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      • 草類의 乾燥處理에 따른 營養變化

        許康七 안성산업대학교 1973 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        조사료의 이용성을 증진시키기 위하여 Denmark의 시험결과를 고찰 하였다. 최근의 경향은 화력건조사료 Pellets, Brjpiettes 및 Ensilage의 사료들이 급격히 증가하고 있으며 양건 및 자연풍력건조는 점차 감소되는 실정이다. Denmark의 기후조건은 건초제조에 부적합하며 이는 많은 영양상의 손실을 강요하고 있으며 이점은 한국에서도 같은 것으로 사려된다. 이러한 관점에서 볼때 화력건조법은 가장 이상격인 초류건조가공 방법이다. 시험결과에 따르면 단백질의 손실은 건물의 손실보다 크게 나타나고 있으며 열인공풍력건조가 양건 자연풍력건조 보다 단백질의 손실이 크다. 또한 절단크기 분해방법 짓이김이 고려할만한 좋은 영향을 미치고 있었으며 사양가와 마찬가지로 조성분의 소화율은 예취시기의 작물의성숙도에 크게 지배 되었다. 사양가상의 손실은 모든 건조가공법에 있어서 건물의 손실보다 크다. 건조가공상의 손실량차는 적절히 처리되면 별문제는 없으나 그 반대인 경우에 고려할만한 손실이 발생하였다. 실제에 있어서 손실량 차이는 초류의 성숙도 및 일기에 좌우되는 요소이지만 타 여건이 등일하다면 화력건조가공 사료들이 가장우수하였다. The report was conducted to survey the changes of drying method in chemical composition, intake and feeding value. The results obtained are summerized as follows. In recent years dehydration of herbage are increased, while the field cured hay and hay stacking with rack. The weather damage, in this respect is greater in field cured hay and lower in dehydrating. Various L mechanical treatment, chopping, crushing, and crimping have a good effect for quality. Comparing with barn drying without heat and field curing, loss of barn drying with heat are great. In an experiment loss of protein was generally greater. than that of dry matter as well as organic matter. Chemical composition and digestibility as well as feeding value are influnced by stage of crop at the time of cutting. No difference was recorded between various drying and processing methods of berbage in the case of production of milk. The dehydrating is the best method to other for preservation and loss of nutrients companing with processing methods as field curing, barn drying and dehydrating.

      • 가입자불 중 계란의 난각파손에 관한 연구

        허강칠 안성산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        삶은 계란을 만들때 난각의 파손율을 감소시키기 위한 방법의 하나로 4단계로 가압 지불하여 그 결과를 조사하였다 1. 가압자불한 계란의 난각 파손율은 유의차가 나타나지 않았다. 2. 가압자불 5psi구에서 가열에 소요되는 에너지의 감소가 일어났다. An experiment was conducted to study the effects of pressure boiling on the shell crack of chicken eggs. The pressure of retorts were added 0psi, 5psi, 10psi, and 15psi. The results may be summarized as follows. 1. No significant diflerence was found in all the level.s 2. The energy to boil eggs was decreased in 5psi pressure boiling.

      • 牛乳의 公認氷点에 對한 信賴度 調査

        許康七 안성산업대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        牛乳의 標準氷点을 修正하기 위하여 Holstein種 107頭로 부터 생산된 牛乳107점을 선정 氷点을 조사하였다. 1. 牛乳의 氷点範圍는 最低 -0.529℃ 最高 -0.548℃이었다. 2. 牛乳의 平均氷点은 -0.538℃이었고 標準偏差는 -0.538±0.008℃이다. 3. 現在 公認되는 標準氷点과 비교할때 0.012℃낮았으며 이를 基準으로 하여 加水與否 判斷時 2.2% 의 加水로 誤認될 우려가 있다. 4. 현재 公認사용중인 氷点 -0.550℃는 實際보다 낮게 決定되었으므로 이를 低下 -0.538℃로 修正하여야 한다.

