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      • 청소년의 여가 사회화 과정에 관한 연구 : An Exploratory Path Analysis

        정행도,김수아 명지대학교 예체능연구소 1995 藝體能論集 Vol.5 No.-

        The question of when, where, and with whom enduring leisure activities are begin is important both to the development of explanatory and to planning programs. However, leisure socialization has seldom been the central focus of either theory or research. In focusing on leisure generally, the emphasis is placed of the processes through which a youth acquires basic knowledge about leisure and recreation, forms fundamental attitudes and values associated with them. learns various leisure skills and motives. Much of this learning in adolescents occurs through imitation, modeling, and identification with the behavior of others. It then follows that the socialization agent play an important role in transmitting behavioral patterns and basic values relating to leisure, that is judgement as to leisure activities are good and with are bad. The study of this study was to examine process of leisure socialization in adolescents. A causal model with varibles related to leisure socialization was specifically established for the objectives of this study . For the purpose several problems to be identified were as follow: 1. The effect of the demographic and socio-economic backgrounds of the leisure participation in adolescent. 2. The effect of the leisure participation in childhood of the leisure participation in adolescent. 3. The effect of the socializing agents on the leisure participation in adolescent. 4. The effect of the perceived leisure competence on the leisure participation in adolescent. 5. The effect of the leisure attitude of the leisure participation in adolescent. In order to solve the problems the following hypotheses were formulated: Hypotheses Ⅰ. The demographic and socio-economic backgrounds would be influence on the leisure participation in adolescent. Hypotheses Ⅱ. The leisure participation in childhood influences of the leisure participation in adolescent. Hypotheses Ⅲ. The socializing agents influence on the leisure participation in adolescent. Hypotheses Ⅳ. The perceived leisure competence influences of the leisure participation in adolescent. Hypothesed Ⅴ. The leisure attitude influences on the leisure patricipation in adolescent. In order to test the hypotheses 2,085 subject(964 middle school students and 1,121 high school students) among school youth by means of multi-stage systematic stratified random sampling were selected. The data used in the paper were collected by means of a self-administrative questionnaire. The statistics employed the study were correlational analysis, multiple regression, and path analysis. The results obtained from hypotheses test were as follow: 1. Gender, income of family, and grade of school have a direct effect of the leisure participation, and grade of school have a direct effect of the leisure participation, and background of social class have a indirect effect of the leisure participation in youth 2. Experience of leisure participation in childhood has a direct effect on the leisure participation in youth. 3. Peer group and school have a direct effect on the leisure participation, and family has a indirect effect of the leisure patricipation in youth. 4. Perceived leisure competence has a indirect effect on the leisure participation in youth. 5. Lesure attitude has a direct effect of the leisure paritcipation in youth.

      • 국민학교 아동의 대근육 운동 습득에 대한 변이성 연습의 효과

        정행도,조남하 명지대학교 예체능연구소 1995 藝體能論集 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of variable practice upon the acquisition of a novel gross motor task by elementary school children. The subjects were 60 children randomly selected from five first and second grade classrooms at the EunPyong Elementary School, EunPyong-Gu, Seoul. Each subject was required to perform sixseparate subroutines that was integrated into the serial gross motor task. These following conclusions and suggestions were acquired by data analysis and comparisons 1. The results obtained in this study showed significant main effects for variability of practice and sex. 2. Variable practice groups E1, E2, and E3 performed faster than control group C1, C2, and C3. 3. Variable practice group E2 performing faster than control group C1 and C2 But not significantly faster than groups C3, E1 or E3. 4. Sex was a significant factor throughout the study as males performed faster than females when all groups were combined and within each treatment group. 5. Control group C2 was more variable in performance of the criterion task than the three variable practice groups E1, E2, and E3. 6. Errors were greater for the control groups combined than for the variable practice groups combined. 7. Errors occurred most frequently at subroutines around, left, and under.

      • 체육수업이 유아 행동에 미치는 영향

        정행도 명지대학교 예체능연구소 1998 藝體能論集 Vol.9 No.-

        This study is single subject research design that is applied by task analysis which can understand the subject behavior of object person to check the variation behavior of identical twins during processing the physical education programs. After video taping the object person who was behavior at the physical education played the video tape and observed by frequency avant sampling. Here is conclusion that analyze the change of variation behavior which processing the physical education class. Results of the study are as following First of all, it was decreased frequency of playful behavior while processing the physical education class. When they warm up, the changes are variety as differently reacted because adaptation grade (health condition, feeling etc) of object person. During main exercise, the changing range of tool exercise is variously reacted playful behavior as interest & attainment about exercise of object person. Second of all, it was decreased behavior like walking around during warming up, main exercise (rhythm gymnastics) and arrangement exercise. In the main exercise, tool exercise is prepared tools as lesson contents therefore there are lots of useless time like time delay and waiting after done, that's why may different kind of behavior was reacted. The change is variably in the warm up time is reacted differently because of the position of the object person and teacher the rate that teacher observe the abject person. In addition, it reacted that there is difference of adaptability of concentration. Finally the rate of making a noise have a tenancy to decrease but is reacted as order of warming up main exercise (rhythm gymnastics tool exercise) arrangement exercise when it compare with another problem behavior it comes out lower rate, and ability language of younger brother B was behind than A so it checked lower rate.

