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      • KCI등재후보

        농촌마을 민속지식 발굴과 활용의 실제

        정명철(Jeong, Myeong-cheol),유수영(You, Su-young) 안동대학교 민속학연구소 2015 民俗硏究 Vol.0 No.31

        이 글은 농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 시험연구사업을 기록한 ‘연구노트’를 토대로 작성한 것으로, 연구 대상 마을 선정에서부터 조사 방법, 조사 내용, 연구 결과 도출, 현장 적용에 이르기까지의 과정을 가능한 범위에서 상세하게 보여주고자 하였다. 이를 통해 국가연구기관에서 수행하고 있는 ‘농촌마을 민속지식의 발굴과 활용’ 관련 연구 과제를 공유하고 함께 논의하는 계기로 삼고자 하였다. 논의를 집중하기 위해 충남 금산군 평촌마을 사례만을 추출하여 정리하였으며, 간간이 연구자가 고민했던 내용을 덧붙여 추후 논의의 가능성을 열어두었다. 평촌마을은 2011년부터 2012년까지 수행한 ‘지역 마케팅을 위한 역사문화자원 스토리텔링 연구’ 과제와 2013년부터 2015년까지 수행한 ‘농촌마을 세시풍속 실태조사 및 활용 콘텐츠 개발’ 과제의 대상 마을이다. 5년 동안 관계를 지속하면서 연구자와 연구대상자 상호간에 ‘친밀감(rapport)’을 형성하고 있으며, 민속지식 발굴에서부터 스토리텔링과 문화콘텐츠 결과물에 이르기까지 다양한 자료를 확인할 수 있는 마을이다. 연구수행 과정에서 민속의 ‘왜곡’과 ‘재창조’, ‘진짜민속’과 ‘가짜민속’, ‘원형’ 보전 등과 관련된 문제들을 맞닥뜨린 마을이라 연구자에게 성찰의 계기가 되기도 했다. 이 글이 연구자에게 채찍질로 되돌아오기를 바란다. The research has been written on the basis of the research note, a part of research projects of National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA. It tried to show in detail a research process ranging from a selection of a study site, research method, survey constructs, results to field applications. It lets the researcher reexamine and supplement the project, “The development and utilization of folk knowledge in a rural village” done by a national research institute. In order to narrow the research down, it only examined the Pyeongchon village in Chungnam province among some cases surveyed. The challenges the researcher faced and the debates for further studies were added at the end of the research. The Pyeongchon village is the target area where two projects were conducted for five years from 2011 to 2015. One project is about the storytelling of the historical culture resources and the other is about current status and contents development of annual cyclical rituals in rural villages. As the research had lasted for the five years, the researcher could create a close rapport with the research participants. The intimate relationship allowed to draw a plenty of data regarding the development of folk knowledge, storytelling and cultural contents. It also led the researcher to reflect endless issues such as the ‘distortion vs. re-creation’, ‘authentic folk vs. inauthentic folk’, and ‘preservation of prototype’ which have raised in rural villages. The research is also expected to be a cornerstone to go one step forward as a researcher.

