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      • KCI등재

        헤어미용 종사자의 CS교육과 감정노동 및 서비스 태도 관련 연구

        장진선(Jang, Jin seon),김민(Kim, Minh),리순화(Li, Shun hua) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 수도권 지역 헤어미용 종사자 224명을 대상으로 CS교육이 헤어미용 종사자의 감정노동과 서비스 태도에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 설문조사를 하였다. CS교육 인식의 하위영역을 교육내용, 교육방법, 교육환경, 교육강사로 설정하여 요인분석을 하였다. 헤어미용 종사자들은 CS교육을 받은 빈도가 높고 받은 시간이 길수록 고객에게 더욱 자발적인 서비스를 제공하였고 CS교육 만족도가 높게 나타났다. CS교육내용, CS교육환경, CS교육강사에 대한 인식이 긍정적일수록 자신의 거짓된 감정표현이 줄어들었고 감정을 자연스럽게 표현하면서 고객에게 좋은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 자발적으로 행동하였으며 서비스 태도가 적극적인 것으로 나타났다. 감정노동 하위요인 중 내면 행위가 높은 종사자일수록 서비스에 대한 몰입도가 높아지고 서비스 행동을 더욱 자발적이고 적극적으로 하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 CS교육은 감정노동과 서비스 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. 헤어미용 종사자에게 전문성 있는 CS교육 프로그램을 제공하고 CS교육내용을 체계적으로 갖추어 헤어미용 서비스 종사자의 특성을 고려한 CS교육 체계를 갖추는 노력이 필요하다. This study conducted a survey with 224 hairdressers in the metropolitan area to analyze the effects of CS Education on Emotional Labor and Service Attitude of hairdresser. It carried factor analysis out by setting the sub-area of CS Education Awareness as Educational Contents, Educational Method, Educational Environment, and Educational Instructor. The longer time and more frequency of CS Education, hairdressers had, they provided more voluntary services to customers and were shown higher satisfaction of CS Education. The more positive recognition of CS Education contents, CS Education environment, and CS Education instructors they had, the less their faked emotional expression decreased, and they acted voluntarily to provide good service to customers while expressing their emotions naturally, and the service attitude became active. It was shown that hairdressers who had the higher Deep Acting, the sub-factor of Emotional Labor, became to have the higher level of immersion in service and be more voluntary and active in their service action. In conclusion, this study found that CS Education had a positive impact on Emotional Labor and Service Attitude. Efforts should be made to provide professional CS Education programs to hairdressers and to establish CS Education system considering their characteristics with systematic equipped CS Education.

      • KCI등재

        수상태양광 발전시설 현황 및 주요 환경 쟁점 고찰

        안채민(Chae Min Ahn),주진철(Jin Chul Joo),김진호(Jin Ho Kim),최선화(Sun Hwa Choi),장진선(Jin Seon Jang),고현우(Hyeon Woo Go) 대한환경공학회 2021 대한환경공학회지 Vol.43 No.4