      • 여가교육 영향요인에 관한 비교 분석 연구

        정행도,성기덕 명지대학교 예체능연구소 1996 藝體能論集 Vol.7 No.-

        This is a study to verify factors that affect to the leisure educational program in a elementary school. The samples of this study were elementary school teachers(n=220), students(n=660), and their parents(n=330). For the purpose of the sutdy, a self-administrated questionnaire was developed wuth reliability and validity tests. The questionnaire was delineated dependant variables such as levels of needs for a leisure, participation levels in a leisure, and effects of leisure participation. Factor Analysis(Promax) was used to verify factors including in the dependent variables. An ANOVA test and Tukey's post hoc test were applied to find a significant factors that affect to the dependent variables. Results of the stucy are as following : In case of student, their socioeconomic status were statiatically significant to the needs about the leisure(F=5.13, df=31,574, p<0.01), the participation levels in a leisure(F=8.47, df=32,575, p<0.0l), and the effect of a leisure(F=4,36, df=32,571, p<0.01). The parent's leisure status was influenced by their environmental factore and socioeconomic levels. The parent's socioeconomic levels affect significantly to the needs for leisure(F=3.05, df=37,222, p<0.05), and the effectof a leisure(F=1.13, dg=37,224, p>0.05). However, the parent's environmental factors such as residencial area, educational levels, and gender were not significant factors to their leisure status. For the teacher group, the socioeconomic status affact significantly to their needs for leisure(F=1.98, df=29,162, p<0.01), the participation levels in a leisure(F=1.67, df, 162, p<0.05), and the effect of a leisure(F=1.70, df=29, 163, p<0.05). However, the teacher's environmental factors were not significant influencing variables to their leisure status.

      • 무용교육 기대효과에 따른 제요인에 관한 연구

        정행도,박근희 명지대학교 예체능연구소 2003 藝體能論集 Vol.14 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to identify effects of expectation whose are majonng in dance In order to get data, Self-administrated questionnaire was employed students(total 169 male 93%, female 93%) which major in dance in seoul & kyungki province. All data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA. The results of the research follow. 1. The effects of expectaion of dance education about increased physical fitness were differenciated from each university, The effects of expectation of dance education about increased physical fitness development were high in physical educatuon colleage. because they tried find in physical capacity development of dance education. 2. The effects of expectation about increased were high in art colleage because they tried find in physical capacity development of dance education. Also, the students who major in dance in art colleage focused in increasing quality of art. 3. The increasing of social through dance education were low expected value in university, year and minor major. The results showed the students who irujor in dance in art colleage thought uneffected dance education on increasing quality of social

      • 技術 類型, 體力 要求 水準別 體力要因의 構造 分析

        鄭行道 명지대학교 예체능연구소 1994 藝體能論集 Vol.4 No.-

        This study was aimed at reviewing the structural change of physical strength factors which determine the athlete's performances and training intensities. The athletic performances were devided into four levels : the first level was set for the freshmen, and the fourth or last level for the senior. First, the field hockey games which require higher strength with open skill, need the basic strength especially at the first and fouth levels, while the technical strength is relatively important at the in between levels. Secondly, the fencing match which requires lover strength with open skill, needs the technical strength rather than the basic one at 1-3 levels, while at the fourth level, the basic strength is relatively highly appreciated. Thirdly, the long and medium distance games which require higher strength with closed skills, need the technical strength most regardless of the levels, while the basic stregth can be regarded as less important relatively. Fourthly, the shooting which requires the lower strength with closed skills, needs the basic strength at the lower levels and the technical strength at the higher levels respectively. In other words, the higher the level of performances is, the higher the weight of the technical strength becomes. Again, the muscle strength becomes most significant at the fourth level. In general terms, the most significant factors are the muscle strength and the speed.