      • KCI등재후보

        동제복식의 유형과 변화양상 -호남지역 동제의 제관복을 중심으로-

        정명철 ( Myeong Cheol Jeong ) 남도민속학회 2008 남도민속연구 Vol.17 No.-

        본고는 동제가 현재까지 전승되고 있는 마을에서 제관이 제의에 참례할 때 착용하는 동제복식의 유형과 변화양상을 살펴본 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저 제관들의 겉옷을 중심으로 도포형, 두루마기형, 일상복형, 복합형으로 분류하였다. 제관복식 착용사례를 유형별로 살펴보면 일상복형이 가장 많았다. 조사대상 47개마을 중 일상복형이 18개 마을로 38%였으며, 도포형이 14개 마을로 30%, 두루마기형이 7개 마을로 15%, 복합형이 8개 마을로 17%였다. 이러한 현상은 대체로 유교식 제의 형태가 축소되거나 약화되면서 일상복을 착용하는 마을이 늘어나고 있는 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 동제복식의 변화양상은 조선 중기 이후의 문헌자료와 현재 종가에서 보관하고 있거나 제사에 착용하는 제례복식을 통해 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 조선 중기 이후에는 심의와 도포가 동제복식으로 이용되다가 갑신의복개혁령 이후 도포와 두루마기가 동제복식으로 일반화되었음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 변화는 동제의 구성요소가 축소되거나 약화되는 경향과 무관하지 않으며, 근래에 들어와 간편한 일상복을 착용하는 사례가 늘어나고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이와 함께 도포나 두루마기가 일상생활에서 거의 사라지게 되면서 동제에서도 따로 복식을 갖추지 않고 평상복을 착용하게 되었다는 것도 확인할 수 있었다. I examined a pattern and a change aspect of clothing in village sacrificial rites which an officiating priest weared the a ceremonial dress for attending a ceremony where a village was handed down village sacrificial rites in now. For the first time, I classified outer garments of priest by Topo-type, Tooloomagi-type, an everyday cloth-type, a complex-type. The everyday cloth-type was given a great deal of weight on the wearing examples of an officiating priest clothing pattern to examine. The everyday cloth-type takes 18 villages in 47 villages of object of investigation, rates 38%. Topo-type gets 14 villages, rates 30%, The Tooloomagi-type takes 7 villages, rates 15%, The complex-type gets 8 villages, rates 17%. We understanded that the village was on the increase to wear a every day-cloth through such a phenomenon, as Confucian sacrificial rituals form was on the decrease. I examined a change aspect clothing in village sacrificial rites through sacrificial rituals-clothing that was appeared at documents material since the middle of the Choson dynasty and was in Jong-ja’s safekeeping, and was weared in a memorial service. Since the middle of the Choson dynasty, Simeui and Topo had changed to Topo and Tooloomagj that was generalized as a village sacrificial rituals clothing after the clothing-reformation decree of Kabsin This change was be connected with a reduction and weakening of a village sacrificial rituals-component. And then, lately, we cloud confirm example of a everyday cloth to increase. And we cloud verify as Topo and Tooloomaji nearly have been disappeared in everyday life, they didn``t get a complete suite of a ceremonial dress but to wear a everyday cloth.

      • KCI등재

        세계중요농업유산(GIAHS) 등재지역 농업유산의 특성 분석

        정명철 ( Jeong Myeong-cheol ),문효연 ( Mun Hyo-yun ),윤순덕 ( Yoon Soon-duck ),김상범 ( Kim Sang-bum ) 한국농촌계획학회 2016 농촌계획 Vol.22 No.4

        Since FAO introduced the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) in 2002, 36 sites of 15 countries so far have been listed on GIAHS. This study aims to find the important agricultural heritages of Korea and to prepare the methods for them to be selected as GIAHS. We have analyzed the proposals of the 36 GIAHS listed in order to study the characteristics of their components of the agricultural heritage which worked for being selected. To analyze the components of the agricultural heritage first, agricultural heritage was classified into 13 types and 42 components in light of GIAHS criteria. Then central themes were set to analyze the relevant contents in the proposals. They were, the type of GIAHS Site, significant agricultural landscape, the agriculture-forestry-fisheries-livestock linkage systems, the multi-layered, inter-cropping, circulation cultivation systems, the soil and water management systems, the conservation of agrobiological diversity and genetic resources, the history of the agricultural heritage, the succession of traditional farming techniques, the cultural diversity and so on. Most GIAHS are located in mountains, grasslands, rivers and coasts, desert than in plains, through which GIAHS assure us that it is the heritage of human challenge to overcome the harsh geographic environment and maintain a livelihood. In these sites the traditional farming techniques are carried on, such as mountain clearings, terraced rice paddies, and burn fields, and the unique irrigation systems and agricultural landscapes are well maintained, and the eco-friendly traditional farming techniques utilizing abundant forest resources and agriculture are well handed down. The origin or home of crop growing, a variety of genetic crop storage, the world’s largest crop producer and preserving cultural diversity are also important factors for the selection.

      • KCI등재

        전통농업기술의 현대적 활용 가치-고농서의 전통지식을 중심으로-

        정명철 ( Jeong Myeong-cheol ),김수지 ( Kim Su-ji ),문효연 ( Mun Hyo-yun ) 남도민속학회 2016 남도민속연구 Vol.33 No.-

