들이 1945년 이전의 미국 우생학과 전전(戰前) 및 전후(戰後) 일본의 민족위생학(民族衛生学)을 자원으로 삼아 ‘민족우생’ 혹은 ‘국민우생’을 과학적으로 온당한 분야이자 담론으로 만드는 데 기여했다고 주장한다. 의과학자들은 적어도 1970년대 초까지 우생학을 ‘건전한 과학’으로 가르치고 홍보했으며, 1950년대에는 동성동본불혼제 등과 같이 생식과 관련된 사법적 문제에 우생학의 이름으로 개입했다. 특히 권이혁(1923~2020)을 위시한 의학 전문가들은 1950~60년대 사이에 일본의 「우생보호법」을 따라 우생법을 입안해 ‘유전병’ 환자들의 강제불임수술을 합법화해야 한다고 주장했다. 이 글은 의과학자들이 해방 이후 한국 우생학과 우생주의 형성에 맡은 역할을 드러냄으로써 가족계획사업에만 초점을 맞춘 국민우생법안(1964) 입안의 역사를 재고한다. 나아가 한국이 ‘우생사회’가 되어가는 과정과 그 면모를 드러내려는 최근의 간학제적인 노력에 과학사가 중요하게 기여할 수 있음을 보일 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        생물학 연구 방법론 변화에 따른 생물다양성 개념의 전환:인간 유전다양성 연구 사례

        현재환 한국환경생물학회 2014 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        In order to shed some light on the historical change of biodiversity concepts, this paper reviews the science and technology studies (STS) literature on the history of biological research on human genetic diversity. By doing that, I show how the notion of genetic diversity in the human population - from “race” to “population” to “biogeographical ancestry” - has changed with methodologies and techniques over the last hundred years. In the meantime, I point out contexts and situations, despite conceptual and methodological developments, that show that current human genetic diversity research is slipping into the past mistakes of scientific racism. This article offers biodiversity researchers an opportunity to consider their own scientific practices on classifying species more reflectively.

      • KCI등재

        From Mass Disasters to State Violence: Genetic Identification of Victims and the Politics of Memory in South Korea, 1988–2002

        현재환 한국과학사학회 2023 한국과학사학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        This paper examines how genetic profiling came to interact with mass disaster management and memory politics in South Korea from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. It pays particular attention to the parallel emergence of Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) governance and the politicization of modern and contemporary Korean history, including not only Japanese colonialism and Korean War crimes but also the South Korean state-led massacres, the Jeju Uprising of 1947–1954 and the Gwangju Uprising of 1980. I argue that genetic profiling, which had only recently been integrated into DVI governance, entered the human rights field when the concept of victim identification in South Korea was reconfigured to include victims of war crimes and state violence in the late 1990s. Beginning in the late 1990s, forensic scientists who had introduced and used genetic profiling for DVI activities became involved in identifying these newly integrated types of victims and became part of local reconciliation projects in the early 2000s. In this way, genetic profiling became intertwined with human rights activities, contributing to transitional justice and reconciliation. However, it also resulted in the geneticization of both disaster victims and state violence identification processes.

      • KCI등재

        Historicizing Science and Technology Diplomacyin Japan and South Korea

        현재환,송성수,Kaori Iida 한국과학기술학회 2024 과학기술학연구 Vol.24 No.1

        In recent years, science diplomacy has swept both diplomatic and science policy circles around the world. Japan and South Korea are no exception and science and technology diplomacy (S&T diplomacy) is now the core agenda for their foreign affairs and science policy branches. In both countries, despite the rising interest in S&T diplomacy, its long history is only vaguely recognized, as until now, those directly involved in current science diplomacy have largely failed to focus on it. To address this gap, this essay aims to provide a historical perspective on S&T diplomacy in Japan and South Korea. It reviews the global historiography and surveys relevant historical literature written in Japanese, Korean, and English. It also explores historical cases that are often overlooked but are essential for understanding the history of Japanese and South Korean S&T diplomacy. This work encourages Japanese and Korean historians of science to engage with S&T diplomacy as a legitimate research agenda, which would in turn contribute to a decentralization of science policy-dominated S&T diplomacy studies and promote a deeper understanding of the contemporary history of science, technology, and medicine in these two countries.