      • 牛乳의 標準氷点 修正을 爲한 基礎調査

        許康七 안성산업대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        牛乳의 現標準氷点을 修正하기 위하여 各牧場別로 混合된 原乳 57点을 選定 氷点을 調査하였다. 1. 牛乳의 氷点範圍는 最低 -0.531℃ 最高 -0.541℃이었다. 2. 牛乳의 平均氷点은 -0.540℃이었고 標準偏差는 -0.540±0.002℃이었다. 3. 現標準氷点과 比較할때 0.010℃ 낮았으며 이들 基準 加水與否判斷時 2%의 加水로 誤認될 우려가 있다. 4. 現標準氷点 -0.550℃는 實際보다 낮으므로 下向調定하여야 한다.

      • 우유생산농가의 냉각저장설비(冷却貯藏設備)에 따른 생유의 품질변화

        허강칠 한국낙농학회 1984 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.6 No.1

        The physical, chemical and bacteriological qualities of the raw milk cooled by the three methods in Ansung were investigated to make basic data for the improvement of raw milk quality. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The temperatures of raw milk at receiving stage were 15.5℃ on the underground water cooler, 13.3℃ of the unit cooler, 10.8℃ of the bulk tank cooler, and 13.2℃ on the average. 2, The average specific gravity of the samples was 1.030 and 94.4% of the samples were ranged from 1.028 to 1.034. 3. The alcohol test of samples were all negative, but 15.7% of the samples was suspected. The samples suspected were in ground water cooling but non in bulk tank cooler. 4. The titratable acidity (%) of the samples were 0.18% in the under ground water, 0.17% in the unit cooler, 0.16% in the buck tank cooler and 0.17% on the average. 5. The mesophilic bacterical counts of the samples were 6.2×l0^6/㎖ of the underground water cooler, 2.3×l0^6/㎖ of the unit cooler, 1.1×10^6/㎖ of the bulk tank cooler and 3.3×10^6/㎖ on the average. The seasonal mesophilic bacterical counts were 6.1×10^6/㎖ in summer, 3.5×10^6/㎖ in autumn, 4.1×10^6/㎖ in winter and 1.2×10^6/㎖ in spring. 6. The psychrotrophic bacterial count of the samples were 2.2×10^5/㎖ of the underground water cooler, 8.4×10⁴/㎖ of the unit cooler, and 1.3×10^5 /㎖ of the bulk tank cooler. The numbers of the psychrotrophic bacteria in all samples were ranged from 3.1×10²/㎖ to 8.6×10^5/㎖ and 1.4×l0^5/㎖ on the average. 7. Among the raw milk quality cooled by 3 methods, the raw milk cooled by the bulk tank cooler was the best. The necessity for the introduction of the bulk tank at farms was emphasized for the improvement of raw milk quality.

      • 原乳의 乳質向上에 관한 調査

        許康七 안성산업대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        安城郡內 乳牛 사양농가에서 생산된 原乳의 理化學的 성상을 조사하였고 搾乳後 저장방법 차에 따른 세균학적 質의 變化에 관하여 乳溫 滴定酸度 耐熱性 여부 生菌數를 測定하였으며 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 受乳溫度는 수유현장에서 地下水冷却 21.2℃, 間接冷却 17.7℃ 直接冷却 14.0℃로서 直接冷却方式이 제일 效果가 좋았다. 2. 比重은 全試料가 모두 畜加法上 基準範圍內 있었고 平均 1,029이었다. 3. Alcohol Test는 地下水冷却에서 반응의 頻度가 높았고 直接冷却方式에서는 모두 陰性反應을 보였다. 4. 酸度의 변화는 適定酸度로서 平均 0.175%이고 地下水冷却 0.183% 間冷 0.175% 直冷 0.168%로서 直接冷却方式에서 제일 신선한 원유로 판정되었다. 5. 細菌數의 變化는 平均 3,782,000/ml로서 8月에 높았고 地下水冷却 7,621,000/ml 間冷 2,413,000/ml 直冷 1,314,000/ml으로 直冷方式이 제일 細菌數가 적었다. 6. 牛乳中 細菌과 관 된 모든 검사에서 直接冷却機에 저장된 原乳가 모두 우수성을 보였으므로 直接冷却機의 조속히 보급 乳質改善을 促進하여야 할 것이다. The physical, chemical and bacteriological qualities of raw milk in Ansung area were investigated to make baskc data on the improvement of raw milk quality. 1. The temperature of raw milk at receiving stage in Summer season were 21.2℃ of the underground water cooler, 17.7℃ of the unit cooler and 14.0℃ of the bulk tank cooler. 2. The specific gravity of all the milk were normal and 1.029 on the average. 3. All the raw milk storaged in the bulk tank cooler indicated negative in the alcohol test. 4. The titratible acidities of the raw milk were 0.175% on the average, 0.183% of the underground water cooler, 0.175% of the unit cooler and 0.168% of the bulk tank cooler. 5. The bacteriological quality changes of raw milk according to cooling apparatus were as follows: The number of live bacteria per militer were 7.621,000 in the raw milk storaged in the underground water cooler, 2,413,000 in the unit cooler and 1,314,000 in the bulk tank cooler. The average number of live bacteria per militer was 3,782,000 under standards. 6. On the raw milk quality related with bacteria, the average values of raw milk stroraged in the bulk tank cooler were the best of three. The necessity for the introduction of bulk tanks of farm was emphasized for improvement of raw milk quality.

