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        현장 사례 연구 : 제16회 아시아선수권대회 남자 높이뛰기 발구름 동작의 운동학적 분석

        이진택 ( Jin Teak Lee ),백진호 ( Jin Ho Baek ),김태삼 ( Tae Sam Kim ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2006 체육과학연구 Vol.17 No.2

        이 연구는 2006년 제15회 카타르(Qatar) 도하 아시안 게임을 준비하는 국가대표 OJW 선수에게 필요한 기술 훈련의 객관적인 자료와 방향을 제공하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 제16회 아시아 육상선수권대회의 높이뛰기 경기에 참가하여 1위, 2위, 그리고 3위로 상위 입상한 선수들과 국가대표 OJW(피험자 D)선수의 기록을 바탕으로 발구름 동작의 운동학적 변인을 분석하였다. 영상분석을 위해 비디오카메라 3대를 이용하여 촬영하였으며, 촬영된 영상은 Kwon3D 3.1(2005)을 이용하여 3차원 좌표값을 얻었으며, 그에 따른 시간 요인, 거리 요인, 속도 요인, 그리고 각도 요인의 운동학적 요인을 분석한 결과, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 발구름 이지 시 수직속도를 크게 하기 위해 피험자 D는 발구름 국면에서의 수직 충격량을 증가시켜야 한다. 이를 위해 스윙다리의 동작을 크게 함으로써 발구름 지지시간을 길게 해야 한다. 2. 발구름 이지 순간 신체중심이 평균 68.7±2.1%의 높은 신장 비를 보인 우수선수들과 달리, 피험자 D는 66.1%로 낮은 자세를 보이고 있었다. 고관절과 무릎각에서 우수선수들은 각각 평균 166.9±6.24도와 165.3±8.43도의 신전된 자세로 신체중심을 높게 하는 반면, 피험자 D는 각각 159.1도와 154.9도의 굴곡된 자세를 보이고 있었다. 뿐만 아니라 후경각에서, 우수선수들의 평균 4.7±4.38도보다 큰 10.2도의 후경자세로 신체중심이 낮은 자세를 보이고 있었다. 따라서 2006년 카타르(Qatar) 도하 아시안게임에서 메달권 진입을 위해, 피험자 D는 발구름 지지시간을 길게 함과 동시에 breaking force와 수직 충격량을 크게 해야 한다. 이를 위해서 무릎과 고관절을 가능한 크게 신전된 자세로 발구름 착지할 수 있도록 발구름 시 신체가 버틸 수 있는 하지 굴신력을 더욱 높일 수 있는 훈련을 통해 기존의 발구름 자세를 보완해 나갈 수 있도록 해야 한다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variables of take off motion in high jump, and to improve records of the domestic male athletes. The subjects of this study were national athletes, OJW and medalists who were participated in 16th Asian Athletics Championships. Three video cameras were used for recording take off motion from the last approach strides. Direct Linear Transformation(DLT) method was used to get the three dimensional data. For calculating such kinematic variables as the distance, velocity and angle factor, Kwon-3D version 3.1 was used(2005). The conclusions were as follows: In order to improve D`s jumping height, we gave D two suggestions. First, for increasing the vertical impulse in take off phase, the subject D should take a long support-time by a big motion of the swing leg. Second, the skilled players were shown average 68.7±2.1% of a high C.O.G height in take off phase, but the subject D was shown 66.1%. of a low C.O.G height. Therefore, for increasing a subject D`s COG height, the knee and hip angle of the landing leg should keep as long as possible during the take off phase. At the same time, D should increase the breaking force and vertical impulse as great as possible in take off. Therefore, the subjects D should complement the take off posture with a new training program for flexion and extension muscle of the lower extremity.

      • 選手의 特久性 檢査에 關한 硏究

        李鎭澤 慶北工業專門大學 1984 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        To establish a criterion for evaluation of physical fitness and to set up standard exercise lood as would be compatible with the examination of cardiovascular functions in the Korean adult males, particularly in sportsman. The present experiment was under taken. A total of 120mate college students were subject to step up test for various duration using boxes of variable heights. The results may be summarized as follows; 1. The average lower leg length college students of physical education was 89, 55cm. 2. The amount 0 maxomun O₂ eintake per min as was observed during stepping ap and down on a box 45cm height for a duration of 5 min was 3.47 liters which is equivalent to 89.5% of maxicmal O₂ intake. 3. The maximum heart rate observed during step-up Exercise of the same intensity as in 2 was 182min. which was about 96.3 of maximal heart rote attained by those subjects. 4. Stepping up and down on a 45cm boy for 5min. at a rafe of 30 complete stepser min. wan most suitable for evaluating physical fitness of sportsmen as judged by cardiovascular response. 5. Index of fitness was calculated by the equation time of stepping in seconds -?????????----------- ?? sum of 3 counts of l hepulse The average fitness scare as was calculated by the above equation was 79.5±8.5 in college students of physical education.

