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      • 무배지 입체 수기경 재배 장치에 관한 연구

        이인돈 서울여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1990 자연과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        1. 이 장치는 토양재배보다 수확량 증수 효과가 있다. 2. 시비관리의 효과가 있다. 3. 농경불수지를 위시하며 어느 곳에서나 재배가 가능하다. 4. 다른 수경재배 장치보다 생육이 빠르다. 5. 재식밀도를 높힐 수 있다. 6. 배지 소독이 필요 없다. 7. 시설비가 많은 단점이 있다. In order to improve the defects of convensional hydroponic system the suspension air hydroponic system was inventigated and following result was obtained. 1. The higher yield was obtained with suspension air hydroponic than soil culture. 2. The suspension air hydroponic system was applicable for horticultural. 3. The better growth was observed for the suspension air hydroponic than the other hydroponic system. 4. The medium sterilization was not needed for the suspension air hydroponic system. 5. The suspension air hydroponic system was efficient in space uitility. 6. The cost of suspension air hydroponic system was higher than the other hydroponic system.

      • 무배지 입체수기경 재배 System 개발에 관한 연구

        이인돈,장매희 서울여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1997 자연과학연구논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        무배지 입체 수경재배장치(본인 특허 10176호)를 이용한 수경재배시 재배대 배열 간격 밀도가 상치 생육에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 70cm간격의 재배대에서는 정식후 10일부터 상추의 생육이 부진하였으므로 이때부터 70cm이상의 간격으로 재배하는 것이 유리하다. 2. 80cm간격구와 90cm 간격구를 비교한 결과 정식후 20일부터 생육차가 나타났으므로 정식 20일 이후에는 재배대를 90cm간격구로 이동하는 것이 유리하다. 3. 재배대의 90cm간격구와 100cm간격구는 생육의 차이가 없었음으로 재배가 가능한 최대간격은 90cm이었다. 4. 재배대의 최소간격은 재배대의 직경에 따라 다를 수도 있으나 70cm 이하의 처리구에서도 재배대를 속히 이동시킬 수 있으며 재배가 가능하다고 본다. The present research was conducted to find the effective distance of aerohydroponic apparatus(author's patent, No.10176) in non-medium aerohydroponics for lettuce. In case of 70cm distance of aerohydroponic apparatus, the retardation of lettuce growth was observed from 10 days after transplanting, and aerohydroponic apparatus should be transferred to further distance after that time. Comparing with 90cm distance of aerohydroponic apparatus, the growth of lettuce in 80cm distance of aerohydroponic apparatus was showed a tendency of decrease from 20 days after planting, so transfer to 90cm distance were needed. The maximum distance of aerohydroponic apparatus for the lettuce growth was 90cm.

      • 加里, 燐酸 및 石灰 施用量의 差異가 大豆의 生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        李因敦,安容泰,林炳琦 서울여자대학교 1979 서울여자대학논문집 Vol.- No.8

        In order to investigate the effects of P, K, and Ca fertilization on the growth and yield of late sown soybean, cultivar Clark # 36 was examined with 9 different fertilization levels by the randomized block design replicated 4 times under the field and pot conditions, and following results were obtained. 1. Growth in field and pot conditions a. The highest stem and canopy were observed at the level of 4 to 8㎏/10a for the P, and K fertilization under the condition of lime application. b. The stem and canopy were higher in the field condition than in the pot condition. c. The P, K fertilization of 4 to 8㎏/10a was effective for the branch growth under the condition of Ca application. d. The P, K and Ca fertilization did not affect the number of brancesh, diameter of stem, and number of nodes on main stem. e. The longer branch, the thicker stem, the more number of branches and nodes on main stem were observed in the pot trial than in the field trial. 2. Dry matter production in field condition a. The leaf to stem ratio was not affected by the P, K, and Ca fertilization. b. D.M. wt. was increased in accodance with increasing the fertilization level of P, K under the condition of lime application. c. SLA and LAI were increased by the increase of the P, and K fertilization level under liming condition. d. CGR, RGR and NAR were increased in accordance with increasing the P, K, level up to 8㎏/10 a under the liming condition. e. The amounts of N, P, and K absorbed during the growing period were also increased due to increase of the P, K level up to 4 to 8㎏/10a a under the condition of lime fertilization. 3. Yield and yield components in field and pot trial a. The stem wt. was increased by the increasing of P, K level up to 8 ㎏/10a under the condition of liming. b. The pod weight and grain weight were increased by the increasing of P, K fertilization level up to 4 to 8㎏/10a with liming. c. The effect of P, K on the stem grain percentage couldn't be recognized. The stem grain percentage was higher in the pot trial than in the field trial. d. The pod number per plant was increased in accordance with increasing of the P, K fertilization level with liming. The more pod number per plant was obtained from the pot trial compared with the field trial. e. The number of ovules per pod was not affected by the fertilization. The more ovules per pod was obtained from the pot culture compared with the field culture. f. The grain number per plant was increased by the P, and K fertilization of 4 to 8㎏/10a with liming. The more grain number per plant was obtained from the pot condition compared with the field condition. g. The ripend seed percentage was highest at 4 to 8㎏/10a of the P, and K fertilization level. It was higher in the pot condition than in the field condition. h. The 100 grain weight was also increased by the P, and K fertilization of 4 to 8㎏/10a. It was heavier in the field condition than in the pot condition. i. There was a tendency that soybean plants need an ample supply of balanced nutrient elements (not single element only) for the yield increase.

