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      • KCI등재

        심리측정 패러다임을 이용한 소비자의 농식품 위험지각 연구

        허성윤 ( Seong Yoon Heo ),윤석원 ( Suk Won Yoon ) 한국식품유통학회 2013 食品流通硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        This paper analyzes the risk perception about food safety through the psychometric paradigm. and summarizes the characteristics of risk perception for food safety. A series of studies identified 7 factor of risk perception so far;voluntary, controllability, catastrophe, familiarity, dread, scientific knowledge, individual knowledge. And It also identified that those factors could be reduced to couple of dimensions. The survey evaluates the perceived level of 16 food risks such as Pesticide, Fertilizer, Veterinary medicine, Food additive, Genetically modified food, Natural toxin, BSE, Imported food and radioactive contamination. Research findings confirm that psychometric paradigm is also suitable for explaining how people perceive the risk of food safety. 16 food risks are reduced to couple of dimensions by factor analysis then it provide us with food risk-cognitive map that classified into 4 types food risk. There is a chance to make better idea for risk-communication process in consequence of this study.

      • 일본 및 중국의 차(茶)산업 동향과 시사점

        박기환(Park Ki-hwan),허성윤(Heo Seong-yoon),Miyabe Kazuyuki,Xu Yongmei,최세균 한국농촌경제연구원 2014 한국농촌경제연구원 연구자료 Vol.- No.-

        Koreas tea industry showed high growth in domestic consumption due to the high interest in health and wellbeing trends up until the mid 2000s. However, the tea industry is currently declining due to decreased tea cultivation areas resulting from the pesticide incident of green tea and development of a variety of alternative teas. Therefore, it is important to find areas that can be benchmarked by identifying the tea industry trends of Japan and China, which are countries that have a strongly established tea consumption culture as one process for establishing plans to secure competitiveness in the tea industry and to spread the tea consumption base. Japan has a widely established tea culture and their tea consumption per person is much higher than that of Korea. It also has a tea market allowing fair pricing. Despite this, their tea cultivation area is on the decline due to the aging society and the number of processing plants is also decreasing every year. However, as small individual tea plants are being reorganized into larger tea plants, Japans tea industry is progressing into the direction of economy of scale. Therefore, it is judged that reorganization of tea-making companies will be necessary for the economy of scale for tea processing in Korea as well. Japan has a variety of subjects regarding tea such as tea makers, agricultural cooperatives, brokers, processors and wholesalers, and retailers. However, because the tea market and agricultural cooperative participate in distribution, it is possible to guarantee fairness in forming the price of tea. Therefore, it is also necessary to improve the distribution structure of Korea to procure consumer trust through fair pricing of tea. Meanwhile, China not only possesses the largest tea farming area in the world, but also records the highest production of tea in the world, making it one of the strongest countries in terms of tea. Furthermore, based on its economic development and growing awareness of health, Chinas tea consumption is growing every year, and their tea processing technology has improved a great deal as well. In particular, China is the worlds second biggest tea exporter and it may have a huge impact on the Korean tea industry depending on the negotiation results of the pending Korea-China FTA. Therefore, it is necessary to closely observe the tea production and export trends of China to analyze its effects on the Korea tea industry and to establish various strategies to enhance Koreas tea competitiveness. In particular, it will be necessary to actively promote the safety of Korean tea and tea-related products to differentiate Korean tea.

      • 화훼·인삼·녹차의 소비행태 조사

        박기환(Park Ki-hwan),허성윤(Heo Seong-yoon),최세균 한국농촌경제연구원 2014 한국농촌경제연구원 연구자료 Vol.- No.-

