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      • KCI등재

        조직형태학적 분석을 통한 아래이틀신경 내 턱끝가지의 형태학적 배열

        이철권 ( Chul Kwon Lee ),이명화 ( Myoung Hwa Lee ),모신엽 ( Shin Yeob Mo ),이동설 ( Dong Seol Lee ),유선경 ( Sun Kyoung Yu ),조광희 ( Kwang Hee Cho ),김흥중 ( Heung Joong Kim ) 조선대학교 치의학연구원 2013 Oral Biology Research (Oral Biol Res) Vol.37 No.2

        Purpose: The inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) is vulnerable to injury from implant placement and surgical procedures in the mandibular region. The purpose of this study was to measure and assess the relative areas, bundle numbers, and locations of the mental branch (MB) and dental branch (DB) within IAN. Materials and Methods: Twenty dentulous hemimandibles were examined (eight males and two females, mean age: 58.2 years). Hemimandibles were decalcified for 10 days, after which the specimens were embedded in paraffin and cut at a thickness of 8 μm. The sections were then stained with hematoxylin & eosin and then observed by light microscopy. The areas, bundle numbers, and locations of the MB and DB were measured using image analysis software applied to histological photographs. Results: The MB showed a tendency to maintain its area, whereas the area of the DB, which gave off branches to each tooth traveling within the mandibular canal, decreased toward the anterior tooth. The MB usually comprised four nerve bundles, each wrapped in the perineurium. Based on the location of the MB, the DB was located superobuccally in the molar region and traveled superolingually in the premolar region. Conclusion: These results show that the IAN consists of two major nerve bundles in which the MB and DB are separately enveloped in the perineurium, and the area of the MB is larger in comparison with that of the DB. Therefore, more careful surgical procedures in the mandibular region are needed to avoid nerve injury.

      • KCI등재

        입주위에서 얼굴동맥의 형태계측학적 분석

        유선경(Sun-Kyoung Yu),이광용(Kwang-Young Lee),이명화(Myoung-Hwa Lee),전용현(Yong-Hyun Jeon),강한수(Hansoo Kang),이철권(Chul Kwon Lee),김흥중(Heung-Joong Kim) 대한체질인류학회 2014 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.27 No.4

        얼굴동맥은 얼굴부위의 혈액공급에 있어 가장 크고 중요한 역할을 하는 주요 동맥이다. 얼굴동맥의 주요 가지인 아래입술동맥과 위입술동맥은 입꼬리부위에서 분지되어 아래입술과 위입술에 분포하며, 반대편 동맥과 문합을 이루거나 때로는 교차하여 분포한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 입주위에서 얼굴동맥의 주행경로를 파악하고, 아래입술동맥과 위입술동맥의 분포양상에 관한 형태계측학적 분석을 통해 이들에 관한 정량적 자료를 제공하고자 한다. 해부학 교육용 시신 25구(50쪽; 평균연령 61.8세)를 사용하였으며, 얼굴동맥과 그 가지를 노출시키기 위해서 눈확아래모서리에서부터 아래턱뼈의 아래모서리까지 피부와 피부밑조직을 제거하였다. 각각의 표본에서 양쪽의 입꼬리점을 연결한 수평선의 연장선이 얼굴동맥과 만나는 지점으로부터 입꼬리점까지의 거리와 그 지점에서 얼굴동맥의 바깥직경을 측정하였다. 입꼬리점으로부터 아래입술동맥과 위입술동맥의 기시점까지의 수직, 수평거리 및 기시점에서 이들의 바깥직경을 각각 측정하였다. 그리고 각 표본에서 볼근에 혈액을 공급하는 얼굴동맥 볼가지의 존재여부를 확인하였다. 얼굴동맥은 입꼬리점으로부터 가쪽으로 18.50 mm 지점을 주행하였으며, 그 직경은 2.19mm였다. 아래입술동맥은 입꼬리점으로부터 아래쪽으로 15.11 mm, 가쪽으로 19.63 mm 지점에서 얼굴동맥으로부터 분지되었으며, 그 직경은 1.56mm였다. 위입술동맥은 입꼬리점으로부터 위쪽으로 5.83 mm, 가쪽으로 11.28 mm 지점에서 얼굴동맥으로부터 분지되었으며, 그 직경은 1.48mm였다. 볼근과 구강점막에 혈액을 공급하는 얼굴동맥 볼가지는 입주위의 깊은층에서 44% 확인되었다. 본 연구의 결과들은 기존의 얼굴동맥의 분지양상에 관한 연구결과에 더하여 입주위 재건을 위한 근육피판형성과 같은 침습적 치료뿐만 아니라 필러 및 보톡스 주입과 같은 비침습적 치료에도 유용한 해부학적 자료를 제공할 것으로 생각된다. The facial artery is the largest and main arterial supply of the face, and the inferior and superior labial arteries supply blood to the lower and upper lips and intersect on the opposite site. The aim of this study was to provide quantitative data on the course of facial artery and the distribution of inferior and superior labial artery in perioral region. The location, distance, course, and diameter of the facial artery, inferior labial artery, and superior labial artery were measured directly on 50 hemifacial cadavers of Koreans and statistically analyzed using oneway ANOVA. The facial artery was located 18.50 mm lateral to the mouth corners (Cheilions). The inferior labial artery at its origin was located 15.11 mm inferior and 19.63 mm lateral to the Cheilions. The superior labial artery at its origin was located 5.83 mm superior and 11.28 mm lateral to the Cheilions. The diameter of facial artery, inferior labial artery, and superior labial artery was 2.19, 1.56, and 1.48 mm, respectively. The courses of the facial artery and it’s branches showed no significant differences on laterality except for the diameter of the superior labial artery (p=0.026). The buccal branch of facial artery was showed in 44% of the cases in the deep layer of perioral region. In conclusion, this study provides that the data will be useful in predicting the courses of the facial artery and helpful for reconstructive surgery in perioral region.

