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      • 사람 내피세포에서 염증 전구사이토카인이 VCAM - 1의 발현에 미치는 영향

        장윤혜(Yun Hae Chang),박수길(Su Kil Park),문희범(Hee Bom Moon),이재담(Jae Dam Lee),김승후(Seong Who Kim),황온유(On You Hwang),홍혜남(Hae Nam Hong),조영주(Young Joo Cho) 대한천식알레르기학회 1999 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.19 No.2

        Background: The expression of adhesion molecules contribute to development of systemic diseases. Vascular cell adhesion molecule-l(VCAM-1) is an endothelial cell membrane gly- coprotein that has been implicated in leukocyte/endothelial cell interactions in inflammation. Ojective: The aim of this study was to characterize the surface expression and regulation of VCAM-1 on two different endothelial cells. Methods: We examined the effects of the expression of VCAM-1 in two different endothelial cells, isolated from human umbilical cords and human glomerulus. Expression of VCAM-1 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) and flow cytometry. Results: In human umbilical cord endothelial cells(HUVECs), both interleukin-l B(IL-lB) and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) increased VCAM-1 expression. VCAM-1 expression increased by TNF-a was higher than that increased by IL-lB. In human glomerular endothelial cells(HGECs), IL-lB and TNF-a markedly increased VCAM-1 expression. Conclusion. The regulation of VCAM-1 appears to be somewhat different in HGECs compared with HUVECs. These differences between the responsiveness of the two cells may possibly indicate inherent differences in endothelial cell derived from different vascular beds.

      • 마우스 CD4 CD8 음성 세포 및 CD8 양성세포의 Interleukin 2에 의한 CD8 양성 세포와 자연살해 세포로의 전환 (The effect of interleukin 2 on the induction Of Nk 1.1 expression in CD8+ and CD4 - CD8 - T Cell)

        조영주,장윤혜 (Young Joo Cho,Yoon Hae Chang) 대한천식알레르기학회 1998 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.18 No.2

        Background: Murine IL-2-induced lymphokine-activated killers can be divided into two mutually exclusive subset:NK1.1'CD8 and NK1.1 CD8+. However, there is a strong evidence that NK cell may belong to T cell lineage. Recently novel lymphocyte subsets, present in the adult murine thymus, CD3+NK1.1'TCRap(TNK) cell is readily identifiable in fresh obtained murine adult CD4 CD8 thymocytes. Material and method: We sorted out CD4 and CD8 (double negative.' DN) cells and CD8+ cells from murine spleen and cultivated these cells with IL-2. And the surface B220, CD8, NK1. 1 and cytopasmic NK1.1 was analysed simultaneously to see whether these cells can be switched to the other subtype of cells. Result: Purified DN cells were switched to several subtype of cells'. CD8'B220+(LAK cells), NK1.1'B220+(LAK cells), CD8 B220, cytoplasmic NK1.1+B220 cells. Purified CD8 cells were switched to CD8+B220' LAK cells and cytoplasmic NK1.1+ CD8+ B220+ and cytoplasmic NK1.1' CD8 B220 cells. In addition, the CD8' cells originated from DN cells do not express the cytoplasmic NK1.1 in contrary to the sorted CD8 cells. Conclusion .' Our results indicated that these will be useful models to investigating CD8 precursor potentials in populations of CD4 CD8 (doble negative) cells and relationship of NK1.1 These results also supports the hypothesis that T cells and NK cells have same ontogeny and CD8 effector functions are potentially diverse and could be exploited by various conditions that switch off host protected cytolytic response. These model offer a way to study the molecular regulation of CD8 gene expression.

      • CTLL - 2 세포주에서 transforming growth factor - β가 CD8의 발현유도에 미치는 영향

        박수영(Soo Young Park),장윤혜(Yoon Hae Chang),조영주(Young Joo Cho) 대한천식알레르기학회 2000 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.20 No.1

        Background: Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) has multiple regulatory effects on cells of the immune system, and it has been suggested that differentiation of lymphoid cells is influenced by low concentrations of this cytokine. Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate the role of TGF-β in regulation of T cell growth and differentiation, and to compare this effect with that of other cell signals known to be important in T cell ontogeny. Methods .We used the CTLL-2 cell line in the presence of IL-2. Surface phenotype expression was analysed to see whether these cells could be switched to the other subtype of cells. Results : Treatment of CTLL-2 cells with TGF-β resulted in dose dependent growth inhibition and morphological changes. During routine passage, less than 5% of cells were CD8α positive, whereas 38% of cells expressed CD8α when treated with IL-2 plus TGF-β. However, TPA plus calcium ionophore, IFN-γ, or TNF-α caused no significant changes in the proportion of CD8 cells. Conclusion : Our results show that this experiment can be a useful model for investigating CD8 precursor potentials in populations of CD4-CD8- (double negative) cells, and such a model may offer a way to study the molecular regulation of CD8 gene expression.

