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      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Strategies of European Retailers: The Tesco Experience

        정월순 ( Wol Soon Chung ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2009 유라시아연구 Vol.6 No.3

        The purpose of this article is to identify the characteristics of a global strategy of European retailers, this study has researched the Tesco(U.K.) which is the relatively newcomer in internationalization but has succeeded by thorough globalization except basicpart. In this study the following features were identified. First, the initial internationalization is into Europe and other developed countries, but in recent years due to the limited growth of European retailers, remarkably extending to the Asia even though distance and culture differences. To learn the uniqueness of the Asian countries, testing the countries which have a relatively low operating cost and a easy surrounding of sales. Such an approach shows high country risk in many ways to European retailers in Asia Market. Second, it is the difference of entry way. Tesco has extended its branches by acquisition or merger of well-know local retailers at once. After entering the local market, it has been grown rapidly by taking over local retailers continuously. Meanwhile other European retailers, like Carrefour, founded a local subsidiary and established branches by themselves which is called self entry. Third, it is an entry type of business condition. Initial type of internationalization was a specialty store, having strong brand, for less risk. Then the large retail stores, handling food and etc, were getting more popular and had been branched out especially in Asia. However advancing in developed type for each business as well as large retail store, rapid globalization of retailing conducted since 1990, to fit the local. In the case of Tesco, late comer in overseas expansion, starting with Hungary in 1994 by large store then developing store type to fit the local and branched it out. Finally, it is a business strategy combining globalization with localization. Many global retailers prefer to use management system which is made in their country in overseas markets as the standardization. It is to maximizing advantage of standardization strategy. But there are many failed cases due to special circumstances such as customer`s behavior pattern and business custom which are difficult to overcome. So Tesco is taking a combination method, adapting the management system from head office as globalization and fitting the local market as a glocalization. The feature of the global management of European retailers such as Tesco teach us that global retailer`s management know-how from own country can`t be global standard. So retailers need to make use of the specialty, not to ignore the local environment. This research about the European retailers gives a big suggestion to Korean retailers. The Korean retailer also has advanced abroad as a large store since 1990, but not very exciting the status and its growth in overseas markets is a very dull state. Increasing branches is very important to retailer due to the economy of scale, through a chain, after overseas expansion. However Korean retailers are faced with difficulties competing with many global companies. To demonstrate this theory and research is needed constantly. Therefore, this study shall be an active catalyst for the research on overseas expansion of the retailers.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Changes of Thailand Retailing by the Global Retailers Expansion

        정월순 ( Wol Soon Chung ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.3

        As Thailand went through the rapid economic growth in 1980s, the new retail type condition was necessary between Talat(local market) and department stores. There were supermarkets but they did not function well because of the financial deficit and a lack of management skill. Thus, the creation of the new retail type, despite economic growth, was not introduced. For a long period of time, Thailand retailing constituted only the Talat and department stores, on the opposite extreme ends. The retailing environment in Thailand, however, started to change as global retailers entered Thailand towards the end of 1980s. The global retailers came into Thailand when many regulations were abolished as the financial crisis expanded to economic crisis in 1997. The global retailers influenced local retailing in Thailand in many ways. The research showed changes in Thailand retailing caused by the entrance of global retailers. First, the environment of retailing markets has changed. The large-scale stores in Thailand were managed by rich conglomerates and the small-scale retailers were decreasing. This was a serious social issue in Thailand as the small-scale retailers got confiscated of their only source of living. In retailing markets, competition was rising and getting fiercer. The new large-scale stores were created in the first place to be located on the outskirts. This is because large-scale stores require wide space and aim for low costs. However, in Thailand, due to mobility issue on the outskirts, large-scale stores entrance into center of a cities was rapidly increasing. Eventually, this caused intense competition in the city, the saturation of markets, environmental problems, and conflicts with medium and small-scale retailers. Second, the retail type became diversified. Various retail type entered the retailing markets, which used to consist only of Talat and department stores. Generally, the development of markets is caused by the requests within the market. In case of Thailand, the diversification of retail type was caused by the entrance of global retailers. The examples are large-scale stores such as Carrefour`s Hyper market, Tesco`s Super center, and Makro`s Cash and Carry. The common traits of these retail type are that they sell both food and non-food products, they have huge space, they are located on the outskirts for lower costs and they use self-service. They, however, differentiate from each other by having different management strategies such as different local market environment, distribution structure and customers` purchasing behavior and needs. Third, there is a change in consuming pattern. Usually, there were large families with small house. They lacked facilities to keep fresh food so they would buy little amount of food. However, the consuming pattern has changed. Due to economic growth, many families started having refrigerators at home but such physical factor does not cause change in consuming pattern. Rather, the inexpensive packages of good offered by global retailers explain the cause of change in consuming pattern. Because Thailand does not have well-functioning wholesalers, the large-scale stores are popular not only among individual customers but also small-scale retailers. Finally, reinforcement of regulation has taken place. From the end of 1990s, many large scale stores have entered Thailand due to mitigated regulation. The major reinforcements were done with restriction of large-scale stores entering center of a cities, restriction in the use of land, restriction in capital and business for foreigners, restriction in tax, restriction in transportation of goods during rush hour and restriction in employment.

