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        연변지역 다원문화의 형성과 특성

        이용식(Li, Yong Zhi) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2012 디아스포라 연구 Vol.6 No.1

        연변지역에서의 다원문화 형성은 토착문화와 외래문화가 상호 융합하면서 형성된 문화이다. 연변지역은 유구한 역사를 갖고 있으며 북방 여러 민족에 의해 이루어진 소중한 문화유산을 가지고 있다. 청나라시기 200여년이라는 봉금정책으로 인해 연변지역은 인적이 드문 곳으로 변하였다. 그리하여 훗날 대량이민이 발생한 주요원인이 되기도 한다. 이러한 연변지역의 특수한 지리적 여건으로 인해 중국관내지구로부터 연변으로의 이민은 극히 적었지만 반면에 강 하나를 사이에 둔 한반도로부터 많은 이주민들이 들어옴으로 연변지역은 한인 집단 거주지로 변하였다. 연변지역의 인구증가는 20세기에 들어와서 급속한 성장을 보여준다. 더욱이 한일합방 후 한반도의 애국지사들이 연변지역에 대량 이주하면서 정치적 이민이 늘어났다. 한인들은 연변지구에 집중하여 거주하면서 간민교육회, 간민회 등 자치단체를 조직하여 한인들의 민족 이익을 대표하게 하였다. 이러한 단체의 조직은 진정한 한인사회의 형성을 이룩하였다고 할 수 있다. 연변지역의 다원문화 특성을 세 가지로 개괄할 수 있다. 우선 다민족잡거로인한 다원문화의 여러 가지 특성이 생겼다. 둘째는 종교의 다양성과 다국화경향을 들 수 있다. 연변지역의 여러 민족들은 기독교, 천주교, 불교, 유교, 대종교등 다양한 종교신앙을 갖고 있었다. 한인의 종교신앙에서 다국화경향을 발견할 수 있다. 중국에서 전파된 종교가 한반도에서 본토화 된 후 다시 연변지역으로 들어옴으로써 발생한 종교의 다국화현상이 다원문화특성 중 주목할 만한 부분이기도 하다. 셋째는 한인사회내부의 여러 세력들이 보여주는 다양한 문화계통이다. 유림파, 민권파 등은 정치문화성격으로 구분되어 나타나고 민족주의 계열, 공산주의 계열, 친일파 등은 사상문화성격으로 구분되어 나타난다. 한마디로 연변지역은 그 자체의 지역적 우세로 말미암아 주변각국과 경제문화교류를 끊임없이 진행함으로써 외래문화와 융합되어 다양한 문화우세를 형성하였다. 이는 연변지역의 경제문화발전에 중요한 작용을 하고 있다. The multi-cultural environment formation in Yanbian area is the result of fusion and co-existence of the indigenous ethnic culture and migrant culture. Yanbian has a long history, in which there is a rich and splendid cultural heritage passed down from multiple races in the north of China. In the long course of the history of Yanbian, for over 200 years, Yanbian had been designated as a forbidden area by the government of Qing dynasty. As a result, Yanbian was turned into a desolate land, and there wasn’t much trouble for migrants to get into the forbidden land and settle down. The geographical convenience can give us a better understanding as to why the number of migrants from inland areas of China is far less than the number of migrants from Korea, and the increasing population of Korean gradually turned Yanbian into a living area for ethnic Koreans. The population of Yanbian grew rapidly in recent centuries, particularly after Japan annexed Korea, Korean patriots came to the area one after another, leading a drastic increase of the population of Koreans in Yanbian and creating an immigration peak. Korean organizations in Yanbian like Ganminhoe representing its own ethnicity carried out close contact and dialogue with Qing government, and the formation of these organizations is the mark of genuine establishment of Korean societies Yanbian multicultural character stands out with the religious diversity and transnational character. Religion in Yanbian primarily consists of Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Catholicism and Great Ancestral Religion. Koreans’ religious beliefs bear unique transnational character. Secondly, in ethnic Korean societies, internal influences displayed diversified cultural characters. Conventional Buddhists denomination under Buddhism, and Civil Right Denomination under New People’s Association which advocating republican system respectively established their own cultural systems, yet both denominations accomplished large amount of preparatory work in the warfare against Japanese Empire’s invasion and occupation. In Yanbian, due to multiple different races living together, the cultural environment is distinct with special characteristics. In short, with geographical advantage, and through constant economic and cultural exchange with neighboring countries, and through fusion and coexistence with migrant culture, an advantageous multicultural environment has been formed in Yanbian, such multicultural formation plays a critical role in promoting the economic and cultural development of Yanbian

