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      • KCI등재

        선천성 두개안면 기형을 동반한 양막대증후군 1 예

        박영길(Young Kil Park),지청수(Chung Soo Ji),홍성연(Sung Yun Hong),박정돈(Jung Don Park),한치동(Chi Dong Han),고석봉(Suk Bong Koh) 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.12

        The amniotic band syndrome is a collection of congenital deformities presurmably due to rupture of amniotic sac. It appears to cause fetal injury through three basic mechanisms including malformation, disruption, and deformation. The associated anomalies vary firom minor digital defect to major craniofacial and visceral defects. They can be categorized as neural tube-like defects, craniofacial anomalies, limb anomalies, abdominal and thoracic wall defects, visceral anomalies, and constriction bands. We had expericnced a case of severe congenital craniofacial anomaly due to amniotic bands diagnosed by ultrasonogram in the antenatal period is presented with a brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재

        임신전 BMI 증가와 제왕절개술과의 관계

        설봉경(Bong Kyung Seol),지청수(Chung Soo Ji),고석봉(Suk Bong Koh) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.8

        목적: 임신전 산모의 신체질량계수(Body mass index)와 제왕절개분만의 빈도가 서로 연관이 있는지 알아보는 것을 그 목적으로 하였다. 연구방법: 대구효성가톨릭대학병원에서 37주와 42주 사이에 분만한 819명의 산모를 대상으로 임신전 몸무게와 키를 이용하여 산모의 임신전 신체질량계수를 산출하여 제왕절개분만의 빈도를 비교하였다. 통계분석은 Chi-square test를 사용하였다. 산모중 선천성 기형아와 임신성 당뇨는 분석에서 제외시켰다. 결과: 819명의 산모중 20세 이하 및 다산모에서 제왕절개율이 낮은것으로 나왔으며 30세이상에서 제왕절개분만의 빈도가 높은것으로 나타났다. 임신전 신체질량계수가 높은 산모와 체중증가가 큰 산모에서 제왕절개분만의 빈도가 높은 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 결론: 제왕절개분만의 위험은 임신전 산모의 몸무게 및 신체질량계수와 연관성이 있다. 그래서 임신전 이상적인 체중과 제왕절개분만의 빈도를 줄이기 위한 체중증가의 감시에 대한 임신전 조언이 필요하다. Objective : Our purpose was to evaluate whether maternal body mass index measured before pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of cesarean delivery. Methods : Maternal weight and height were prospectively collected on 819 women who delivered between 37 weeks and 42 weeks in the College of Medicine, Catholic University of Taegu-Hyosung. Statistical analysis was done using Chi-square tests, prepregnancy maternal weight and height were used to calculate the body mass index, and its contribution to the risk of cesarean delivery was determined. Women with congenital anomaly and pregestational diabetes were exclude from analysis. Results : The analysis of risk factors for cesarean delivery in the 819 women revealed a decreased risk of cesarean delivery with maternal age ≤20 years and multiparity; increased risk of cesarean delivery was noted with maternal age >30 years. Increase in prepregnancy maternal body mass index and total weight gain were significantly associated with increase in the odds of cesarean delivery. Conclusion : The risk of cesarean delivery is associated with incremental changes in maternal weight and body mass index before pregnancy after adjustment for potential confounding factors. Prepregnancy counseling about optimizing maternal weight and monitoring weight gain during pregnancy to decrease the risk of cesarean delivery are supported by this study.

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