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      • 변동하중하의 피로수명예측

        하재선,송지호,이시중 대한기계학회 1988 대한기계학회논문집 Vol.12 No.4

        본 연구에서는 변동하중하의 피로수명 예측법에 관하여 미국 자동차공학회 (SAE) 피로손상분과의 광범위한 연구결과를 이용하여, 거시적인 피로균열 발생까지의 수명을 대상으로 검토한 것이다. 특히 현장에서 많이 직면하는, 재료의 피로특성에 관한 데이터가 거의 없는 경우에 대해서도 검토하고 있다. Using the fatigue test results obtained in the SAE Fatigue Cumulative Damage Test Program, prediction methods of fatigue crack initiation life for notched members undergoing random loaming histories were discussed in detail. Conventional fatigue life predictions based on so-called modified Miner's rule were found to be apt to give nonconservative estimate, due to lack of sufficient consideration for stress-interaction effect. A modified .epsilon.-N curve concept was proposed to account for the stress-interaction effect. The predicted fatigue life based on the modified .epsilon.-N curve concept was in good agreement with the experimental results of SAE Test Program. Specifically for the cases when fatigue data was not available at hand, was proposed a procedure to give conservative estimate of fatigue life.

      • 쉘 구조물의 비선형 과도 동적 해석에 응용된 병렬처리 알고리즘

        하재선(Jason Har) 대한기계학회 2002 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2002 No.5

        An efficient parallel finite element procedure for nonlinear transient shell dynamic problems is presented within the framework of explicit finite element analysis. The procedure presented here in this paper includes a parallel Belytschko-Lin-Tsay shell element generation algorithm and a parallel explicit time integration scheme. An element-wise domain decomposition strategy and a communication minimization strategy are featured to achieve almost perfect load balancing among processors and to show scalability of the parallel performance. Throughout this work, a prototype code, named GT-PARADYN, is developed on the IBM SP2, to implement the procedure presented, under message-passing paradigm. Some examples are provided to demonstrate the timing results of the algorithms, discussing the accuracy and efficiency of the code.

      • KCI등재

        여성주의 시각에서 『주홍글자』 다시 읽기

        하재선(Ha, Jae-Sun) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.46

        본 논문의 목적은 나다니엘 호손(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804-64)의 대표작인 『주홍글자』(The Scarlet Letter, 1850)를 여성주의 관점에서 새롭게 접근해 봄으로써 남성중심의 청교도사회에서 여성의 자아의식이 어떤의미를 지니는지 재조명해 보는 데 그 목적이 있다. 『주홍글자』는 17세기 뉴잉글랜드 보스턴 청교도 사회를 배경으로 당시 엄격한 청교도 윤리가 지배하는 경직된 사회를 살아가는 작중인물들의 갈등으로 이야기가 전개된다. 이 소설의 주요 배경인 청교도 사회는 엄격한 규율과 강력한 사회질서를 요구하는 남성중심의 사회이다. 청교주의 시각에서 본다면, 이 작품의 여자 주인공 헤스터 프린은 획일화된 가부장적 남성위주의 기초 위에 성립된 청교사회 속에서 가장 권위가 있으며 존경받는 남성인 아서 딤즈데일 목사를 타락시키고 그가 상징하는 남성적 권위에 대항하는 부정한 여성에 지나지 않는다. 하지만 작가 호손은 불륜을 저지른 여인으로 낙인찍힌 헤스터를 ‘성모마리아’를 연상케 하는 아름다운 성녀로 묘사한다. 그는 사회의 불평등한 인습과 전통에 맞서며 자아 정체성을 찾아가는 헤스터의 모습을 상징적으로 보여주고 있다. 이 작품은 또한 여성성의 상징인 모성을 충실히 발휘함으로써 딸아이 펄을 온전한 인격체로 성장케 하여 구원을 얻는 헤스터의 여성적 이미지를 부각시킴으로써 남성에 편중된 가치체제에 저항하는 여성 해방의 메시지도 전달하고 있다. 청교사회는 그녀에게 치욕의 상징인 ‘A’자를 부여함으로써 그녀를 남성적 권위와 제도 안에 가두려고 하지만 그녀의 불의에 대한 저항의식은 그들의 독선을 무위로 돌아가게 만든다. 그녀의 이러한 반항적 이미지를 통해 작가는 기존의 전통적 질서를 거부하고 자신의 여성주의적 성향을 반영하고 있다. 하나의 독립적인 인격체로서 실존적인 삶을 지향하는 헤스터의 자아의식과 행동을 통해 호손은 남녀가 조화를 이루며 공존할 수 있는 이상사회 건설의 가능성을 제시하고 있다. This paper aims to reevaluate Hawthorne"s The Scarlet Letter from the feminist perspective. During his lifetime, women played an important role in many reform movements, which stimulated Hawthorne"s literary creativity in antebellum America. Though The Scarlet Letter is set within the stern Puritan world of seventeenth-century Boston, it reflects many mid-nineteenth-century developments. The Scarlet Letter has four main characters who are Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and Pearl. Hester Prynne is one of the most magnificent heroines in all literature. To judge from New England Puritanism, Hester breaks the Puritan law by committing adultery and is an outsider in a male-dominated community. She is a married woman truly falls in love with Dimmesdale reckless of ruthless puritan society and intends to courageously realize her future dream with him. This means she revolts against patriarchal authority to fulfill her love. As the wearer of the scarlet letter, she deserves to be called a guardian of natural rights to love and freedom. Hester chooses to bear in silence the public ignominy of her shame, supporting herself and Pearl by her own efforts through needle craft and winning at last by her good works the respect of the townspeople. With Hester"s devoted efforts, the letter "A" no longer stands for "Adulteress." To the world, it comes to symbolize "Able" or even "Angle." In conclusion, Hester"s belief is that a new truth would be revealed, to establish the wholesome relation between man and woman on a surer ground of mutual happiness. As a critic of Puritan patriarchal society, Hawthorne manages to dramatize his belief woman movement would be required to create a more compassionate society.

