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        특수학교 기본교육과정에 따른 예능(음악) 교과서 분석 연구

        정지심 ( Ji-sim Jung ),여광응 ( Kwang-eung Yeo ) 한국발달장애학회 2008 발달장애연구 Vol.12 No.1

        이 연구는 7차 특수학교 기본교육과정에 따른 예능(음악) 교과서의 체계가 어떻게 구성되어 있는지 현 교육과정이 요구하는 필요성에 부합되게 교과서가 구성되어 있는지 알아보았다. 연구결과, 지각활동에서 1, 2, 3단계에서 제시된 교육과정의 수준별 내용이 예능(음악) 교과서에 제시되어 있으며 1단계에 수준별 내용보다는 2, 3단계에서 다루어질만한 심화된 내용도 많이 다루어지고 있으며 단계 단계마다의 특징에 맞는 내용은 많이 다루지 않고 있었다. 표현활동에서 1, 2, 3단계의 소리 만들기, 노래부르기, 악기 다루기, 노래만들기 즉 가창, 기악, 창작활동이 제7차 기본교육과정에 준하여 구성되어 있었다. 감상활동에서 학습내용에서 한 두 가지의 내용으로 활동이 이루어지고 있으며 1, 2단계에서는 간단한 음악감상을 다루고 있으나 3단계에서는 바른 태도로 감상하는 것에서부터 심화된 내용으로 전문적인 음악가의 기악곡을 수록하여 음악 감상활동의 폭을 넓혔다. This study is focused on the structural compositions of artistic(music) textbooks following the Seventh General Curriculum of special schools and the discussion on whether the textbooks are organized in accordance with the necessariness required in the current educational course. The method of this study is the analysis whether the artistic (music) textbooks are constituted by the art first, second and third phases following the Seventh General Curriculum of the special schools, through the literatures and the preceding studies related to. The results in the first, second and third phases of three parts such as the perception activities, expression activities and impression activities by the objective of the research are as following.; First, when it is researched on the perception of the perception activities on musical elements of the first, second and third phases are constituted on the Seventh General Curriculum, it is shown that content levels of each curriculum suggested from the first, second and third phases are presented on the artistic (music) textbooks, it is more treated with the improved contents in the second and third phases rather than the first but less treated with the proper contents adapted to the characteristics of each phase. Second, when it is researched the making sounds, singing, instrumental playing and song making i.e., vocal music, instrumental music and creating activities in the level of the first, second and third phases are composed following the Seventh General Curriculum in the expression activities; above all, in each level of making sounds, the further they go into the first, second and third phases, the more improved contents it treats. And, also as for the construction of the textbooks, it is composed with episodes and concrete activities on the first phase, on the second it is constituted with the activities available to be conscious of sound around apart from a human body and on the third it includes the contents from making sounds further to controlling them in natural in accordance with the level contents. Third, when it is examined that the way of good appreciation-attitude is organised in level of the first, second and third phases on the impression activities following the Seventh General Curriculum, the learning contexts of the textbooks have one or two activities, on the first and second stage they treat the way of appreciation on music briefly and on the third the music impression activities are widen as including the deepen contents of the instrumental pieces by professional musician as well as the way of appreciation on music in a proper attitude.

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