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ATmega128을 사용한 무선 데이터 로거 시스템 개발에 관한 연구
최관순(Choi Kwan-Sun),양원석(Yang, Won-Seok),임종식(Lim Jong-Sik),안달(Ahn Dal) 한국산학기술학회 2006 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.7 No.6
본 연구에서는 가스 체적 데이터를 체크하기 위하여 마이크로콘트롤러 ATmegAL<sub>2</sub>8를 사용한 무선 데이터 로거 시스템을 제작하였다. 본 시스템에서 마스터와 슬레이브 사이에 RF 무선통신을 사용하였고, 서버와 클라이언트 간의 통신은 TCP/IP프로토콜의 네트워크 환경에서 소켓통신으로 동작하도록 하였으며, 모니터링 프로그램은 Visual C++으로 GUI 환경에 적합한 소프트웨어로 제작하였다. 이 시스템은 소형, 저가격으로 쉽게 구현할 수 있으며, 마이 크로콘트롤러 실험의 프로젝트 과제로 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 것이다. In this paper, we implemented an wireless data logger system for checking gas volume data using microcontroller AtmegAL<sub>2</sub>8. The system used wireless communication between master and slave, and operated by socket communication under TCP/IP protocol between server and client. And monitoring interface program was implemented as a software adoptable for GUI environment using Visual C++. The system is constructed server program and client program in order to display gas volume data at a real time, and is expensive, tiny, and easy in implementation. It allows the system to be useful as a pilot project for microcontroller experiment.
컴퓨터 프로그래밍 언어실습 가상학습 컨텐츠 개발에 관한 연구
최관순(Kwan-Sun Choi),전흥구(Heung-Goo Jun) 한국정보기술학회 2004 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.2 No.2
An increasing use of computers and a internet has created a basis for new kinds of learning. A web based interactive learning is an important emerging educational trend. To enhance a quality of engineering education we have been working on the design and implementation of an interactive web based educational system using java applet. In this paper we implemented a web based virtual education system for C programming language courseware. This system consists of two major parts: lecture for student and evaluation for professor. The lecture contains 1) HTML based lecture notes embedded flash movie and video clips 2) web compiler which compiles C programs at the server side which are submitted through Web by students and returns their execution results to the students' PC 3) virtual education contents using thread and animation technique 4) submission part of student’s reports. The proposed evaluation system implemented using PHP, HTML, Java script and MySQL database. This manifests itself three distinct aspects: administration for assignment and report submitted from students; online examination; attendance to check student’s participating in lecture.
최관순(Kwan-Sun Choi),전흥구(Heung-Goo Jun) 한국정보기술학회 2004 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.2 No.2
A web-based interactive learning is an important emerging educational trend. A web-based C compiler support system is proposed to allow students to exercise themselves in C programming anytime and anywhere if they can have access to the internet without their commercial C compiler. GCC compiler under the LINUX or Turbo C compiler under Windows can be used in server-side of our system. Students only connect to web page to study C programming and they can get execution result from server. Our system is implemented using java applet, java socket and Telnet technology. A benefit of this system is that students do not need their own expensive C compiler.
최관순(Kwan-Sun Choi),김현규(Hyun-Keu Kim) 한국정보기술학회 2006 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.4 No.2
Virtual labs use computer-based simulations to emulate hardware. In this paper, we implemented virtual lab on microcontroller 8051. This microcontroller virtual lab is web-based for student's operation any place and any time. It was accomplished using Java applet and flash animation for complete comprehension of mircocontroller 8051. The advantages of this lab are it eliminates the need for lab space, requires no instruments, After students have an experience for our virtual lab, they can experiment without loss of time and fear of damaging the hardware.
LabVIEW를 이용한 필터 품질 테스트 자동화 시스템 개발
최완선(Choi Wan-Sun),김현규(Kim Hyun-Keu),전흥구(Jun Heung-Goo),최관순(Choi Kwan-sun) 한국산학기술학회 2004 한국산학기술학회 학술대회 Vol.- No.-
본 논문에서는 LabIEW를 이용하여 필터(RF 수동회로)의 주파수 특성을 테스트하고 테스트한 필터의 특성정보를 관리하는 필터 품질 자동화 시스템을 개발하였다. 개발된 시스템은 LabVIEW에 의해 GPIB 통신으로 계측장비 네트워크 어날라이저를 제어하며 제작된 필터의 S파라미터를 측정하여 명세 기준에 적합하게 제작되었는지를 판별하며 그 결과를 Mysq데이터베이스에 저장하고 관리하게 된다.
LabVIEW를 이용한 필터 품질 테스트 자동화 시스템 개발
최완선(Wan-Sun Choi),최관순(Kwan-Sun Choi),안달(Ahn Dal) 한국정보기술학회 2005 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.3 No.3
In this study. the system of automative filter Quality test for the filter activeness during the process of the filter production was embodied with LabVIEW server and conveyer system The LabVIEW server is LabVIEW's function as web server which can be remote controlled during filter Quality test through on web. The conveyer system is constructed with Conveyer, Network Analyzer and PC Camera. The LabVIEW server controls conveyer motor and sensor using DAQ card and controls Network Analyzer using GPIB card for measuring S parameter of filters. Moreover, PC camera is for monitoring the process of remote controlling during the filter test And the data base construction from results of Network Analyzer's measurement made possible to manage specifical information of filters.