      • 저유속에서 다공성 입자의 충전층에 대한 비흡착성 기체의 확산 및 분산

        하재선,안대영,박인수 慶南大學校 附設 工業技術硏究所 1991 硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        저유속에서 다공성입자와 충전층에서 비흡착성 기체의 축방향분산계수를 시간역 곡선맞추기법으로 구하였다. 축방향분산계수와 입자내부확산계수에 대한 2차원 오차 contour는, 본 연구의 실험조건하에서, 전자에 대해서는 비교적 민감하지만 후자에 대해서는 거의 영향을 받지 않았다. 1/(Re ·Sc)에 대한 1/Pe의 상관관계는 직선으로 나타낼 수 있었다. 유속이 영에 접근할 때 분자확산계수에 대한 축방향분산계수의 비의 극한값은 0.454이었다. The axial dispersion coeffcient of nonadsorbing gas was obtained from the gas chromatography in the packed bed of porous particles at low rates. The parameter was estimated by technique of curve fitting in time domain. The two-dimensional error contour against the axial dispersion coeffcient and the intraparticle diffusivity is largely affected by the former, but rare affected by the latter. The correlaton of 1/Pe to 1/(Re ·Sc) showed a straigt line. As the velocity of carrier gas approaches to zero, the limiting value of the ratio of the axial dispersion coefficient to the molecular diffusivity was found to be 0.454.

      • KCI등재
      • 충돌해석을 위한 병렬유한요소 알고리즘

        하재선(Jason Har) 대한기계학회 2003 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2003 No.11

        This paper presents a newly implemented parallel finite element procedure for contact-impact problems.<br/> Three sub-algorithms are includes in the proposed parallel contact-impact procedure, such as a parallel<br/> Belytschko-Lin-Tsay (BLT) shell element generation, a parallel explicit time integration scheme, and a<br/> parallel contact search algorithm based on the master slave slide-line algorithm. The underlying focus of the<br/> algorithms is on its effectiveness and efficiency for inclusion in future finite element systems on parallel<br/> computers. Throughout this research, a prototype code, named GT-PARADYN, is developed on the IBM SP2,<br/> a distributed-memory computer. Some numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the timing results of<br/> the procedure, discussing the accuracy and efficiency of the code.

      • Unified Stress Update Algorithm for Explicit Transient Shell Dynamics Analysis

        Jason Har(하재선) 대한기계학회 2004 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2004 No.10

        This paper discusses applications of the objective stress rates of the Kirchhoff or Cauchy stress to a unified stress update algorithm for transient shell dynamic analysis within the context of explicit time integration. The Eulerian ratetype constitutive equations of hypoelastic-plastic materials are established for the stress update algorithm. The equations are based on the additive decomposition of the rate of deformation tensor under the assumption that the elastic part of the rate of deformation tensor is characterized to be hypoelastic with grade zero, i.e., the fourth-rank constant isotropic tensor. Several objective stress rates are derived through the Lie derivative of the Kirchhoff or Cauchy stress tensor. Those stress rates cover, for instance, the Jaumann, Green-Naghdi, Truesdell, Oldroyd, and Cotter-Rivlin stress rates, based on the Cauchy or Kirchhoff stress. Furthermore, the unified stress update algorithm is embodied and fulfilled in association with the so-called radial return method and the phenomenological plasticity theory with combined isotropic/kinematic hardenings. Among the objective stress rates applied, the stress update procedure based on the Green-Naghdi stress rate for transient shell dynamics is especially crucial in this paper, because this algorithm developed in this work is not available even in the representative commercial codes, such as LS-DYNA and ABAQUS/EXPLICIT. In the implementation of the unified stress update algorithm, the Belytschko-Lin-Tsay shell theory is exploited to validate its accuracy and effectiveness. The ultimate objectivity of this work is to provide a guideline for the best choice of an appropriate objective stress rate for finite phenomenological elastoplasticity models. Several numerical examples are demonstrated including non-contact transient shell dynamics examples and contact-impact examples by which the accuracy and effectiveness of the unified stress update algorithm, developed in this work, are addressed.

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