      • 社會 體育 指導者의 資格에 관한 硏究

        李鎭澤 慶一大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.13 No.2

        In result of studied the qualification of sports for all leaders, the summarized contents are as follows : 1. They should have humanity, morality, sincerity, responsibility, inpartiality, sensibility and tahent with personality and culture as educators. 2. They Should devotedly try to play an sports activity with understanding, passion and practical power for the sports for all promotion. 3. They should lead and operate on organization by special technique as leaders of sports for all organization. 4. They should study and quide a special Technique on the health, psychology, sciology, physiology, body functionalism, and theories of physical strength and exercise prescription for the moderns.

      • 基礎體力 比較 分析에 關한 硏究

        李鎭澤 慶北工業專門大學 1976 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        1) Physical fitness means the action force which maintains life against the physical world stress and behaves against the phisical world positvely with physical protection force. 2) two factors of physical fitness includes structure and function, but structure divides into physique and posture, and function into strength, muscutor endurance power, flexibility, agility, balance, and endurance. 3) Choosing the nacessary items to measure the above mentioned atructure and action physical finess, I do measure and examine physique and basic physical fitness on two test groups, who become adolescent and completion period of deveopment past the second period of expansion.

      • 선수 경력, 경기 성적과 주의 집중과의 관계

        李鎭澤,李榮重 慶一大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between athletic career and attention, between performance and attention of bowlers, and also to investigate the differences of attention in accordance with athletic career and perfomance. The subjects were 27 women bowers who were participated in 8th National Bowling Championship and wee girls' high school students. They were tested using TAIS(Test of Attentional and Interpersonal Style) by Nideffer, The data were analized by onw-way ANOVA and correlation between athletic career and attention, between performance and attention of bowlers. The results were summarized as follows: 1. It was shown an low positive correlation between athletic career and BET. BIT. and an low negative correlation between athletic career and OET, OIT, NAR, RED. 2. It was shown an low positive correlation between performance and BET, BIT, OIT, NAR and an low negative correlation between performance and OET, RED. The correlation efficence between BIT and performance was 0.475, it was an siginificant relationship between performance and BIT score(0<.05) 3. It was shown and siginificant dirrerence of BIT score among groups by performance(p<.01) but not shown in BET, OET, OIT, NAR, RED 4. It was shown an siginificant difference of BET score among groups by athletic career(p<.05) but not shown in BIT, OIT, NAR, RED

      • 테니스의 技術分析에 關한 考察

        李鎭澤 慶北工業專門大學 1980 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        Tennis is, unlike other sports, a sport which has many characteristics in the field of techniques there fore this treatics is intended to relate dnnamics which is a branch of physics with basic techniques of playing tennis and to make explicit from the mechanical point of view the nature of 'grip' 'stroke' 'serve' flight direction of balls, etc.

      • Power training에 對한 考察

        李鎭澤 慶北工業專門大學 1980 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        It is said that various kinds of physical activities in sports are the source of energy Caused by contraction of muscles, and mechanical unit to calculate such emission of energy is called "power". In general, the term "power" is used when intense activity is performed in relatively short time. Accordingly this treatise is intended to analyze, so as to heighten "power" how and on What theretical basis to pertorm power training from the viewpoint of physiology, biochemistry and kinesiology based on scientific standpoint and by surveying documentary records of positive experiences in actual fields of sports.

      • 사회 체육 활동과 청소년 문제

        李鎭澤,吳柱勳 慶一大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.13 No.2

        The results of studied of the sports for all activity and juvenile are as follows : 1. It is expected for sports for all activity to make a great contribution to actualize the self by seeking the promotion of sports ability with balanced development of juvenile body. 2. It helps to from a desirable attitude and nature as well as to purify unsafety, conflict, violent behavior and accidental action through value and function of sports for all. 3. A sports for all activity is considered to offer the wider social experiences through voluntary participation with to be suitable for meeting desire of youngmen.

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