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      • 6·12 북·미 정상회담 평가와 한국 외교의 과제

        전봉근(Jun Bong-geun) 한국외교협회 2018 계간 외교 Vol.- No.126

        세기적 이벤트로 전 세계의 주목을 끌었던 6·12 싱가포르 북·미정상회담에 대한 평가가 크게 엇갈린다. 북한 비핵화를 위한 획기적인 전환점이 될지, 북한의 시간벌기용 속임수가 될지를 평가하기는 아직 이르다. 일각에서는 트럼프 대통령의 충동적 성격과 외교적 무지 때문에 북·미정상회담이 성사되었다고 보지만, 이야말로 충동적인 평가다. 그는 평소 대화를 통한 문제해결에 일관된 입장을 보였다. 그리고 지난 27년간 실패한 국제법적·규범적 접근법을 반복하기 보다는 새로운 정치적 접근법을 실험했다. 이 실험이 성공할지 실패할지 모르지만, 최소한 새로운 가능성은 열려있다는 점에서 긍정적이다. 북·미정상 공동성명도 과거와 같은 비핵화 합의가 아니라 새로운 정치합의라는 점에서 평가해야 한다. 북·미정상회담 개최에도 불구하고 많은 비핵화 숙제가 남아있다. 무엇보다 북한은 아직 무기용 핵물질과 핵탄두 생산을 멈추지 않았다. 북한의 핵·미사일 실험 중단과 핵실험장 폐기 조치는 평가받아야 하지만, 핵물질생산이 계속되는 한 결코 우리가 시간을 벌었다고 할 수 없다. 북한 비핵화를 촉진하고 체계적으로 대응하기 위해서는 비핵화 결정, 핵폐기, 핵검증 등에 대해 양측이 동의하고 적용할 수 있는 모델을 조속히 개발해야 한다. 그렇지 않다면 매 조치마다, 엄청난 협상의 지연전과 소모전에 봉착할 것이다. 한국이 북핵문제의 최대 이해관계국이므로 비핵화를 위한 경제적 보상, 그리고 핵폐기와 핵검증 비용 부담에 대해 적극적인 자세를 가져야 한다. 이 비용은 미래 한반도를 위한 투자비용이 기 때문이다. 마지막으로, 비핵화를 촉진하기 위해 북한에 안전보장과 체제보장을 제공하는 것이 관건인데, 이를 위해 남·북기본협정, 북·미수교협상 개시, 남·북·미·중이 참가하는 평화포럼의 평화선언을 조기에 추진하도록 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • 미ㆍ중 경쟁 시대 한국의 ‘중간국’ 정체성과 외교원칙 모색

        전봉근 ( Jun Bong-geun ) 한국외교협회 2020 외교 Vol.132 No.0

        Korea is a ‘middle state’ situated and squeezed between the US-China strategic competition. Korea as a middle state could be a pivot state receiving love-calls from both sides and a bridging state connecting both sides. Or Korea could be a shatter zone state, squeezed and destabilized between great powers, as it had suffered historically. Korea’s diplomatic decisions today is such a critical issue for all of us as its rise or failure in the future totally lies on such decisions. The US-China strategic competition is one of the biggest foreign policy threats to Korea just like many other like-situated middle states. To effectively deal with the US-China competition, Korean diplomacy should define its national vision and national interests based on its geopolitical identity. Only then unified integration of national power and strategic diplomacy will be possible. This paper proposes 4 possible Korean identities as follows: a divided state with vulnerable national security due to the division, a geopolitical middle state surrounded and squeezed among both great power competition, and land and sea powers, a middle power state supporting rules-based international order, a trading state with a high foreign economic dependency. This report proposes ‘a global peace bridge state’ as Korea’s national vision in the US-China competition era. Also five diplomatic principles that Korea should follow in the US-China competition era were also proposed: principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, peace coexistence, regionalism and international cooperation, multilateralism and rules- based international order, and national unity. Such principles replace such traditional diplomatic principles as the absolute coincidence of Korea-US alliance, waite and see, reactive adaptation that the Korean diplomacy followed throughout the US-led Cold War and post-Cold War era. These principles proposed here for era of the US-China competition should become Korea’s general diplomacy principles that Korea should adopt in order to perform a strategic and autonomous diplomacy.

      • KEDO 사례의 교훈

        전봉근 이화여자대학교 통일학연구원 2006 통일학연구원 국제학술대회 : 대북지원과 남북관계 현황과 미래 Vol.2006 No.

        In January 2006, the KEDO (Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization) light-water reactor (LWR) project in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea) 11 years after the U.S.-DPRK Agreed Framework went into effect and 8 year after the construction work started, and 2 years after the site work was frozen. The LWR issue was resurrected, however, when the 6-party members agreed in the Joint Statement "to discuss, at an appropriate time, the subject of the provision of light water reactor to the DPRK." Then, can the LWR construction be resumed as the 6-party talks make progress? Answers can be found in lessons learned from the failure of the KEDO LWR project. This paper locates four groups of obstacles to the KEDO LWR project: North Korea's failure to implement agreements and contracts, continued political support of sponsors to the project, North Korea's own preparation to receive the LWR and its full implementation of nonproliferation obligations. Unless all of these four obstacles are cleared, the LWR project cannot make much progress. This position contradicts, however, North Korea's position of "the LWR first." In conclusion, this paper argues that unless North Korea becomes a 'normal and responsible' country in international society, the LWR may not be delivered, much less completed. These and above four conditions apply equally to the future LWR project. In order to avoid making another aborted LWR project, North Korea should change and learn to abide by international norms first.

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