      • KCI등재

        청일전쟁전 개항장 인천을 통한 조청(朝淸)무역의 발달

        이용식(LI, Yong-zhi) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2008 인천학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        With the title Development of Trade between Korea & Qing Dynasty through open port of Incheon prior to the Sino Japanese War of 1894~ 1895, the study highlights the trade situation for the period from Incheon Port Opening year 1883 through to 1893. In addition, the study also expounds on the influence to the said trade in the aspects of country relations, trade relations and treaty relations, on the weight added by Chen Shutang, Yuan Shikai who were the representatives of Qing Government stationed in Korea, elaborating the leverage of the trade development to the region of Incheon and to the society. Asian countries, before and after the port opening of Incheon, no matter what countries they were, had been indiscriminately taken as the arenas of competitions for the expansion of Western Powerhouse Countries, and taken as ports to open up for commodity trade. Among three countries of East Asia, revolving around Korea, of which port was the latest to open up, the interested relationship was most conspicuous to Qing Government and Japan. Especially, Qing Government still held lingering affection for Korea wishing it to resume “Paying Tribute and being dependency”. For this very purpose, Yuan Shikai stood in the frontline as the representative of the Government. The strengthen of relations between Qing Government and Korea was conducive to excluding Japan. Since Qing Government interfered the internal affairs of Korea, especially as businessmen from Qing Dynasty controlled the customs of open ports, people from suzerain were able to flaunt their might. Relying on the strong political back up, Qing businessmen made their economic expansion in Korea step by step. It can be divided into two phases to explain the situation of the said trade, which was through Incheon, between Korea and Qing Dynasty. The first period, five years from 1853 to 1888; the second period, five years from 1889 to 1893. With a glimpse over the specific figures from Import & Export Duties, we can see the obvious trade accomplishment between the two countries. Specifically, the trade accomplishment is apparent when looking into the fluctuate rate of the import & export items for different periods. With regard to mode of transportation and gold dust exportation, the variation is also distinguishable when the comparison is made between Qing Dynasty and Japan. For the first phase, though falling behind Japan, an appreciable improvement had been made. For the latter five years, the trade between Korea and Qing Dynasty had been even more prosperous. Incheon, the center of trade between Korea and Qing Dynasty, where businessmen from Qing Dynasty gradually took over the mercantile right and superseded Japanese businessmen. Studying the activities of Qing businessmen for this period, will help us to comprehend the beginning of the settlement history of Chinese in Korea. The trade development between Korea and Qing Dynasty had made great impact to Incheon society. The study has concluded the impact significance in five aspects, respectively, the dissolution of Natural Economy, the commercialized agricutural products, the transformation of the industrial & commercial structure, the formation of ethnic industrial & commercial industry, the establishment of urbanized modern cities. Focusing on foreign relations, such great accomplishment had been attributed to the political support and to the trade between suzerain country and dependency. As a contrast, basing on the factual trade situation, the study centers upon the development of the trade between Korean and Qing Dynasty, stressing the foundation of such accomplishment was made by Chen Shutang, whose attribution had been ignored, and by the active foreign interference imposed by Yuan Shikai. This is one of the reasons why Qing businessmen’s political influence prevailed over that of those businessmen from Japan, though it was just for a short term. Moreover, the study suggests that the groundwork of the continuous busine

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