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      • KCI등재후보

        러일전쟁 지상전의 군사전략적 분석

        전갑기(Jeon, Gab-ki) 한국군사문제연구원 2020 한국군사 Vol.7 No.-

        러일전쟁은 기관총, 전신과 철도가 사용되어 살상력이 커지고 통신과 이동 속도가 증가하고 대규모 부대가 최장 150㎞의 전선에서 수주일간 전투를 수행한 최초의 현대전이다. 이 전쟁에서는 전투력의 우열보다는 군사전략개념, 지휘관의 전쟁수행 방안에 따라 주요 전투나 작전의 결과가 달라졌다. 또한 전투에서 승리한 측이 더 많은 전투력을 잃은 사례가 수차례 발생했다. 한국에서는 이 전쟁의 정치적 배경, 한국과 관련된 군사적 사건, 러시아와 일본의 전쟁 대비 및 군사전략 자체에 관한 연구가 주로 이루어졌다. 그러나 위의 현상들이 나타난 지상전에 대한 연구는 아직 부족한 편이다. 그래서 이번 연구는 군사목표 달성을 위한 전투의 효율적 운용, 군사전략의 운용적 관점과 지휘관의 작전적 사고에 중점을 두고 만주 지역에서 벌어진 지상전 및 군사행동 위주로 분석하였다. 이 연구를 통해 지형 및 전투력 손실을 시간과 교환하는 군사전략도 적에게 손실을 강요하는 공세행동이 병행되어야 효율적이며, 반복적인 군사행동은 적에게 학습할 기회를 제공하여 적이 창의적으로 대응하게 만든다는 것을 확인하였다. 결론적으로 지휘관이 무기체계, 부대의 특성 등을 이해하고 전투를 창의적으로 운용해야 군사작전을 효율적으로 수행할 수 있다. The Russo-Japanese War could be regarded as the first modern warfare. This war had many characteristics of modern warfare, such as using machine guns, telegraphy and railroads. In this war the destructive power of weapons grew and the speed of communication and movement became faster, and massive troops were able to operate for several weeks on the front line of 150 km. One notable point in this war is that the result of the main combats or operations was greatly influenced by commands’ military strategic concept or ways of war fighting rather than the superiority of combat power. Also, there were cases where the victor suffered heavier damage than the loser. The majority of studies on this war in Korea focus on the political backgrounds of the war, military incidents related to Korea, Russia and Japan’s war preparations, or military strategy itself. However, little attention has been paid to the formerly-mentioned phenomena of this war. This research, therefore, focuses on analyzing both Russia and Japan’s military activities in the operational aspect of military strategy. That is, it aims to analyze the ground warfare and military actions in Manchuria while focusing on the effective use of combats for achievement of military goals and the operational viewpoint of military strategy and commands’ operational thinking. This research has resulted in two findings. First, a military strategy of exchanging territory and force for time is efficient only when it is accompanied by military actions which inflict serious damage on the enemy. Second, repetitive and patterned actions give the enemy an opportunity to learn from and react to them in a creative way. In conclusion, the commanding officers could have carried out military actions more and efficiently if they had commanded with a better understanding of the transformation of weapons and the change in the size of armed forces, and the creative ways.

      • KCI등재

        제2차 세계대전 독 · 소 전쟁 초기의 독일과 소련의 군사전략 비교 연구 (초기 전역: 1941. 6. 22. ~ 12. 5.)

        이종호(Lee, Jong-Ho),전갑기(Jeon, Gab-Gi) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2017 군사 Vol.- No.103

        This is the study on the implications of military strategies in the initial stage of the Germany-USSR War in 1941. The military strategy of Germany Army has been researched and received partially as the military doctrine in the Korean Army. On the other hand, it has widely believed that the USSR’s victory over the Germany in World War Ⅱ mainly depended upon its glacial winter climate and the huge territory. Since the 17th century, Russia(USSR) has undergone many armed conflicts, and nowadays it occupies the second place of the military capability in the world and is also known as the state led developed in the military affairs. So I emphasized that USSR’s military strategy must be concretely studied, by freeing from ideological and western bias. And to prepare for the future warfare, we need to study steadily and objectively estimate Russian military strategy, and research the implications of it. In this sense, both the validity of strategic plan and the efficiency in prosecution of the strategy are to be comparatively analyzed. The validity of strategic plan is compared by the requirements of strategy (adaptability, feasibility, acceptability), and the latter is comparatively estimated by the elements of concentrated essence of strategy and tactics’ which Liddell Hart presented in his book ‘Strategy’. And this paper concludes with the implications of both armies’ strategy. Although Germany’s victory required success in destroying the Red Army and capturing Leningrad and Ukraine, constant and random counterattacks of the Red Army saved the USSR. This study implies that there is no perfect strategic plan, but we need to recognize strategically efficient chances in developed situations and effectively exploit the ideas for achievement of the ultimate end.

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