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      • KCI등재

        월경조절법 시술후의 월경상태

        이상룡(SR Lee),박찬규(CK Park),곽현모(HM Kwak) 대한산부인과학회 1979 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.22 No.3

        1. 피시술자의 평균연령은 31세, 평균 분만회수는 1.9회, 평균생존자녀수는 1.8명이었다. 2. 피시술자의 평균 무월경기간은 45일이었다. 3. 피시술자의 86.7%에서 시술 후 자궁출혈이 있었다. 4. 피시술자의 67.8%에서 시술 후 하복통을 호소하였으며, 심한 경우는 8.9%였고, 임신 및 분만회수가 증가할수록 하복통의 정도도 심하여졌다. 5. 시술 후 첫 월경은 19∼55일 사이에서 시작하였으며, 그 평균기간은 약 35.4일이었다. 6. 월경주기가 시술 전 규칙적이었던 81예중 7예(8.6%)에서 시술 후 불규칙하게 되었으며 이는 통계학적으로 의의가 있는 것이다(P<0.05). 7. 피시술자의 약 1/5에서 시술 후 월경량과 월경지속일수에 변화가 있었으며, 이중 양이 많아지고 지속기간이 연장되는 경우가 많았다. 8. 시술 후 3.8%에서 월경통이 출현하였다. 9. 시술 후 월경간 질출혈이 1.1% 나타났다. 10. 시술 후 88.6%에서 피임을 하고 있고, 64.3%는 재래식방법을 사용하고 있었다. Among 236 patients who had menstrual regulation from Jul. 1977 to Dec. 1977 at F.C.C. of Yonsei Medical Center, 105 patients who replied adequately for the hospital enquete were statistically analysed in terms of menstrual pattern after menstrual regulation. The results were as follows: 1. The mean age was 31, the mean parity 1.9, and the mean number of living children 1.8. 2. The mean duration of amenorrhea was 45 days. 3. 86.7% of the patients had vaginal bleeding. The mean duration of the vaginal bleeding was 5 days. 4. 67.8% of patients experienced low abdominal pain. 8.9% of the patients had severe low abdominal pain. The more the gravidity or parity, the severer the low abdominal pain. 5. The first menstruation began within 19-55 days after menstrual regulation and the mean was 35.4 days. 6. Of 81 cases, whose menstrual interval was regular before menstrual regulation, 7 cases presented irregular menstrual interval. Statistically, it was significant(P<0.05). 7. About 20% of the patients revealed change of menstrual amount and duration. 8. 3.8% of the patients experienced dysmenorrhea. 9. 1.1% of the patients had intermenstrual vaginal spotting. 10. 88.6% of the patients used contraception, and 64.3% of the patients conventional method.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        난관 간질부에 발생한 포상기태 1 예

        이성봉(SB Lee),이명재(MJ Lee),윤길팔(KP Yoon),이상룡(SR Lee),신승권(SK Shin),이지신(JJ Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.6

        The ectopic pregnancy refers to a gestation in which the fertilized ovum implants on any tissue other than the mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity. The most common site of ectopic pregnancy is within the fallopian tube including interstitial portion. Moles usually occupy the uterine cavity; they rarely may be located in the oviduct and even in the ovary. Only a few cases of primary hydatidiform mole of the tube have been reported. We reported an extremely rare case of ectopic hydatidiform mole in the interstitial portion of the tube.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        지연임신에 대한 임상적 고찰

        이명숙(MS Lee),류형선(HS Ryu),윤광혁(KH Yoon),박명호(MH Park),이상룡(SR Lee),신승권(SK Shin) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.3

        A clinical observation has been made on 698 cases of postterm pregnancies out of 12,328 cases delivered at the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, St.Columban Hospital from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1992. 10,558 cases of full term deliveries of 38 to 42 gestational weeks conducted in same period were used as the control group for this study. The results were as follows; 1. The incidence of postterm pregnancy was 5.66% with the highest incidence occuring in the 26-30 years age group. The incidence of postterm pregnancy in primipara (6.54%) was greater than that of multipara (4.92%). 2. In postterm pregnancies, the gestational weeks of 42 was most prevalent (58.45%) and 43 weeks was the next(36.3%). 3. The modes of labor onset in postterm pregnancy showed spontaneous 56.59%, induction 37.39%, and cesarea section without labor 6.02%. 4. The incidence of fetal distress was 2.42% and 6.30% in the control group and postterm group respectively. The incidence of fetal distress in the postterm pregnancy was about 2.60 times greater than that of control group and increased markedly as the gestational weeks were prolonged. 5. The modes of deliver in postterm pregnancy showed; spontaneous vaginal delivery 73.35% vacuum extracted delivery 6.74% cesarean section 19.91% 6. The rate of cesarean section in postterm pregnancies was 19.91% and it was greater than that of term pregnancy(17.3%). 7. As the indication of cesarean section in postterm pregnancies the cephalopelvic disproportion was the most prevalent and failed induction, fetal distress, previous cesarean section were the next in order. 8. The incidence of large fetus (weight over 4,000 gm) was 8.60 % and 2.36 % in the postterm group and control group respectively, and postterm group was about 3.64 times greater than of the control group. 9. The perinatal death rate were 0.28% and 1.43% in term and postterm pregnancy respectively. And the intrauterine fetal death rates were 0.17% and 0.72%, the neonatal death rates were 0.10% and 0.72% in term and postterm pregnancy respectively. The perinatal death rate was increased markedly as the gestational weeks were prolonged.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        제대결합체의 1 예

        이명재(MJ Lee),양영균(YK Yang),양우열(WY Yang),최호준(HJ Choi),이상룡(SR Lee),신승권(SK Shin) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.11

        If twinning is initiating after the embryonic disc and the rudimentary amnionic sac have been formed, and if division of the embryonic disc is incomplete, conjoined twins result. We have recently experienced a case of omphalopagus in 28-year old woman. We present this case with a brief review of literatures.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁난관에 발생한 지방종 1 례

        박명호(MH Park),양해관(HK Yang),이성봉(SB Lee),이상룡(SR Lee),신승권(SK Shin),이지신(JJ Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.1

        Lipoma is defined as a benign tumor composed of a finely encapsulated multilobulated mass of mature adipose tissues. Lipoma is one of the most common of all genign neoplasms and may arise almost anywhere in the body, but tubal lipoma is uncommon benign tumor, only 13 case have been found in the international literature. It is not clearly defined clinical symptoms, not diagnosed prior to surgical intervention or autopsy. Most were discovered as incidental finding. We experienced a case of tubal lipoma, coincidental finding during cesarean section and so we present it with brief review of literature.

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