        친환경농업에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 형성된 전통농업기술이 주목받고 있다. 농업생물다양성을 지속적으로 증진하면서 농산물의 안전성을 확보할 수 있는 대안의 농업기술로 인정받고 있는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 델파이(Delphi) 기법을 이용하여 현대적으로 활용이 가능한 전통농업기술을 선발하고 그 가치를 평가하였다. 델파이조사에 앞서 15세기부터 19세기까지의 조선시대 고농서에 수록된 전통농업기술을 분석하여 유형별로 정리한 『고농서의 현대적 활용을 위한 온고이지신(溫故而知新)』 1~10권을 문헌고찰 자료로 선정하여 현대적으로 활용 가능한 전통농업기술 96건을 1차적으로 선발하였으며, 현대적 활용 가치를 평가하기 위해 학계, 연구, 지도 등 농업 분야의 전문가 20인에게 3회에 걸친 델파이조사를 진행하였다. 이를 통해 우선순위에 따라 작부체계(作付體系), 골각회(骨殼灰)의 선택제초성(選擇除草性), 수조비(水藻肥), 겨거름과 분강수비(粉糠水肥), 채소 벌레 방제, 똥오줌에 대한 과학적 이해, 녹비작물, 과일나무 벌레 방제, 새삼(?絲) 방제, 콩류 최소경운재배 등 현대적으로 활용 가치가 높은 전통농업기술 10건을 최종적으로 선발하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 고농서에 수록된 전통농업기술 중 우선적으로 유용성과 과학성을 규명하기 위한 실증 대상 농법으로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단되며, 이를 토대로 실증연구를 추진하여 현대적 도입이 가능한 농업기술을 개발하여 영농현장에 보급할 수 있을 것으로 사료 된다. 더 나아가 우리나라 전통농업기술 DB구축에 활용될 수 있고, 유용성과 과학성이 규명된 전통농업기술을 국제사회에 공표하여 나고야의정서에 따른 이익 공유와 국제적 지식재산권 분쟁에 대비하는 자료로도 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. As growing interest in eco-friendly agriculture, traditional agriculture technology that had been formed for long time has attracted attention. It has been recognized as alternative agricultural technology that could secure food safety along with improving agrobiodiversity continuously. In this study, traditional agriculture technology for modern utilization was selected using Delphi method and its value was evaluated. Prior to Delphi survey, total 10 volumes of Ongoyijisin for modern utilization of old agriculture book were selected as literature data. The books are classified by category after analyzing traditional agriculture technologies written in old agriculture books of Joseon Dynasty era from 15C to 19C. 96 items of traditional agricultural technologies for modern utilization were chosen at first. Delphi survey was implemented 3 times to 20 experts who work in academia, research and instruction, etc. Through this, we selected total 10 of traditional agriculture technologies as priority, which are of great value neoterically. The results of this study are expected to be able to be used as a empirical target farming to identify utility and scientific efficiency firstly among the traditional agriculture technologies. Based on this, to implement empirical research leads to develop agriculture technologies for modern utilization. Therefore, it is believed to be able to apply to agricultural field. Furthermore, korean traditional agriculture technologies could be used to accumulate DB. Identified traditional agricultural technologies would be announced to international community. It should also be used as references to prepare for benefit-sharing and dispute on international intellectual property under Nagoya Protocol.