      • 農家所得 增大 方案 : 施設 園藝中心

        李因敦 서울여자대학교 1978 서울여자대학논문집 Vol.- No.7

        이상에서 시설원예 마을의 고소득의 결정요인을 검토하였다. 그중 경영규모에 있어서 6~9단보까지의 시설원예재배에 있어서는 단위당 소득이 증가되나 그 이상의 경영에 있어서는 상대적으로 소득이 저하하고 있다는 사실 소득이 증가 1호당 시설규모의 적정선이 6~9단보라는 것을 알 수 있어 대면적의 경우에 있어서는 그에 따른 특별한 기술을 요한 것이라고 생각이 되며 이 마을의 소득의 요인으로는 타작물재배에 비하여 시설원예농가가 압도적으로 많아 온 마을 사람들이 이 부분에 전문화를 이룬 경향이 있어 기술교환, 자재구입 및 생산물 공동출하 등 유통과정에 있어서도 타작물 재배자들에 비하여 유리한 조건이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 다음은 1년 4모작으로 토지를 고도화로 이용하였고 그에 따른 작업노동도 연중 무휴로 근면성의 흔적이 뚜렷이 나타나고 있음을 볼 때 경지면적이 좁아 소득을 높이지 못한다는 다른 농가와는 다른 점을 발견하였다. 이런 점으로 볼 때 시설원예에 있어서는 아직도 노동집약의 여지가 있다는 것을 알 수 있어서 영세농이어서 소득증대를 기대할 수 없다는 것은 아직 이르지 않나 하는 생각이 든다.

      • 大豆의 密植多收型 品種選定에 關한 硏究 : 草型有關形質의 遺傳力에 關한 硏究 Genetic Study of the Several Characteristics Relating to Soybean Canopy

        李因敦 서울여자대학교 1974 서울여자대학논문집 Vol.- No.3

        Studies on heritability estimates and segregation were made for several plant characters of F₂individual plants originated from crosses using five soybean varieties, and the results were summarized as follow' 1. Coefficient of variation (c.v.) expressed as percent for parents varied with locations of leaves. The c.v. for angle of petioles, leagth and angle of first branch, and maturity were very high, indicating that these characters were unstable genetically. However, characters such as length and width of leaves, number of main stem nodes, first flowering dates, and length of petioles showed low c.v. values, respectively. Generally low value of c.v. was obtained for length and width of leaves and length of petioles located below 7th node of main stem, while c.v. values for the same characters above the 7th node of main stem appeared to be high. Varietal differences in number of main stem nodes and first flowering dates showed low value of c.v. and furthermore very little differences in c.v. values between replications were found. 2. Apparent differences of beritability estimates were obtained for each plant character studied and for crosses. On the whole heritability estimates for first flowering date and maturity were higher than those for length and width of leaves. Heritability estimates for angle of leaf petioles, leaf length, and length and angle of first branch were negligible, except in certain cross combination. Heritability estimates obtaired for each leaf location were higher for length and width of leaves below 7th node of main stem compared with those above 7th node. Such differences of heritability estimates depending on leaf location were found to be negligible for leaf angle and length. 3. Most of the characters studied in F₂segregating population were segregated in a fashion of normal distribution indicating many genes were involved in inheritance of each character. However, first flowering date of segregates as early flowering being dominant over late flowering.

      • Hardening 程度가 오이收量에 미치는 影響

        李因敦 서울여자대학교 1971 서울여자대학논문집 Vol.- No.1

        To evaluate apropriate hardening treatment namely, lowering of temperature, water application and light intensity, for cucumber seedlings grown daring late winter time, an exeperiment was conducted at university Farm of Seoul womens collage in 1969. under Vinyl house condition it was abserved that mild hardening treatment at seedling stage was effective for early fruit harvest, while lowrering the tempeature showed better results than the water application. However, under vinyl tunnel condition hardening treatment under direct sun-light was found to be more effective. considering all the factors studied in this experiment ie temperature, moisture content of soil and sun-light, were found to be important to effect winter hardning in cucumber seedlinps under open land condition.

      • 오이 摘葉에 대한 硏究 : 摘葉이 結果 및 生長에 미치는 影響 Effect on the fruit setting and growth by defoliating of cucumber

        李因敦 서울여자대학교 1972 서울여자대학논문집 Vol.- No.2

        이상 성적에서 나타난 것으로 보아 지주재배 및 촉성재배에 있어서 경영의 합리화를 도모하기 위하여는 밀식적엽 재배를 하여야 겠다. 그 적엽의 정도는 50매일 때 6엽 정도로 적엽을 하는 것은 밀식이나 소식에 있어 무방하고 비닐하우스 또는 촉성 내지 조기재배에 있어서는 33m2 9당 재배밀도는 9주에 적엽은 전개엽 50매일 때 6매 정도 적엽을 하며 동화량은 엽령순위에 따라 다름으로 이를 고려하여 생장함에 따라 적엽도를 높이면 된다고 본다. 특히 비닐하우스에서 수광량 부족으로 동화량은 감소되는 반면온도의 증가로 인하여 영양생장과 생식생장의 밸런스가 맞지 않아 수량이 떨어지고 병해의 침해를 보았으나 적엽으로서 수광량을 많게 하여 동화량을 증가시키고 도장을 방지하며 병해를 막을 수 있고 또한 T/R Ratio를 조정함으로써 오이의 수명을 연장시킬 수 있다고 본다. 무적엽구에 비하여 적엽구가 세력이 왕성한 것은 동화량이 많으므로 근상의 발달이 좋아진 것으로 본다.

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