      • KCI등재

        출혈성 손상을 방지하기 위한 한국인에서 혀구멍의 분석

        김흥중 ( Heung Joong Kim ),김태훈 ( Tae Hoon Kim ),민영실 ( Young Sil Min ),강한수 ( Hansoo Kang ),이철권 ( Chul Kwon Lee ),유선경 ( Sun Kyoung Yu ) 조선대학교 치의학연구원 2015 Oral Biology Research (Oral Biol Res) Vol.39 No.2

        Purpose: The lingual foramen perforates the lingual cortical plate at the mandibular symphysis containing a neurovascular bundle and supplies sensory and blood to the anterior mandible. The aims of this study were to evaluate the lingual foramen based on the mental spine in Koreans and review the literature through an electronic journal database search. Materials and Methods: Forty-five dry mandibles were evaluated regarding incidence, location based on mental spine, and relative size of the lingual foramen located on the lingual side of the mandibular midline. The distances were measured between the inferior border of the mandible and superior lingual foramen, mental spine, and inferior lingual foramen. Literature was searched basd on the PubMed electronic journal database using the cited keywords. Results: The lingual foramen was detected in 86.7%. A single foramen was frequently found in 53.8%, and in this case, the superior lingual foramen above the mental spine was most abundant. The mean distances of the superior lingual foramen, mental spine, and inferior lingual foramen were 14.16±1.69, 12.09±1.66, and 7.57±2.21 mm from the inferior border of the mandible, respectively. Conclusion: These results on the lingual foramen might help to avoid hemorrhagic damage during surgical procedures such as implant placement, genioplasty, and bone grafting in the anterior mandibular region.

      • KCI등재

        파노라마 방사선사진을 이용한 아래턱뼈 앞니관의 평가

        김태훈 ( Tae Hoon Kim ),유선경 ( Sun Kyoung Yu ),서요섭 ( Yo Seob Seo ),강한수 ( Han Soo Kang ),이철권 ( Chul Kwon Lee ),김흥중 ( Heung Joong Kim ) 조선대학교 치의학연구원 2015 Oral Biology Research (Oral Biol Res) Vol.39 No.1

        Purpose: Panoramic radiography is primary and easily used in the dental treatment for preoperative evaluation of the various anatomical structures. The aim of this study was to assess the visibility and anatomical morphology of the mandibular incisive canal using panoramic radiography. Materials and Methods: Panoramic radiographs were obtained from 60 patients (30 males, 30 females; mean age 49.5 years) using a standard exposure and patient positioning protocols. The visibility of the mandibular incisive canal, the origin and end points according to the tooth level, and horizontal distance between two points were measured. The diameter of the incisive canal at the origin point and the vertical distance between each origin and end points and the inferior border of the mandible were investigated. The significant difference between gender, age, and mandible side were analyzed on all measurements parameters. Results: The mandibular incisive canal was visible in 56 cases (46.7%) radiographs. The mean origin and end points according to tooth level were located between the second premolar and the first premolar and the canine, respectively, and the horizontal distance was 9.61±3.74 mm. The mean diameter at the origin point was 2.96±0.55 mm and the mean vertical distance at the origin and end points were 11.48±1.59 and 10.96±2.08 mm, respectively. The mandibular incisive canal showed statistically significant differences in all measurements parameters on gender. Conclusion: The mandibular incisive canal in panoramic radiography presented the low detection rate. However, these results can provide primary morphological features of the mandibular incisive canal on panoramic radiographs which is widely used in dental practices.

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