      • 농업유산 등재기준에 따른 농촌 무형유산 분류체계 연구

        정명철 ( Myeong Cheol Jeong ),문효연 ( Hyo Yun Mun ),김미희 ( Mi Heui Kim ) 한국농업사학회 2014 농업사연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구에서는 농촌 무형유산의 개념을 정립하기 위해 유네스코의 민속과 무형문화유산, 세계지식재산권기구(WIPO)의 전통지식, 그리고 우리나라 문화재청의 무형문화재와 민속문화재에 대한 정의를 비교 분석하였다. 다음으로 농촌 무형유산의 위상과 내용을 살펴보기 위해 한국의 농업유산 2개를 포함한 세계중요농업유산(GIAHS) 31개의 사례를 분석하였다. 이를 통해 GIAHS에 등재된 세계 각국의 무형유산은 전통지식과 기술이 통합된 형태를 띤다는 점에서 근본적으로는 유사하지만, 지역의 환경과 집단의 적응 방법에 따라 다양하게 나타난다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 농촌 무형유산 분류체계를 설정하기 위해, 먼저 GIAHS의 5가지 등재기준인 “식량·생계수단의 확보”, “생물다양성 및 생태계의 기능”, “전통적 지식·농업기술의 계승”, “농업문화와 사회제도·관습”, “수려한 경관, 토지·수자원 관리특성”을 분석하여 무형유산과 관련된 세부내용을 추출하였다. 이와 함께 유네스코와 한국의 무형유산 관련 제도의 등재기준과 그 내용을 분석하였고 농촌진흥청의 한국전통지식자원분류안(kTKRC), 국립 민속박물관의 민속아카이브 등의 분류체계와 세부목록을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 농촌 무형유산 분류체계는 GIAHS 등재기준의 표준정의와 해당범위를 준용하여 크게 5가지로 대분류하였으며, 유네스코와 우리나라의 무형유산 분류와 세부내용을 참조하여 하위항목을 설정하였다. 분류안의 구조는 열거형 분류법을 채택하였는데, 이 방식이 주제에 맞게 범주화하기 용이하고, 계층적으로 전개하여 항목 간의 관계를 쉽게 파악할 수 있어 무형유산이 지닌 특성을 잘 반영할 수 있다고 판단했기 때문이다. 이렇게 하여 본 연구에서는 농촌무형유산을 식량안정성, 생물다양성, 생업기술, 농업문화 및 사회제도, 경관관리로 대분류하고, 하위항목을 중분류 19개, 소분류 50개로 구분하여 그 세부목록을 정리하였다. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis to establish the concept of the rural intangible heritage : the definition of the folklore(UNESCO), the definition of the intangible cultural heritage(UNESCO), the definition of the traditional knowledge(WIPO), the definition of the intangible cultural property and folk cultural property of korea Cultural Heritage Administration. Then, we surveyed 31 cases of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) including the two agricultural heritages of Korea to analyze the status and contents of rural intangible heritage. Through this, We found it fundamentally similar that the intangible heritages of the world listed on GIAHS had the integrated form of traditional knowledge and skills. Also, we could confirmed that their diversities had been made according to adaption ways of ethnic groups in different environment. First, we investigated the five selection criteria of GIAHS which include “food and livelihood security”, “biodiversity and ecosystem function”, “knowledge systems and adapted technologies”, “Culture, value systems and social organizations” and “remarkable landscapes, land and water resources management features” to set up a classification scheme of intangible heritage, and extracted contents relevant to it. In addition, we analyzed the selection criteria and the materials of the Intangible heritage related institutions of UNESCO and Korea. And aside from this, we went over the korean Traditional Knowledge Resource Classification (kTKRC) of national academy of agricultural science and the Folklife Archives of the National Folk Museum. We classified the rural intangible heritage largely into five main categories in compliance with the standard definition and the corresponding scope of the GIAHS criteria. Afterward we configured sub-items with reference to the classification of the intangible cultural property of UNESCO and of Korea. Finally, we divided the rural intangible heritage into food security, biodiversity, livelihood technologies, agri-culture, social systems and landscape management as subsection. And we arranged them after subdividing 19 class and 50 subclass.

      • KCI등재

        제의시기와 제당형태로 본 마을신앙 분포 현황

        정명철 ( Jeong Myeong-cheol ),권봉관 ( Kwon Bong-kwan ),양예숙 ( Yang Yea-sook ),전정배 ( Jeon Jung-bae ),김상범 ( Kim Sang-beom ) 남도민속학회 2017 남도민속연구 Vol.34 No.-

