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BREEAM의 구성체계와 의료시설을 위한 세부항목 분석
임영환(Lim, Yeonghwan),윤은지(Yoon, Eunji) 대한건축학회 2015 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.31 No.12
As the concerns for the environment are gradually prioritized, increasing interests of environment-friendly buildings are drawn. Numerous researches about healthcare buildings have been performed however, they were mainly focused on convenience or healing condition for medical treatments. The hospitals consume energy and generate CO2 as twice as the residential or commercial buildings do. Various green building certification systems are globally arranged. But, it isn"t easy to find certification criteria for the green hospital besides the US and UK"s ones which are specially designed to evaluate environment-friendly medical buildings. This study investigates the foreign certification criteria and systems for the green healthcare building and finds the possibility to apply them to Korean one. We expect that it will promote more following researches for the substantial green healthcare design.
임영환 ( Lim Yeonghwan ) 한국의료복지건축학회(구 한국의료복지시설학회) 2016 의료·복지 건축 Vol.22 No.3
우리나라는 지난 반세기 동안 경제규모가 급격하게 성장하면서 의료기술 역시 크게 발전했다. 그 기간동안 민간 종합병원들은 비약적인 발전을 했고, 최고의 의료진과 최첨단 시설을 갖추고 국내뿐 아니라 해외까지 진출하고 있다. 하지만, 전체의 절반이상이 90년대 이전에 건립된 지방공공의료원은 시대에 뒤떨어진 낙후된 시설에 의존한 채 지역공공의료의 거점병원 역할을 담당해왔다. 대도시와는 달리 지방에 거주하는 국민들이 양질의 의료혜택을 받기 위해서는 지방공공의료원의 역할은 절대적이다. 선진국일수록, 노령화 사회일수록 공공의료의 혜택이 더욱 중요해진다. 그동안 국내 의료시설의 친환경 연구는 대규모 민간 종합병원을 위주로 진행되어 왔다. 수도권과 지방의 민간 의료시설의 편차가 갈수록 커지는 현실에서 지방공공의료원의 시설개선에 관한 연구, 특히 친환경성 개선에 관한 연구는 상당히 시급하다.
임영환(Lim, Yeonghwan),박수현(Park, Suhyeon) 대한건축학회 2015 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.31 No.7
As the concerns for the environment are gradually prioritized, increasing interests of environment-friendly buildings are drawn. Numerous researches about healthcare buildings have been performed however, they were mainly focused on convenience or healing condition for medical treatments. The hospitals consume energy and generate CO2 as twice as the residential or commercial buildings do. Various green building certification systems are globally arranged. But, it isn"t easy to find certification criteria for the green hospital besides the US and UK"s ones which are specially designed to evaluate environment-friendly medical buildings(Lim & Yoo, 2010). In this study, we investigates current conditions of Tokyo Regional hospitals in environment-friendly standpoint and also investigates the foreign certification criteria and systems for the green healthcare building and finds the possibility to apply them to Korean Green Building Certification. Flexibility of architectural design compatible to renovation and expansion of the hospital, barrier-free design, and hospital design related to the healing environment should be mostly considered to the Korean Green Building Certification for healthcare facilities. It is because the goal of environment-friendly hospital is depended upon of quality of healing-friendly environment. Based on this analysis, Korean Green Building Certification for healthcare facilities will be developed in near future.
녹색건축물 인증제도의 의료시설 평가에 관한 연구 - BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE의 평가방법과 평가내용 비교ㆍ분석을 중심으로
윤은지 ( Yoon Eunji ),임영환 ( Lim Yeonghwan ) 한국의료복지건축학회(구 한국의료복지시설학회) 2016 의료·복지 건축 Vol.22 No.3
Purpose: As the concerns for the environment are gradually prioritized, increasing interests of environment- friendly buildings are drawn. The Green Standard for Energy & Environmental Design (G-SEED) has been strengthened. However, there are no specific assessment criteria that reflect the special situation of healthcare facility. UK, US and Japan have green building certifications specially designed to evaluate sustainable healthcare facilities. This study has been started in order to provide basic information for developing assessment criteria for healthcare facilities in Korean Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design. Methods: In this study, we investigated three foreign green building certifications and compared their assessment system and criteria for healthcare buildings. Results: Each of the three foreign certification standards showed the difference in the system, but all contained the contents specific to healthcare facilities. Evaluation items were affected by regional cultural environment and also medical environment. Patient safety and integrative planning were the most important assessment contents. Implications: Based on this analysis, Korean Green Standard for Energy & Environmental Design for healthcare facilities will be developed.