        목적 : 수상태양광 발전시설의 유형과 특징, 국내외 설치사례를 조사・분석하여, 수상태양광 발전시설의 발전용량과 수면 점유율을 비교하고, 수질 및 수생태계에 미치는 영향에 관련된 주요 환경 쟁점에 대해 고찰하였다. 방법 : 국내외 수상태양광 발전시설에 대한 기존 문헌 및 수상태양광 설치 회사에서 제공하는 정보와 데이터를 추출하여 통계적으로 분석하였다. 결과 및 토의 : 수상태양광 발전시설은 일반적으로 폰튠형, 프레임형, 태양 추적형의 3가지 유형으로 구분되어 국가별・지역별로 다양하게 설치되고 있다. 2018년 하반기 기준 전 세계적으로 수상태양광 발전용량은 1.3 GWp로 중국, 일본, 한국, 대만, 영국 순서로 수상태양광 발전시설이 많이 설치되고 있으며, 한국을 제외한 다른 국가들에서는 폰튠형이 한국의 경우 프레임형이 주로 설치되었다. 수원의 활용구분에 따라 식수용 수자원은 낮은 발전용량과 수면점유율로 설치된 반면, 농업용 수자원은 다양한 발전용량과 수면 점유율로 설치되었다. 이외에도 산업용, 빗물저장, 기타 수자원에는 비교적 높은 발전용량과 수면 점유율로 설치되어 있음을 확인하였다. 수상태양광 발전시설설치에 따른 주요 환경 쟁점인 기자재 유해물질 용출, 정체구역 발생에 따른 수질변화, 수면 점유율에 따른 수질변화 및 수생생물 군집변화, 수온・조도 변화, 전자파로 인한 수생태계 교란 가능성에 관련된 기존 문헌 고찰결과, 수상태양광 발전시설이 미치는 영향은 미미하며, 녹조저감과 수생태계 복원의 긍정적인 효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 결론 : 수상태양광 발전시설의 설치가 수환경(수질・수생태계)에 미치는 영향은 미미한 것으로 확인되었으나, 극한 조건을 반영한 추가 실험, 수상태양광 수면 점유율, 배열 및 유형별 장기간 지속적인 수질・수생태계 모니터링이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. Objectives : After investigation of types, characteristics, and domestic and overseas installation cases of floating photovoltaic power plants (FPVs), both power generation capacity and coverage ratio of the FPVs were analyzed, and the major environmental issues impacting on water quality and aquatic ecosystem were reviewed. Methods : Both information and data of the FPVs extracted from existing literature and provided by the FPVs installation companies were statistically analyzed. Results and Discussion : FPVs divided into three types such as pontoon type, frame type, and solar tracking type are installed in various ways by country and region. As of the second half of 2018, the global power generation capacity of FPVs is 1.3 GWp, and FPVs have been intensively installed in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and UK. While the pontoon type has been mainly installed in other countries except Korea, the frame type was mainly installed in Korea. Among various water resources, FPVs installed in agricultural water resources have various power generation capacity and coverage ratio whereas FPVs installed in industrial, rainwater storage, and other water resources have relatively high power generation capacity and coverage ratio. Compared to FPVs installed in other water resources, FPVs installed in drinking water resources have relatively low power generation capacity and coverage ratio. After reviewing the major environmental issues related to FPVs (i.e., leaching of hazardous substances, deterioration of water quality and aquatic ecosystem, changes in water temperature and illumination, and disturbance of aquatic ecosystem), the impacts of the FPVs on water environment are found to be insignificant, and the positive effects (i.e., mitigation of green tide and restoration of the aquatic ecosystem) are confirmed. Conclusions : Although the impacts of the FPVs on water environment (water quality and aquatic ecosystem) are found to be insignificant, additional experiments reflecting extreme conditions and long-term continuous monitoring of water quality and aquatic ecosystem in terms of coverage ratio, array and type of FPVs are required.

      • KCI등재후보

        여자노인에서 연령증가에 따른 폐기능의 변화

        서민수(Min-su Seo),송유정(Yu-Jeong Song),장진선(Jin-Seon Jang),한지호(Ji-Ho Han),한동욱(Dong-Uk Han) 대한심장호흡물리치료학회 2018 대한심장호흡물리치료학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        The aim of this study was to examine the affects of increased age on the pulmonary functions in elderly women. Methods : The subjects of this study were 68 healthy elderly women without lung and heart disease. Subjects were classified in the following age categories: 60s, 70s and 80s. The study’s methods and purpose were explained and these women agreed to participate. The items of pulmonary function were maximal-effort expiratory capacity(MEC), slow vital capacity(SVC), maximum inspiratory pressure(MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure(MEP). A spirometry (Pony FX, COSMED Inc, Italy) was used for measuring of the pulmonary functions in elderly women. The test was performed 3 times, and its mean value was used for analysis. Result : An ANOVA test was used to compare the change of pulmonary functions among categorized age in elderly women. Among the items in MEC, forced vital capacity(FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second(FEV1) were significant difference according to increased age . In case of SVC, there was a significant difference in inspiratory capacity(IC), vital capacity(VC) and inspiratory reserve volume(IRV). Also, MIP and MEP were different significantly among categorized age. Especially, items which were FVC, FEV1, IC, VC, IRV and MIP were significant difference between 80s and 60s, between 80s and 70s. MIP was significant difference only between 80s and 60s. Conclusion : This study demonstrated that pulmonary functions decreased remarkably as age increasing. Especially, this study showed that the age of 80s in elderly women is the critical time which pulmonary functions were decreasing significantly.

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