      • 단옥수수 加工에 관한 硏究

        許康七 안성산업대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        近來 경제작물로서 각광을 받고 있는 Sweet corn에 대한 加工用 품종의 選??을 目的으로 연구한 결과를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 개량 당도계에 의한 당도실험에서 당도는 세 품종간 차이가 없었다. 2. 통조림 관능심사에서 맛은 G.C.B.T-51이 색택과 냄새는 G.C.B.T-51과 G.C.B가 우수했다. 3. 냉동저장 시험에서 맛과 냄새는 세 품종간에 차이가 없었으며 색택은 G.C.B.T-51과 G.C.B가 우수했다. This experiment was performed to select the desirable sweet corn variety for processing and flavor. It was summarized as follows : 1. No significant varietal differences were arised in refraction index through Atago Refractometer. 2. Panel discussion of sweet corn canning under cream style was revealed as the best taste in the variety of Golden Cross Bantam were exceeded in color of sweet corn under frozen processing.

      • 沓前作의 완두加工에 關한 硏究

        許康七 안성산업대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        加工用으로 적합한 완두품종을 선발하고자 sparkle, Snap 및 kelveden의 세품종을 가지고 시험을 실시하였는데 그 결과를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 成分分析結果 조단백질 함량에 있어서는 Kelveden이 가장 많았고 sparkle, snap 순으로 적어졌다. 2. pod의 색깔을 기준으로 하여 수확한 세품종간의 경도측정시험에서 경도의 차이는 없었다. 3. Green paes 관능심사에서 맛은 세품종간 차이가 없었고 색깔과 냄새부분에서는 Sparkle이 가장 우수하였다. 4. Sugar peas 관능심사에서 맛은 Snap, 색깔은 Kelveden이 냄새는 sparkle이 우수하였다. 5. 종합심사에서 Green peas는 Sparkle이 Sugar peas는 Kelveden이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다. This experiment was performed to select eligible pea variety for precessing, under three leading pea varieties of Sparkle, Sugar snap and Kelvedon and was summarized as follows: 1. Analyoical data of pea grain composition showed the ricnness of crude protein in order of varieties of Kelvedon, Sparkle and Sugarsnap. 2. No any varietal differences of pea pod hardness through the comparison of color of pea pod. 3. No varietal differences were found in taste panel discussion under Green Peas processing system and sparkle was excellent in color as well as fragrance. 4. Panel discussion data under Sugar Peas processing system showed better results in sugarsnap of taste, in Kelvedon of color and in Sparkle of fragrance. 5. Summarized data of these two of pea processing system showed its excellence variety of Sparkle in Green peas system and variety of Kelvedon in Sugarpeas system, Respectively.

      • 과일속의 蛋白質 分解酵素의 食肉軟化劑로서의 利用에 關한 硏究

        許康七,韓基暎,崔一信 안성산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        Crude proteases were prepared from fig, pear, papaya, kiwifruit and pineapple. The percentage of recovery of these crude proteases were 0.092, 0.267, 0.145, 0.612 and 0.19%, and pH of final prepared solutions were 7.63, 8.11, 6.59, 3.20 and 3.99 respectively. The hydrolyzation of chicken pectoral myosin by every crude protease observed wit SDS-PAGE showed that crude protease of pineapple, fig and kiwifruit exibited strong hydrolyzation, comparatively.

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