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      • 군 출신 정치지도자의 갈등관리역량에 관한 연구

        정보연(Jeong bo yeon) 한국갈등관리학회 2014 한국갈등관리연구 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 역사 속에 탁월한 갈등관리를 통해 국격을 높이고 경제대국을 만들었던 정치지도자들의 자질ㆍ방식을 통해 소기의 목적을 달성하였는가에 대한 분석으로 주요내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 온고지신?타산지석의 역사적 관점에서, 갈등이 심했던 전후(戰後) 국가로서 한국의 박정희, 프랑스의 드골, 미국의 아이젠하워 대통령의 리더십과 국정운영 스타일을 대상으로 분석하였다. 둘째, 이들의 공통점인 군 장성 출신의 성공을 토대로 민간사회에서 대통령으로서 군에서의 갈등관리 경험을 바탕으로 한 신속하고 강력한 추진으로 소기의 목적을 달성하였다. 셋째, 박정희는 4.19 이후 무능부패정권의 군부집권과정을, 드골은 2차 세계대전 참전으로 연합군과 함께 승리의 깃발을 달고 집권을, 아이젠하워는 2차 세계대전 당시 연합군 총사령관으로 승리를 이끈 위대한 영웅으로 공화당후보로 선택되어 국민투표에 의한 대통령 당선을 통하여, 각각 군출신 특유의 갈등관리역량과 리더십을 발휘, 험난했던 많은 국책사업을 성공적으로 완수하였다. 넷째, 이들의 집권동기?과정 및 역사적 공과의 평가는 다를지라도, 국가정책 추진상 많은 갈등을 극복하고 오랜 군생활의 경륜?역량을 토대로 국가적 지위 향상과 경제부국을 달성한 것은 심각한 국가사회적 갈등으로 정책형성?결정의 지연 및 파행 등 비효율적인 국정운영에 대한 이들의 갈등 관리 리더십 발휘 사례는 오늘날 시사하는 바 크다. This study is excellent in history that made the economy and improve management through the dignity of the conflict achieved the desired results through the system the purpose of the political leaders did in the comparative analysis of primary content is as follows : First, try to find and historical perspective, conflict in the post-war Korea"s Park Chung-hee as country, I have had the de Gaulle of France, President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the United States of leadership and administrative style the subjects of study are analyzed. Second, do they have in common, military generals from civil society is based on the success of the military as president in the conflict in the management experience to quickly and as a powerful driver accomplished the desired results. Third, Park Chung-hee, the April 19 after mishandling a corrupt regime of the military take over process into two veteran of World War I, de Gaulle, together with other coalition took power, and are on the flag of victory, Eisenhower won as the commander of allied forces during World War 2 Republican, a great hero who led the selection, by popular vote as a candidate for president in election through, Each from the General, bumpy road, providing unique conflict management and leadership to a lot of the successfully completed a national project. Fourth, power motives of them, and the historical process of Health Institute of technology, has a different assessment, promotion of national policy, even though many conflicts in the scheme to get over and zones, the patina of longlife in the army, and based on competence national university"s center for growth and economic affluence and vanguard in policy-making decisions by social conflicts, a lot of countries is achieved by the delays and disruptions such as in efficient for state affairs of these case has big implications, and conflict management, leadership exerted.

      • 전환기(轉換期)의 국가(國家) 지도자(指導者)의 리더십에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 박정희 대통령과 리콴유 총리를 중심으로 -

        정보연 ( Bo Yeon Jeong ) 미래군사학회 2016 한국군사학논총 Vol.5 No.1

        The aim of this study is to review and undertake in-depth analysis on strategies in areas of economy, defense, science and culture that national leaders in Republic of Korea (ROK) and Singapore are believed to have taken charge of during the periods with great uncertainties and volatilities, under the assumption that leaders in such nations must have designed viable strategies in order to achieve a spectacular performance as evidenced. by today``s economic prosperity against all odds in notoriously resource-poor conditions. For this purpose, I introduced then economic situations of Korea and Singapore as an independent variable, national administration by Park, Chung Hee and Lee, Kuan Yew based on leadership as a parameter and today``s economic situations of Korea and Singapore a dependent variable, respectively. While both President Park, Chung Hee and Prime Minister Lee, Kuan Yew became national leaders when the future was becoming increasingly uncertain and the economies were on the verge of collapse, they achieved remarkable and miraculous economic growth with resolute determination and brilliant strategies. One of commonalities of two leaders was that they shared clear sense of purposes and confidence in what they were doing, never caved in to any opposition or resistance in carrying out national projects of their design, and never intended to accommodate populism, Such unyielding and unwavering stances by two leaders played a role to a degree in painting themselves as dictators with a same brush ``There was a significant difference in political agenda between President Park who rose to power through military coup and Prime Minister Lee who reached the top of national leadership through legitimate constitutional procedures. Whereas President Park struggled to weather the storms from opposition parties and the unfavorable media coverages, PM Lee could manage to jut his policies in place with relative easiness. However, two leaders tried their utmost to transform difficulties and frustrations into ``blessings in disguise``, and successfully found real blessings in the President Park was at the front and center in searching for national agenda and issues, in making decisions, and in putting them into action in accordance with priorities. In contrast, though PM Lee played a leading role in identifying and deciding national agenda and issues, he encouraged working level officials to prioritize and carry them into effect Both leaders, however, applied same ``modus operandi`` in economic development, demonstrated extraordinary capabilities in finding a way around when faced. with insurmountable obstacles, and exemplified themselves by showing how to ``think outside the box`` on countless occasions. At the same time, they are well known to have making sure the projects and programs, once decided and put into action, were carried out in an unaltered manner without half-way done under no circumstances. While President Park persistently ensured the statecraft to revolve around himself as a center of universe, PM Lee sought to systemize and institutionalize the general process of governance. Such difference in the style of statecraft and governance of two leaders is believed to have contributed in rendering the ROK after the death of Park to become a society suffering from chaos and conflict, while leading Singapore to a nation of economic prosperity and growth in the absence of PM Lee. Without question a national leadership is required to cope with and tackle all types of extreme difficulties as well as to make right and timely decisions in agonizingly painful circumstances, Granting that, such qualities and competences of leaders as to take a central role in carrying out statecraft with unswerving confidence and faith at times of uncertainties and volatilities are necessary conditions to usher in a period of national development and economic prosperity, even though they might fall short of being appreciated with due respects and acclamations.

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