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      • 現代 科學武器의 威力과 用途

        조태규 忠州大學校 1981 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        As a result of the extremely developed modern science, the modern arms came to be produced so massively and delicately as to destroy the whole mankind. On the other hand, the nuclear power is now being researched continuously for the peaceful purpose as well as the military arms. This paper is an investigation into the kinds, functions, the effect and the destructive power of arms such as the nuclear weapon and the rocket missile and the intercontimental ballastic missile. At the same time the following problems are discussed in this paper : what problems are caused by the development of the nuclear arms? and what is the retaining amount of the nuclear arms by the standard of America and Russia as of 1977 ? and then how these quantities of arms may do harm to the mankind. Accordingly by analizing the modern scientific arms of Americe and Russia and comparing them with each other it is also discussed how the balance of power is kept. As a conclusion it is suggested that we should strive on the put an end to the use of the nuclear arms for the mass killing and we should also try to develope a new defensive technology against the nuclear arms positively in order to develope the civilization of mankind forever by relieving the mankind from the nuclear terror.

      • 生物學戰과 防護方策

        趙泰圭 충주대학교 1978 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        in the international conference held in geneva on 17 of june in 1925 all participating members signed the agreement for-bidding human-killing weapons, such as poisnous gases, germs and they unanimously agreed to it. However. no one will be convinced that North Satelite regime will not violate the agreement, resuming invasion against Republic of Korea, Therefore, we must be prepared to fight off them at all cost, whenever they challenge us or what ever weapon they may use. That is way I have tried to study the from of germ warfare, its kind, its range and history, especially how Soviet-Russia has helped North Satelite Regime by developing germ Warfare. I have plainly described how we should cope with them when we are forced to fight against their germ warfare. We should not shirink from because germ warfare can not have any absolute effect deciding the outcome of war, and also we should be get used to the spreading and detecting method of biology warfare, as well as inform the near by authority of the strange happenings. What is more important we should be prepared for germ warfare in emergemcy case by bing shilled in self-protecting, proof-gases in daily life.

      • 防諜의 重要性과 防護方策

        趙泰圭 충주대학교 1979 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        All our people want to bring a country under a single authority, but an aspect for making perfectly the system of Kim Il-Seong's dictatorship by the puppet Goverment of North Korea is deepening more and more. At the time of Korean War, Puppets of North Korea which did not achieve the ambition of Bolshevization are strengthening spy's activity in Korea, and their ambition wanting to make Korea a communist satellite is actually magnifying day by day. In such states, I analyzed their basic idea of spy's activity, active points, infiltrating means, in case of sending the spy to Korea, and active deployment, active object, duty and the organization controlling and ordering at the back. And I explained the methods distinguishing between the armed spy and the common spy in case of spy's appearing in our village. I also explained the methods reporting to and connecting with the relaive office promptly in case of spy's appearing in our village or finding a suspect and deciding whether to take the prisoner or kill, in the course of inspecting and searching, without our forces injury. Everybody must do his best for antiespionage. All the people must unite with one in body and spirit without divding the front and the rear. And we must always have consciousness of antiespionage that I myself must defend my home and my village against the enemy.

      • 現代國家와 戰爭의 性格

        趙泰圭 충주대학교 1977 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        The form of war has been changed according to the national system. In this paper I observed the nature of war from the aspects of warfare in the middle around the Renaissance period to the recent Korean and Vietnam war. Now-a- days every nation seeks her prosperity within the limit of peacefuf coexistance through U.N activity because the threat of the highly developed nuclear war weapon has tremendously increased from the competition of arms for the sake of the national security of each nation. As a result every nation keeps the national security by of the common organization of collective defense system. In this sense I investigated the peculiarities of the modernwar'fare that is the every type of warfare by weapons, and scientific econmic, political, ideological, and cultural warfare.

      • 核武器가 미치는 將次戰

        趙泰奎 忠州大學校 1980 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        -The war in future influenced by nuclear weapons- After the successful experimental explosion of the first atomic bomb in history over the alamacoat. desert of New Mexico on 5:30 A.M. July 16, 1945, the curtain of tragic destruction on mankind began to rise by dropping the second atomic bomb over Hiroshima on August 8, 1945 and the third one over Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Since then Russia came to retain the atomic bomb and with the appearance of hydrogen bomb almost all the leading countries of the world came to retain the atomic bomb even if the retaining number is no so great. Further more, by 1976, America retaica retains about 800 megaton, of atomic bomb and Russia bout 400 megaton, and so, we divide the total amount into the total population of the world, it is possible to obtain the result of 2 or 3 ton of the atomic bomb dividend to each man on the earth. Accordingly it is natural for mankind to be obssessed by the nuclear panic. Nonetheless mankind devised the more destructive hydrogen bomb, whose 5 m megaton power is 250 times of aton bomb 20KT, and whose emitting heat, if we guess the center temperature of sun as 20,000,000 degree, amounts to as nearly as 10 times of it. Therefore it can be said that 100 hydrogen bomb can suffice to stifle all the animals and plants on earth. The hydrogen bomb is manufactured by fusing 50,000,000 degree heat. If we plan to manufacture even larger hydrogen bomb than this type, it is necessary to fuse the 100,000,000 degree heat. By the way, the modern chemical skill can generate the 400,000,000 degree heat. Even the worse is Cobalt bomb, which can perish all the population on earth in case of explosing 400 cobalt bomb at the same time by suing 400 ton of the intense hydrogen. In order to drop such nuclear weapons on a target, the succeeding development of the strategic bomber plane and missile resulted in 1C BM, IRBM. Besides, the warships such as cruiser, cricket, submarine, and carrier are equripped with the nuclear arms and Face out which occurs at the time of atomic explsion began to disturb the animals and plants on the earth. By securing the alarming system in order to detect the nuclear and missile attack as early as possible, America takes steps to prevent the enemy's surprise attack and to prepare the universal space war possible in future. If we surmise the strategic conception of America, we can say that she puts an emphasis on the keeping-up of the wsrld's peace, the preparation against the surprise attack, the control of enemy's attack and so on. Therefore the future wars, owing to the nuclear aarms can be classified as three forms: Overall war, limited war, and "cold" war. In this situation, whatever kind og war may break out, we must strive to achieve our desired anti-communistic unification by realizing the nuclear weapons, investigating and developing the strategic warfare responsible to our geographical and territorial situation with the spiritual power capable of breaking down the north Korean communist regime.

      • 深層混合處理土의 側方變形 抑止效果에 관한 硏究

        朴性栽,張炳淳,趙泰圭,黃昌圭 부산대학교 공과대학 1988 硏究報告 Vol.35 No.-

        Deep mixing method (soil cement treated pile) is suitable on deposits soil of estuary. Soil cement treated pile is held to displace laterlly at soft ground area. This treatise studyed to predict lateral displacement and resistance effects and to formulate stress analysis equation of soil cement treated pile. The procedure of this treatise is as follow. 1. The stress analysis equation is formulated by the theory of elasticity and the limit equlibrium. 2. The lateral displacement and the stress analysis are calculated by finite element program for plasticity. 3. Comparison of the results of 1,2 and surveying displacement at field. Soil cement treated pile can resist lateral displacement of soft ground area. The results of F.E is almost coincided with surveying displacement at field. The more studying problem will be the interaction of soil cement treated pile and soil mass and will be clarified the reaction force of soil cement treated pile.

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