      • KCI등재

        "아시아인 건강을 위한 한국인 게놈" : 한국인 유전체 프로젝트의 상업화 전략

        현재환 한국과학기술학회 2019 과학기술학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Since a working draft sequence mapping of the human genome was published in 2001, the variety of the national genome projects has been initiated in South Korea. One of the rationales for such projects is that "the Korean genome database" will be used for "the personalized medicine for Asians." By focusing on the development of human genomics in this country, this paper examines how the discourse has emerged as a strategy for commercializing the national genome. The paper argues that Korean genomicists developed this strategy under the influences of the global "genome sovereignty" policy and local "Asian regionalist" science policy. It will contribute to the literature of the "Asian" race and genomics by shedding new light on the historical formation of the Pan-Asian Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(PASNP) consortium beyond the Singaporean experience. 인간 유전체 프로젝트의 초안 발표 이후 여러 한국인 유전체 프로젝트들이 추진되었다. 그 결과 등장한 한국인 유전체를 둘러싼 흥미로운 담론 중 하나는 “한국인 유전체” 서열분석을 통해 “아시아인 맞춤의학”을 구현할 수 있다는 주장이다. 본 논문은 이를 한국 유전체학자들이 자국민에 대한 유전체 자료를 상업화하려는 노력 가운데 발전시킨 전략으로 인지하고, 이 “아시아인 건강을 위한 한국인 게놈” 전략이 출현하게 된 배경을 역사적으로 검토한다. 이 글은 한국 유전체 프로젝트들의 전략이 탈식민 국가들에서 빈번하게 발견되는“유전체 주권”(genome sovereignty) 정책이 2000년대 초반 이후 한국에서 주요 정책 의제로부상한 아시아 지역주의와 결합하여 등장한 산물이라고 주장한다. 이를 통해 이 연구는그간 범아시아 SNP 컨소시엄(Pan-Asian Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Consortium)을중심으로 논의된 유전체학과 아시아인의 구성에 관한 과학기술학 연구가 국소적인 아시아인관념과 아시아 지역주의를 가진 싱가포르의 경험을 지나치게 일반화해왔음을 지적한다. 이와 함께 한국 유전체학 거버넌스에서 과학기술학자들이 맡을 수 있는 역할에 대해서도고민해 볼 기회를 제공할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Science as a Family Affair: Won Pyong-Oh and the Transwar Origins of South Korean Ornithology

        현재환 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2024 International Journal of Korean History Vol.29 No.1

        Won Pyong-Oh (1929-2020) and his ornithological research played a significant role in the emergence of South Korean ornithology and nature conservation, which previous scholarship has attributed to US scientific aid and the resulting interactions that occurred in the 1960s. Focusing on his family’s scientific activities—including the work of his father Won Hong Gu (1888-1970) and his eldest brother Won Pyung Hooi’s (1911-1995)—from the colonial period to the 1960s, this paper argues the crucial role played by transwar interactions between the Won family and Japanese biologists in Won Pyong-Oh’s ornithological turn. In particular, it traces the Won family’s natural history collection activities as what I call “science as a family affair,” that is, a division of scientific labor between senior and younger family members as a principal investigator and an assistant/collector. By tracing these activities within the family as well as their continued engagements with Japanese biologists, this paper will reveal that Won Pyong-Oh’s ornithological research and conservationist work developed in the wider context of the reconstruction of Asian ornithological and conservationist networks in the 1960s.

      • KCI등재

        Reconfiguring Mountain Expeditions: The Transwar Origins of the Korean Nature Conservation Movement, 1926–1962

        현재환 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2022 Korea Journal Vol.62 No.3

        This paper examines the way in which South Korean biologists developed their conservationist minds and practices through a long tradition of academic expeditions to mountains that predate the 1960s cooperation with US conservationists. By focusing on mountain expeditions carried out by Korean alpinists and scientists from the late 1920s to early 1960s, this paper illuminates how Korean biologists developed forest and natural monument conservation practices they were able to incorporate into the governmental conservation activities while taking part in the Corean Alpine Club’s postwar “academic alpinism” (akademik alpinijeum). I argue that their conservation activities, and specifically their military linkages, could be well understood as a transwar product rather than a Cold War outcome. Through this case study, I suggest that this transwar approach helps both historians of Korean science and Korean environmental historians study their research subject while avoiding the widespread analytical dichotomy of Japanese colonial legacies and Cold War ruptures.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 위생 마스크의 등장과 정착

        현재환 대한의사학회 2022 의사학(醫史學) Vol.31 No.1

        This paper examines the social life of masks in colonial Korea with a focus on their use in hygienic practices. It argues that masks first appeared in the disease control scene in late 1919 when the Governor-General of Korea belatedly introduced preventative measures against the Spanish Influenza pandemic. Since then, the central and regional hygiene authorities had begun to encourage colonial Koreans to wear masks whenever respiratory disease epidemics transpired. Simultaneously, Korean doctors and news reporters framed mask-wearing as something needed for family hygiene, particularly for trans-seasonal child health care, and advised colonial Korean women to manage and wear masks. This paper also reveals that the primary type of masks used in colonial society was black-colored Japanese respirators. Its design was the main point of contention in the debates on the effectiveness of masks against disease infection. Finally, it also highlights that the wide support of using masks by medical doctors and authorities was not based on scientific evidence but on empirical rules they developed through the pandemic and epidemics. The mask-usage practice would be challenged only when South Korean doctors reframed it as a “Japanese custom not grounded on science” at the height of postcolonial nationalism and the raised concern about the artifact’s usefulness during the Hong Kong Influenza pandemic of 1968.

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