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        지구환경질서에 따른 환경친화적 수산업 실현을 위한 제도적 이론체계에 관한 연구

        이상고 한국수산경영학회 1999 수산경영론집 Vol.30 No.2

        As the population grows, the importance of the fishery industry continues to rise. It is therefore vital to support and promote sustainable fishery industry. However, the fishery production has been declining, mainly due to overdevelopment and depletion in fishery resources and stricter limits on development limits caused by growing concerns over the marine environment and ecology. Recently, international activities related to marine environmental and its ecosystems conservation, have been vigorously pursued. The United Nations Convention on The Law of The Sea has stipulated the protection and conservation of the marine environment, and the implementation of fishery resources development, made in harmony with the environment and fishery resources and based upon scientific findings and principles has become important. Accordingly, fishery industry must pay thorough attention to marine ecological and environmental problems and its international fisheries regime. Fisheries development can affect fishery resources, their environment and ecosystems. Adverse ecological effects resulting from fishery resources development practices in general include overdevelopment and incidental development of non target species, physical degradation of seabed habitants and degraduation of water quality. It has now become more important than ever to build up fishery resources development while achieving the conservation of biodiversity and the marine environment, as well as the restoration of destroyed ecosystems. To maintain fishery industry, it is necessary to develop bioeconomic fishery production system and industry policies for the ESSD(environmentally sound and sustainable development) given that maintenance of a favourable marine environment will ensure the fishery resources productivity. These bioeconomic system and policies are necessary to ensure the sustainability and viability of the fishery industry under ESSD fisheries concepts.

      • KCI등재

        신해양질서의 어업관리체계와 TAC 제도 도입에 관한 연구

        이상고 한국수산경영학회 1999 수산경영론집 Vol.30 No.1

        When the international fisheries order changes following the UN Law of the Sea, the new regional fisheries order is forming among East North Asian states and era of Economic Zones is really coming. In those changes of foreign and domestic fisheries environment, to maintain sustainable growth of the industry in 21st century the North East Asian states plot adjustments to fisheries management, such as introduction of the TAC system and others. The TAC seems to be an appropriate systematic response especially because traditional functions of fisheries management have already demonstrated their limits in regards to fisheries sustainable development. Introduction of the TAC to the North East Asian fisheries not only resolves the inability of traditional fisheries management to develop the industry consequently, but also strengthens the EEZ and existing marine management systems. However, the TAC was born by the western industrial mentality, still contains persistent mistakes and is difficult to change. Therefore, its introduction to and implication in North East Asian region might cause numerous problems. From this point of view, introduction of the TAC system will disregard peculiarities of North East Asian fisheries, so main efforts should be concentrated on improving the functions of existing system via consecutive step-by-step approach. In addition, the TAC should be grafted into the existing fisheries system through cooperative management system, creating stable systematic ground and considering scientific and fisheries motives. Especially, TAC system, unlike the traditional fisheries' management system, is scientific, being systematically developed one, and needs to be gradually installed, considering its systematic character. Therefore, the TAC should better be introduced by systematic and scientific approaches, paying more attention to strengthening the existing fisheries system, but not immediately and in the form it is right now. Concluding, introduction of the TAC can not be made considering the outward factors deriving from the UN Law of the Sea without corrections. To overcome limitations and ineffectiveness of traditional fisheries, most efforts should be concentrated on basic revision of 21st centuries' fisheries and strengthening the functions of traditional fisheries aimed to develop the leading business of marine industries.

      • 沿岸海域 및 沿岸域 水質汚染 防止를 위한 美國 CWA의 下·廢水 營理體系에 관한 硏究

        이상고 釜慶大學校 1996 釜慶大學校 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        The Clean Water Act(CWA) of 1972 provided the basic framework for Federal and State programs to regulate point non-point sources of pollution. Although revised by amendments in 1977, 1981 and 1987, the basic framework embodied in the original CWA and management programs relevant to the control of discharges in estuaries and coastal water body fall under CWA. The two major pollutant control programs authorized by CWA are the National Discharge Elimination Systems(NPDES) and the national Pretreatment Program(NPP). The NPDES is one of the centerpieces of the CWA's water pollution control program. Under the NPDES, all point sources of wastewater must obtain a permit which regulate the discharge of pollutants into a river estuaries and coastal water body. The NPP is a cooperative Federal, States, and local effort to implement the practice of pretreating industrial wastwater to reduce the discharges of harmful pollutants. These two programs, NPDES and NPP establish effluent guidelines and other requirements to regulate the discharge of certain pollutants from municipal and industrial facilities. In the 25 years since the creation of Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) these two programs have made significant progress in restoring and maintaining estuaries and coastal water body and have achieved significant results in accomplishing the program goals. A high rate of estuaries and coastal water body were found to attain the basic goals of the CWA that the Nation's water body must be clean enough to support fishing and swimming. Results of this survey of NPDES and NPP program evluation in Rhode Island and Texas as follows. 1) The NPP program of NBC in Rhode Island has been bery effective at ensuring that toxic are not discharged into the NBC sewer system. In 1981, local industries discharged 954,099 pounds of heavy metals and 80,440 pounds of cyanide to the sewer system. The data for 1995 indicates that significant reductions in metals (93.5%) and cyanide (88.6%) loadings to the sewer system have been achieved since that time. During 1995 alone, total metals loadings to the sewer system were reduced by 20.6%. 2) In the mid-1960s and early 1970s point sources pollution from industrial and municipal discharges had virtually wiped out all aquatic life in the Galveston Bay Texas. With CWA, Texas was required to develop programs to control point sources pollution from industrial and municipal discharges under NPDES and NPP programs, which optimistically put forth the goal of pollution elimination by 1984. Since the initiation of NPDES and NPP point source controls, ove $1.1 billion have been spent on water and wastewater facilities in the region surrounding Galveston Bay. The results of actions by NPDES and NPP programs in Texas is a countinuing success story. By 1990, less than 19,000 pounds per day of BOD were being discharged, a shopping 95% reduction from mid-1960s level in the Galveston Bay waters.

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