      • 심리적 효과가 근력 발휘에 미치는 영향

        鄭行道 명지대학교 예체능연구소 1999 藝體能論集 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 근력발휘에 심리적 효과가 얼마나 영향을 미치는가를 평상시와 발성시의 근력발휘의 차이점을 고찰하여 각 종목 운동훈련에 한가지 방법을 제시 하는데 목적을 두었다. 피검자는 체격과 체중이 비슷한 20∼23세의 남자 대학생을 일반 학생과 체육전공 학생으로 구분하여 50명을 무작위 선정(Landom Sampling)하여 다음과 같은 것들을 분석 하였다. 1) 평상시와 발성시의 악력비교 2) 평상시와 발성시의 배근력비교 3) 평상시와 발성시의 투포환 기록비교 이상과 같이 측정, 분석 해 본 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 평상시와 발성시의 근력비교는 악력, 배근력, 투포환의 throwing power 공히 평상시 보다는 발성시의 근력이 증가 되었다. 고로 근력 발휘를 요하는 여러종목 운동의 훈련시 본연구의 방법을 삽입시켜 경기력 향상에 도움이 되었으면 한다. A Study on the psychological Effect for the promotion of the Muscle power Jung Hang Do The purpose of this study is to show a certain way of practicing in each field of exercises by way of comparing the muscle power in ordinary situations to that in the yelling situations, as to how much does the psychological effect have on the muscle power. For this study 50 male college students were selected at random. Half of them were majoring in physical education while the rest of them were ordinary college students. They were approximately tall and they were almost same in their weights. This study concerns chiefly : 1. The comparison between the grip strength in ordinary setuations and in yelling situations. 2. The comprison between the back muscular strength in ordinary situations and in yelling situations. 3. The comparison between the record of cannon ball, shot-put in ordinary situations and in yelling situations. From the above investigations the following considerations are concluded: The muscle power in yelling situations has improved in grip strength, back muscluar strength and cannon ball shot-put record in yelling situations than in the ordinary situations. From this point of view it will be of some help to apply this study to the training of various exercises that need muscle power and I hope it will help to improve the ability in various exercises.

      • 身體의 動的 平衡調節를 위한 Visual

        鄭行道 명지대학교 자연과학연구소 1985 자연과학논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The contribution of visual feed back form body andor Limb position to dynamic balance control. Forty children, ages six and eight were asked to walk the length of a standard 5cm width, 5cm height balance beam in a heel-to-toe fashion. Twenty were boys and twenty were girls. The children were randomly assigned to one of five experimental groups, eight children per gruop (four males, four females). The control condition walked the beam in a fully lighted room The children in the four remaining conditions were asked to walk the beam in the dark. Luminescent tape was applied to the top surface of the beam for the four conditions. The conditions were: 1. Condition 2 - luminescent beam and 2cm strips of the beam as the only visual cue. 2. Condition 3 - luminescent beam and 2cm strips of luminescent tape on the arms only. 3. Condition 4 - luminescent beam and 2cm strips of luminescent tape on the legs only. 4. Condition 5 - luminescent beam and 2cm strips of luminescent tape on both the arms and legs as the only visual cues. Each child was given four practice trials followed by four timed trials recorded to the nearest. Ol second. Errors were also recorded and arbitrarily translated into a time factor which was added to the total completion time. The design of the study was a 5×2×2 factorial analysis of variance (task condi-tions ×sex ×age). The Scheffe test was used to isolate the singnificant differences between the task conditions. Significance was set at the. Ol level. Sex was not found to be a significant variable. There was no significant difference between boys and girls in all five task conditionis. There was a significant difference found for age. The six year olds performed significantly poorer than the eight year olds in all five task conditionsl. Conditions were also found to be a significant variable. The interaction of sex and age was not found to be significant. The following interactions were found to be significant. 1. Interaction of age and conditions. 2. Interaction of sex and conditions. 3. Interaction of sex, age and conditions. The parpose of this study was to examine the Contribution of Visual feedback feom body and/or limb position to dynamic balance control. The hypotheses tested were: a) Children who perform a dynamic balance task in a reduced visual encironment but who were given feedback about body/limb positioning would perform significantly better than those who were no given such cues. b) There would be no age of sex differences in the degree to which dynamic balance performance was affected by the presence or use of visual feedback from body/limb posi-tions. In this study, it was concluded that children who performed the dynamic balance task in darkness with visual feedback about body/limb positioning did significantly better than those who were not given such cues. Due to the variation in results, it did not appear that one condition providing visual cues on body/limb positioning produced significantly better results than the other conditions. This suggests, for example, that visual feedback from just the arms alone was not necessarily better than the legs alone, of both the arms and legs. Age was found to be a significant variable. Overall, the eight year olds performed significantly better than the six year olds in all task conditions. Sex was found not to be a significant variable. This finding was not consistent with carlier studies that reported females generally excel in blancing adtivities durign the primary years. This finding also did not support the hypothesis of this study.

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