        While the flower, ginseng and green tea industries continued to grow, effects of domestic economic stagnation and weakened international economies led to big drops in consumption and the growing area turned to drops, showing clear signs of stagnation. Due to this, it is important to find a way to expand consumption in order for the flower, ginseng and green tea industries to overcome the current difficulties and develop further. For this, it is necessary to closely examine the purchasing behavior of how consumers consume these items first. Upon studying consumers, when the economic situation worsens, consumption of flowers dwindles greatly, and the purpose of purchasing cut flowers is mostly for gifts or events, and does not account for much in home consumption. In addition, it was found that places to purchase flowers accessible by consumers were limited to flower shops and flower wholesale markets. Therefore, in order to increase flower consumption, it is necessary to strengthen education and PR for the environmental and emotional values of flowers, while also increasing accessibility of consumers by opening up large-scale horticulture markets. There is not a high amount of purchasing of water ginseng by consumers. Consumers not only do not trust the prices per water ginseng grade, but there are also no objective data on the safety of water ginseng, causing many difficulties for purchasing. Therefore, standardization of water ginseng grading criteria is necessary, and it is also necessary to establish concrete plans to procure safety. In the case of red ginseng, which accounts for a heavy portion of ginseng products, consumers feel that the price is high so it is necessary to establish objective procedures to establish appropriate prices for products. Green tea consumption has continuously dropped recently. Consumer perception of green tea is that it is a health food, beneficial to the body, and effective for preventing adult diseases, and therefore, there is potential for increased consumption depending on the amount of effort placed in it. Furthermore, consumers purchase green tea normally for their own use so it has the basis for mass consumption. Due to this, it is judged that by providing more assertive consumption strategies, it will be possible to increase green tea consumption. In addition, since the green tea pesticide issue, over 90% of the farms have converted to environment-friendly farming. However, not even half of consumers are aware of this so it is important to promote increase of consumption by strengthening PR.

      • 중국의 인삼산업 현황과 육성 정책

        박기환(Ki-Hwan Park),허성윤(Seong-Yoon Heo),Li Jinghu,최세균 한국농촌경제연구원 2014 한국농촌경제연구원 연구자료 Vol.- No.-

        Koreas ginseng industry is a high return industry that is currently growing. It was recognized as an prospective item that could respond to the opening of the market and maintained continuous growth until 2009, but since then, new areas for growing ginseng were reduced. Furthermore, in the event that tariffs are lowered through the Korea-China FTA that is currently being pursued, it is expected that increased imports of Chinese ginseng will have a very big impact on the Korean ginseng industry. Therefore, it is necessary to identify Chinas current ginseng farming and production status and features, distribution and processing, and fostering policies of the ginseng industry in the main ginseng cultivation areas. It is necessary to examine them focusing on the three northeastern provinces of China, which are the main cultivation regions. Chinese ginseng is completely different from Koreas Goryeo ginseng in terms of cultivation, processing, and consumption methods. However, the Chinese ginseng industry has been making plans for the ginseng industrys development such as converting to flatland cultivation and expanding development for ginseng derived food. Also, Jilin, which is a major ginseng growing area of China, has been producing the same variety as that of Koreas Goryeo ginseng, thus forming a competing relationship in the international market. Moreover, in order to support the ginseng industry, the Chinese government established the Changbaishan Ginseng Museum to promote the excellence of Chinese ginseng. The Jilin Province government has invested policy funds to provide full support for the development of the Changbaishan ginseng brand. Due to such active support of the central and provincial governments, Chinese ginseng is developing at high speeds and thus, competition with Korea is expected to become fiercer. In particular, if ginseng is not selected as a sensitive item during the Korea-China FTA negotiations that are currently under way, there is a high possibility that more Chinese ginseng will be imported to Korea due to the lowered customs tariffs. Therefore, by continuously monitoring the trends of the Chinese ginseng industry and the Chinese governments ginseng industry fostering policies, it is necessary to analyze how competition with Korea will unfold in the international market, and efforts should be made to select ginseng as a sensitive item during Korea-China FTA negotiations.

      • KCI등재

        가공밥 상품개발을 위한 소비자 선호도 및시장수요 분석

        최종우 ( Choi Jong Woo ),허성윤 ( Heo Seong Yoon ),박성진 ( Park Sung Jin ) 한국식품유통학회 2016 食品流通硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        The consumer``s needs for convenience and simplicity have brought many changes to food market as well. Moreover, structural changes in society including a larger number of single-person households, increased participation of women in economic activities, aging phenomenon, and the five-day work and school weeks have accelerated the changes in the food market, stirring up interest in food products that offer convenience and simplicity. This trend has consequently led to the creation of a new food market sector known as HMR(Home Meal Replacement). As HMR market continues to grow, a large number of studies on HMR have been made continuously. This study only focused on instant rice goods and conducted a survey of 680 instant rice consumers nationwide. The consumer choice in the instant rice has been analyzed to figure out what characteristics consumers mostly willing to pay. The menu, cooking methods, country of origin, and price were used for conjoint analysis. Futhermore, this study showed the market share for instant rice products. These information could give instant rice manufactures useful resources to promote the instant rice consumption and occupy more market shares.

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