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한국어 쓰기 평가 점수의 공정성 연구 - 평가 방법, 평가자 요인, 학습자 요인의 영향에 대한 교차분류 다층분석 -
정지윤 ( Chong Jiyun ),강현화 ( Kang Hyounhwa ),강상진 ( Kang Sangjin ) 한국문법교육학회 2018 문법 교육 Vol.33 No.-
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the scores of Korean language tests are influenced by the characteristics of examines, raters, and scoring methods. Data consist of 240 scores from the 24 raters who evaluated five students’ essays in two scoring methods, that are analytical and holistic methods. We focused on the effect of scoring methods and the rater severity along with their language differences and years of teaching experiences. For the analysis, we employed the Cross-classified Multilevel Models(CMM) in order to estimate the effects of scoring methods, of rater severity, of native language and of the teaching experiences simultaneously. We found the holistic scoring method was much more generous than analytical approach, and there existed very strong effects of rater severity. Other variables showed little effects on the test scores.