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        구술자료로 보는 피란민과 부산 정주민의 문화접변 양상

        채영희(Chae Younghee) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2021 인문사회과학연구 Vol.22 No.1

        이 연구는 한국전쟁 시기 부산으로 피란 와서 정착하게 된 피란민을 대상으로 구술자료를 수집하고 그들 기억 속 부산에 대한 인식을 살피고자 했다. 피란민들의 눈에 비친 부산의 모습과 부산을 삶의 터전으로 삼고 살아온 정주민의 피란민을 바라보는 시선의 다름을 인식하고 서로의 문화를 수용해 가는 과정을 살펴보고자 했다. 다른 곳에서 성장기 보낸 개인들이 부산에서 한국전쟁이라는 상황으로 인해 함께 공동체를 이루며 살아가는 과정을 선택적으로 추출하기는 어려웠으나 , 그들은 자신만의 본래적 문화를 지켜내기 위해 노력했으며, 한편으로는 정착한 지역의 이질적 문화를 적극적으로 수용하면서 각자 삶의 영역을 확장했다는 사실을 확인하였다. 부산 문화 형성에 영향을 끼친 여러 요인 중 의식주를 중심으로 이주민이 바라본 부산의 문화와 정주민이 느낀 이주민의 낯선 생활상을 중심으로 기술하고자 한다. 부산의 역동적 문화를 단순히 한국전쟁 시기 피란민의 유입 때문이라는 논의는 많았으나 당시를 치열하게 살아 낸 대상자의 구술을 토대로 기술된 자료는 드물었다. 이러한 연구 목적을 수행하기 위해 구술 대상자를 찾고 녹취하고 전사하면서 항목별로 분류한 내용을 중심으로 연구내용을 기술하고자 한다. 구술사 채록 작업은 단순히 구술대상자들의 기억에서 재구한 역사적 사실들을 확인하여 역사 서술에서 빠진 기록을 보충하는 자료를 만들기 위한 것이 아니라, 역사라는 거대 담론에 빗겨나 있는 일반 민중들의 삶의 체험 속에 숨겨진 또 하나의 사실들을 발굴하여 가는 과정이다. 이주민들에게는 낯선 환경에 적응해 가는 과정의 연속이었으며, 정주민에게는 거주 공간을 피란민에게 내어주면서 공동체로서 살아가는 경험을 체득한 시간임을 확인하였다. 한국전쟁기 피란민들의 부산에 대한 기억을 통해 피란민에서 부산민으로 뿌리내리는 과정에 대한 연구가 당시 부산 시대상을 재구성할 수 있는 기초 자료가 되기를 바라며 계층 간 문화의 차이를 수긍하고 서로의 다름을 인정하는 과정에 대한 연구이다. This study aimed to investigate a cultural diversity affected by evacuees and residents in the time of Korean Civil War in Busan. Compared cultural substratum with unacquainted lifestyle, it could be realized to know the influence of cultural formation in Busan as well. Evacuees’ oral history is a critical evidence to discover dynamic life in Busan rather than a mere inflow of strangers to the city and their statements would be a fundamental factor to be shown the diversity. In order to ensure diversity, oral statements of evacuees were done based on memories of them and taking thereafter the viewpoint of them, and it is shown that historical record is clarified by revealing daily life hidden in written data. Selecting and putting on record of oral statements for this study is a milestone to be learned how residents could live with strangers as a community by giving their seat to strangers through the tough times in Busan and furthermore their statements are the momentum to reflect on ourselves in modern times. The first criterion related to this study is to collect data from interviewees living in Gamcheon-dong, Uam-dong, Beomil-dong, Ami-dong experiencing the time of refuge at Korean Civil War and key ones to be the data of oral history were selected for this study among the citizens of the areas. Interviewees for the oral history on this study were selected on the basis of their activity area, acquaintances and sex distinction and also the time of moving to the areas, in the early and later of Civil War, was also a critical point to be data. Their memories about Busan during the war were the characteristics of cultural acceptance reconstructed by oral statements and this article focuses on the process to be a member of citizen in unfamiliar areas and to build up a kind of new culture. On the sidelines of the possibility being data for this research, evacuees who are in the middle of aging were fundamental data regardless of objectivity in terms of being parts of academic data. Showing up the subjective side hidden history is the very necessary and sufficient condition on this issue as studying oral history is another kind of history reflected by the bottom of people’s life. Restoring the past through oral statements is a shortcut to give citizenship to people who are beyond written history.

      • 원양 산업 어장 개척사 - 조업 참여자의 경험담을 중심으로

        蔡榮姬(CHAE Younghee) 동북아시아문화학회 2024 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2024 No.6

        The most frequently mentioned occupation in Korean pop songs released from the 1920s to the 1980s is ‘Madoros.’ NANER analyzed ‘Korean Popular Song Album 6000’ using big data and found that the occupation that appeared most frequently in popular song lyrics was ‘Madoros’, which appeared a total of 437 times. This is data showing that being an ocean-going sailor was a popular occupation at the time. Although the ocean-going industry is now in decline, we can see that it was once a leading player in Korean industry. Participants in deep-sea fishing were surveyed about their experiences in each fishing area where they fished, including Las Palmas, Samoa, and the Falklands. In terms of the development history of Koreas industry and the history of maritime pioneering, it is divided into the early stages of Koreas ocean industry and the expansion of ocean fishing grounds, focusing on the experiences of deep-sea fishermen who acquired important foreign currency. In the case of the Atlantic fishing grounds of Morocco and Mauritania, fishing began in these fishing grounds after the 1974 fishing agreement between Korea and Spain. In 1976, a private fishing joint venture (COMACOP) was established with Mauritania to fish in the Atlantic fishing grounds, but it withdrew from this fishing ground in 1987 due to conflicts over control of the entire waters and access rights. In the case of the Arabian Peninsulas coastal fishing grounds, fishing began in 1978 following a fishing agreement between the Omani government and a private enterprise in 1977, but was not continued due to insufficient catches and low profitability. In Koreas early days, the ocean industry helped expand international diplomatic relations by directly participating in the process of pioneering and expanding ocean fishing grounds. At the time, most of the fishing-related countries did not have diplomatic relations with Korea, but private deep-sea fishing companies took the lead and carried out projects by obtaining approval for fishing permits or concluding priority fisheries cooperation projects. Since exchanges between civilians were prioritized over diplomatic activities through official government agencies, the foundation was laid for closer ties between countries through deep-sea fishing activities.

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