        이 글은 2006년에 실시한 한국의 마을신앙 현황조사표에 나타난 제의시기의 월별 분포와 제당형태의 유형별 분포를 분석한 것이다. 마을신앙 현황조사에서는 마을별로 제의명칭, 제의시기, 제당형태, 당신명칭 등을 종합적으로 정리하였으며, 전국의 12,196개 마을신앙을 자료화하였다. 제의시기는 모두 12,521개가 확인되었다. 그중에서 정월이 8,370개로 67%를 차지하였으며 서울ㆍ경기ㆍ인천을 제외한 전국 대부분의 지역에서 가장 높은 빈도를 보여주었다. 그 다음으로 10월이 1,129개로 9%를 차지하였고, 9월 474개, 7월 444개, 12월 419개, 3월 384개, 2월 346개 순으로 높은 빈도를 보여주었다. 제당형태는 모두 14,335개가 확인되었다. 그 중에서 신목(숲)이 41%(5,826개)로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 전국적으로 경북(전국의 33%)ㆍ전남(15%)ㆍ충북(11%) 순으로 신목의비중이 높았다. 그 다음으로 당집이 27%(3,911개)를 차지하였고 바위, 제단, 우물, 돌탑, 장승, 터, 산, 솟대, 거리, 회관 순으로 많은 분포를 보였다. 연구방법은 엑셀 프로그램의 주제어 정렬 방식을 이용하여 제의시기의 지역별 분포 수치를 월별로 확인하고 세부내용을 분석하였으며, 아크맵(ArcMap) 프로그램을 이용하여 전국적인 분포현황을 지도에 표기하였다. 이렇게 제작된 분포도는 마을신앙 구성요소의 전국적분포와 밀집도 등을 가시적으로 살펴볼 수 있게 해주어 민속연구자들에게 좋은 참고자료가 될 것으로 기대된다. This paper analyzes the monthly distribution of the period of a rite and the distribution of the form of the rite shrine by each type. It bases on the data for research conducted in 2006 about Korean village religions. The research of a current state for village religions synthetically arranges considering the following criteria, the name of the rite, the period of the rite, the form of the rite, and the name of Dangsin that is trusted in by the villagers, as on the basis of the data investigated in and reported until the time. In addition, it includes the data for 12,196 national cases of the village religions. Moreover, the period of the rite was identified by all 12,521 cases. Among the cases, the first of the lunar year forms 67% as 8,370 of all cases, most of national areas showed high frequency except the areas, Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, Incheon. In sequence, it is followed by October(9%), as 1,129 of all cases, September(474 cases), July(444 cases), December(419 cases), March(384 cases), February(346 cases). Futhermore, the form of the rite was identified by all 14,335 cases. Among the cases, the spiritual tree(or forest) forms the highest frequency, as 41%(5,826 cases), and it is followed by Gyeongbuk(33% of all cases), Jeonnam(15%), Chungbuk(11%). The rite shrine forms 27%(3,911 cases). In sequence, there are followed by rocks, alters, wells, stone towers, Jangseungs(Korean traditional totem pole at the village entrance), plots, mountains, Sotdaes(a pole erected to honor a successful civil service examinee), streets, halls. The research method utilizes Microsoft Excel by arranging keyword sorting method to check the figure of distribution on the period of the rite by the areas and to analyze detailed consents. The current state of distribution of it is appeared on the map by using ArcMap Program. The results of this distribution charts are expected to give the folklorist meaningful reference by the following. Not only it is identified by the component factors of the village religion by each areas and the spread of it, but also it is possible to visually be confirmed each cultural zone.

      • 향토상품 디자인 현황 및 개선방안 연구

        정명철(Myeong-Cheol Jeong),김미희(Mi-Heui Kim),진혜련(Hye-Ryun Jin) 한국농어촌관광학회 2013 농어촌관광연구 Vol.20 No.2

        On this study we have researched subject to local products which is Agricultural Products and Processed Agricultural Products, Local Specialty Products, Tourism Village and Facilities, Regional Festival etc. on the current situation of development of design. Through this processing the problem of using ‘naming’ directly relevant to a product is exposed, the problem of direct description of image of a product and the problem of complexity of design, florid coloring are also coming out in a fact of graphic. With this study we have realized that there would truly need developing of luxury emotional design and establishing of differentiated brand identity to stimulate consumer’s purchasing needs. There also raised the problem of factor of packing design which is selecting packing materials fit on products’ characteristic, standardization, small quantity and simple packing, presenting correct information, using eco-packing materials etc. to improve.

      • KCI등재

        마을숲 기능의 재해석과 활용방안

        정명철 ( Myeong-cheol Jeong ) 남도민속학회 2007 남도민속연구 Vol.15 No.-

        Rural Community Forest is a cultural symbol in the village. It is a God and passage to God, too. Rural Community Forest that have handed down a religious service has both dailiness and divinity. In point of a religion, it was became object of belief and became an apparatus to be complement and repression, in point of fengshui. Usually, it got a variety of common functions. One is the safe-guard shield that got to protect from natural disasters like a flood, a typhoon, another is a play-space that took in a various activity like a rest, a meeting and outing. However, the traditional value of Rural Community Forest seems to lose its meaning in the present age. Because people don’t need to its traditional functions - religion and fengshui in addition to that the function of a safe-guard shield have lost the majority of usefulness. I started discussion in this point. In a crevice between the onrush of industrialization and urbanization, it only remains a skeleton as a survival culture. We have turned our’s face away useful-value of Rural Community Forest as cultural resources. Rural Community Forest don’t lose its value today. On the contrary, it is going to prepare to protect from global warming, air pollution, noise pollution that threatens human safety, besides, it has the worth of education to the history and culture and could be to examine its functions in order to build up a ecological city planning.

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