      • Hydrocortisone sodium succinae ( solucoref ) 정맥주사에 의한 아나필락시스 1 례

        김미선(Mi Seon Kim),장윤혜(Yun Hae Chang),조영주(Young Joo Cho),박경원(Kyung Won Park),김효정(Hyo Jung Kim),전정현(Jung Hyun Chun),이경은(Kyung Eun Lee) 대한천식알레르기학회 1999 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.19 No.6

        Corticosteroids are widely used in treatment of allergic or idiosyncratic anaphylactic reactions, paradoxically, they can be responsible for anaphylactic reactions. Although several reports of suspected allergic reactions to corticosteroids had already appeared, Mendelson et al reported the first instance of immediate anaphylaxis ascribed to solucortef in 1974. We present a review of the literature, and report on one patient with wheat allergy suffered from anaphylactic shock after injection of hydrocortisone sodium succinate. In patients with systemic severe reactions to injectable corticosteroids, we recommend careful and comprehensive skin testing with most avail- able corticosteroids, as well as the components of the injectables.

      • Laminaria 자궁 경부 삽입에 의한 전신성 아나필락시스 1 례

        김미선(Mi Seon Kim),김도연(Do Yun Kim),장윤혜(Yun Hae Chang),조영주(Young Joo Cho) 대한천식알레르기학회 1999 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.19 No.4

        Anaphylaxis is a life - threatening syndrome elicited in a hypersensitive individual on subseque- nt exposure to a sensitizing antigen with, reactions ranging widely in severity from mild pruri- tus and criteria to shock and death. Anaphylaxis occurs in the United States at rates estimated to be as high as one in every 3000 inpatients and may account for more than 500 deaths annu- ally. Preparations of kelp Laminaria digitata are used as tents in gynecologic procedures to di- late the cervix, and the kelp consists principally of a glucagon carbohydrate called laminarin. Laminarin is thought to function as the active ingredient in dilatation by changing osmotic pres- sure or uterine prostaglandin metabolism. The tent is inserted into the cervix several hours be- fore the procedure. As the cervix desiccates and dilates, the tent develops an hourglass shape. Recently, we experienced one patient with anaphylaxis to laminaria diagnosed by skin test and showing good response to treatment.

      • 기관지천식 환자들에서 유병기간에 따른 기도의 구조변화

        신미승(Mi Seung shin),장중현(Jung Hyun Chang),최혜영(Hye Young Choi),장윤혜(Yoon Hae Chang),박성숙(Sung Sook Park),조영주(Young Joo Cho) 대한천식알레르기학회 1998 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.18 No.4

        Backgrount: Bronchial asthma is classically defined as a reversible obstruction and hypsrresponsiveness of the airway attributed to an inflammatory process. However, some individuals with asthma show an irreversible component of airflow obstruction. It may be associated with structural changes in the airway resulting from severe or long standing air- way inflammation and remodelling. Objective: The study was undertaken to compare the clinical characteristics of patient and airway remodelling as shown in bronchial wall thickness in HRCT according to the duration of asthma. Material and methods: A retrospective clinical study was done on 119 patients with bronchial asthma, who had been admitted to Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital. Patients were divided to three groups according to disease duration and, clinical characteristics, pulmonary function test and HRCT were done. Results: Basal FEV, and FVC was significantly lower in patient with longer duration. (p <0. 05) However pulmonary function was improved regardless of disease duration after 2 weeks steroid and bronchodilator therapy, and there was no significant difference in level changes according to the disease duration. The inner diameter of the bronchi and thickness of the bronchial wall at segmental and subsegmental bronchi increased significantly in patient with longer duration of asthma(p<0.05). Conclusion: These findings showed that airway remodelling was more extensive in patients with longer duration of disease resulting in decreased pulmonary function. These facts suggested that early anti-inflammatory therapy would be helpful for prevention of airway remodelling.

      • 중증 기관지천식 환자의 말초단핵구에서 자연살해세포의 비율과 자연살해세포에서 interferon gamma 의 생산

        천은미(Eun Mi Chun),김미선(Mi Sun Kim),장윤혜(Yoon Hae Chang),박성숙(Sung Sook Park),조영주(Young Joo Cho) 대한천식알레르기학회 2000 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.20 No.3

        Background: and objective: The natural killer (NK) cells which play an important role in defense immune system are supposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. The goal of this study is to analyze the role of NK cells in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma by examining the proportion of NK cells in peripheral blood mononucler cells (PBMCs) and production of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) in NK cells between normal group and asthmatic group. Methods: Ten patients with moderate to severe persistent asthma sensitive to house dust mite were enrolled as asthmatic group. PBMCs were activated by 12-0-tetracanoylphorbol-13- acetate (TPA) and calcium inonophore for 18 hours. Surface CD3 and CD56 antigens with intracytoplasmic IFN-γ staining were performed simultaneously and the results were analyzed by three color fiow cytometer. Results : The percentage of CD56+ positive NK cells in PBMCs from asthma group was lower compared to control group (15.4±3.9% vs 19.8±4.5%). However, There was no signficant difference of IFN-γ production in CD56+ NK cells between two groups (30.3±3.9% vs 25.9±5.8%. P>0.05). IFN-γ producing CD3+ T cells were significantly higher in asthma group compared with normal control group (36.3±1.8% vs 28.4±5.7%, p<0.05). The ratio of TNK cells expressing both CD56 and CD3 was not different between asthma group and control group (4.7±1.4 % vs 5.9±1.8%, p<0.05). Conclusion : The results suggest that aggravation of asthma symptoms in severe asthma may be caused partly by decrease in NK cells. The increased production of IFN-γ in asthma patients suggest that IFN-γ may function as inflammatory cytokine.

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