      • KCI등재

        일본인과 중국인 방한 관광객의 쇼핑 만족도 비교 연구

        박춘엽 ( Choon Yup Park ),정월순 ( Wol Soon Chung ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2010 유라시아연구 Vol.7 No.4

        The sum of Japanese and Chinese tourists visiting Korea in 2008 accounts for more than 50% of the total foreign tourists visiting Korea according to relevant statistics published in 2009. This research is specially timely because we need to develop appropriate tourism strategy to attract both Japanese and Chinese tourists which have assumingly different shopping needs, and Korea is pushing hard to increase Chinese tourists in Korea. The purpose of this study is compare shopping satisfaction of Japanese and Chinese tourists in Korea. We study satisfaction in nine shopping attributes: price, quality, design, performance, package, knowledge, attitude to customers, communications, and transportation. Satisfaction is measured by the difference or the gap between perceptions and expectations in the nine shopping attributes. We use 7-point Likert scale. The results of this research indicate that the Japanese and Chinese tourists are quite different in many aspects. First, shopping goods and services of the Japanese and Chinese tourists are quite different. Second, expectations of Japanese tourists in all of the nine shopping satisfaction attributes are lower than or equal to the median value, while those of Chinese tourists are higher than the median for all selected nine attributes. Third, in regard to perceptions, tourists of the both countries are higher than or equal to median value. However, comparing the expectations of the tourists, we find that those of Chinese tourists are significantly higher than those of Japanese. Forth, examining satisfaction of the tourists using the differences between expectations and perceptions, we find that Japanese tourists are satisfied in seven shopping attributes except price and packaging. It should be noted that Japanese tourists have low expectation and perception in packaging. However, Chinese tourists appear to be dissatisfied significantly in the of attributes of communication and knowledge on products. Finally, in the survey question on overall satisfaction, both Japanese and Chines tourists indicate higher than median number, meaning that both of them are satisfied with shopping in Korea. Comparing values of the countries, Japanese response is higher than that of Chinese in more number of attributes. In particular, the Japanese overall satisfaction score is significantly higher than that of Chinese tourists. Implications of the findings of this research in regard to tourism policy and retail strategies are as follows. First, since shopping goods of the tourists of the two countries are different. Korean retailers of shopping goods for tourists should be aware of this fact, and put this in consideration in developing composition of goods and services and retail strategies. Second, the results of this research indicate that Korean retailers should give more elaborate packaging service especially for Japanese tourists. Third, for Chinese tourists on the other hand, Korean retailers should develop means to improve communication with Chinese tourists and ability to explain features of products and services in the Chinese language. Finally, these implications suggest that tourism policy makers in Korea should develop adequate programs to educate the retailers and travel guides so that they can improve satisfaction of Japanese and Chinese tourists for the shopping attributes in which they are not sufficiently satisfied yet.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본의 소상공업 지원제도 비교 연구

        박춘엽 ( Choon Yup Park ),정월순 ( Wol Soon Chung ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2009 유라시아연구 Vol.6 No.1

        Today the microenterprise is recognized as an important business entity collectively because its socioeconomic roles in such areas as employment generation and start-up are very significant. In the past, however, since the proportion it accounts for in total economic output is relatively small, its importance was not fully recognized and research papers on it were few in Korea. The purpose of this article is to compare the supporting systems for the microenterprises in Korea and Japan to identify similarities and differences of them in the two countries. The research method used in this study is an exploratory research approach using the secondary data. As background information for this comparative study, we initially compare the definitions of the microenterprise in the two countries. In Korea an enterprise that has less than 10 working people are categorized as a microenterprise in the areas of manufacturing and construction industries. In the areas of service industries, however, an enterprise with less than five working people are defined also a microenterprise. In Japan an enterprise that have less than 20 working people are categorized as the microenterprise in the areas of manufacturing and construction industries. In the areas of service industries, an enterprise with less than five employees is defined also as a microenterprise in Japan. Both in Korea and Japan, there are organizations established specially for the micorenterprise. In Japan the primary organization in charge of supporting the microenterprise is the Society of Commerce and Industry, and in Korea it is the Korea Micro Business Development Center. Historically Japan began the supporting services in 1962 while Korea did in 1999. The types of assistance and services for the microenterprise in the two countries share more similarity than differences. Types of assistance and services for the microenterprise both in Japan and in Korea include ones for management improvement, financial support, services for startup and innovation, and training and education. One of notable differences is found in the financial support. In Japan, Marukei program is the program specially designed for the microenterprise only. However, in Korea there is no counterpart of the Marukei program. In Korea the financial support for the microenterprise is relatively limited. The major financial service for the microenterprise in Korea is the credit guarantee service. In financial services for the microenterprise, Japan has more favorable services than Korea in term of interest rates and collaterals. Also difference is observed in the services for labor management. In Japanese support organizations include such service for the microenterprise. On the other hand, Korea Micro Enterprise Development Center does not provide service for the labor management. Comparing the number of field offices, Japan`s Society of Commerce and Industry has some 2800 field offices while Korea`s Micro Business Development Center has only 60 ones. Consequently Japanese microenterprises have better accessibility to the assistance and services than their counterparts in Korea. The results of this study indicate that Japan, although it is a more advanced country economically than Korea, provides much more extensive assistance and services for the microenterprise than Korea. Findings of this comparative study indicate that Korea has not allocated as adequate resource for the microenterprise as Japan has done. This appears to be an important fact and a lesson that Korea should be aware of, suggesting that Korea needs to expand the supporting system for the microenterprise and improve its assistance and services. Specific suggestions for improvement of assistance and services for microenterprises in Korea include: First, the number of Korea Micro Enterprise Development Center should be increased to improve accessibility to assistance services. Second, financial assistance programs for the microenterprise in Korea must be improved in terms of collaterals and interest rates. Finally, more advanced services for the microenterprise must be developed and deployed.

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